I thought as much translate Portuguese
291 parallel translation
You see, we were attending a medical convention in Paris. And I thought as much as as we were in Europe, I'd come down and see Morocco again.
Fomos a uma Convenção Médica em Paris e, já que estávamos na Europa, lembrei-me de vir de novo até Marrocos.
I thought as much from the sounds you were making.
Imaginei que fosse pelos sons que fazias.
I thought as much.
Eu pensei isso mesmo!
I thought as much! If you'd bothered to glance at this morning's you'd have seen they carry the story on the front page
Se te tivesse preocupado de jogar Uma olhada aos desta manhã... teria comprovado que publicam a notícia em primeira página.
I thought as much.
- Eu bem que desconfiava.
- I thought as much.
- Já mo têm dito, é uma bela mulher. - Isso pressente-se.
Yes, I thought as much.
Bem me parecia.
I thought as much.
Já temia!
Yes, I thought as much.
Já calculava.
I thought as much.
Bem me parecia.
I thought as much.
O que eu pensava.
I thought as much.
Também me pareceu.
Ah, I thought as much.
- Foi o que pensei.
I thought as much.
Pensei nisso.
I thought as much.
Assim pensei.
I thought as much.
Foi o que pensei.
Well, I thought as much,'cause lf you spent any time on a farm... you'd know that when a lady like Bessie here wants to give milk... [laughing] she gives milk.
Bem me pareceu. Se tivesse estado numa quinta, saberia que quando uma senhora como aqui a Bessie quer dar leite, dá mesmo.
I thought as much.
Também achei.
I thought as much.
Já suspeitava, Watson...
I thought as much. You don't remember anything.
Suponho que não recorda nada, já vejo.
Just as I thought, smoking too much.
Tal como pensava, fuma demasiado.
Well, I only came down this morning to tell you that you can look for a new assistant. I thought as much.
Foi o que pensei.
I don't resent your not paying me for the past two months... but the thought that I should split my bank account with you... that you should take half of my life's savings... that is really too much for me, sir.
Não lhe levo a mal não me pagar há dois meses, mas a ideia de dividir a minha conta bancária consigo, de dividir as minhas poupanças, é demais para mim.
I thought we could bet as much as we wanted.
Pensei que pudesse apostar quanto quisesse.
Danke, Fraulein. I had thought that no-one could smoke so much as a German officer.
Pensei que ninguém fumasse mais que um oficial alemão.
The car doesn't book for as much as I thought. - We're not selling the car.
O carro não vale tanto quanto eu pensava.
Somehow it didn't mean as much as I thought it would.
De alguma forma, não me importei tanto como eu pensava.
I have had much time for thought as I lay alone in my stall.
Tive muito tempo para pensar enquando ficava deitado, sózinho no meu cubículo.
No. not nearly as much as I thought it would be.
Não tanto como achei que seria.
I thought the world hated bullies as much as I did.
Era um insensato. Matei um.
I've always thought as much. A little Napoleon.
Sempre pensei que ela tinha algo de Napoleão.
I guess I didn't know as much as I thought I did.
Acho que não sabia tanto quanto pensava.
I thought about it this morning. I walked to the stables as briskly as ever and arrived much later than I expected to.
Dirigi-me aos estábulos como sempre e acabei de chegar mais tarde do que esperava.
I thought I knew her as much as you can know...
Pensei que a conhecia tanto quanto possível...
You don't value your return to Earth as much as I thought.
O vosso regresso à Terra não é tão importante quanto eu pensava.
I thought if I reached out to our class, they'd wanna be here as much as I wanted them to, but...
Pensei que se convidasse a nossa turma, eles quereriam estar aqui tanto como eu, mas...
I don't think we're gonna have as much support as we thought, Jack.
Acho que não vamos ter o apoio que queremos, Jack.
Oh, I thought as much.
- Foi o que calculei.
I thought as much.
Posso perguntar a origem?
- I thought as much.
Eu sei.
I thought as a present I'd play you some of that appalling music you Iike so much.
Como presente, achei que gostarias que eu tocasse alguma dessa música horrível que tu ouves tanto.
I thought as much.
E pronto...
I thought it was being inside... the woman that I love and giving her as much pleasure... as she was giving to me.
Pensava estar dentro da mulher que eu amo, dando-lhe a ela tanto prazer quanto ela me estava a dar a mim.
- Boy, this isn't as much fun as I thought it was gonna be.
- Cara, não é tão divertido como pensei que seria.
Hold it. Maybe this girl doesn't mean as much to you as I thought.
Talvez a rapariga não seja tão importante como julguei.
I thought you wanted to prove thatJulian was haunting this house as much as I did.
Achei que queria provar que Julian ronda esta casa tanto quanto eu.
- It wasn't as much fun as I thought.
- Não foi muito divertido.
I thought it was a perfectly terrible game. I couldn't imagine anyone getting taken up with that. But Stephen always had a very complicated mind... and I felt as much as anything... it was the complication of it that appealed to him.
Achava aquele jogo horrível, não imaginava ninguém ficar entusiasmado por aquilo, mas o Stephen sempre teve uma mente complicada e eu pensava que era a complexidade do jogo que o cativava.
I heard so much about the ceremonies, I thought I had to come see them for myself.
Eu ouvi tanto sobre as cerimónias, eu pensei em vê-las por mim mesma.
Mr. Stone, I don't much fancy the thought of the police searching my home because a suspected felon may give out keys and a say-so.
Não me agrada a ideia de a polícia revistar a minha casa porque um suspeito deu as chaves e permissão.
I never gave much thought to what it meant, I thought it was some shit to say before I popped a cap in a guy's ass,
Nunca pensei muito no significado dela, achava-as palavras apropriadas para dizer antes de mandar um sacana para os anjinhos.
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought 2845
i thought you loved me 27
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought 2845
i thought you loved me 27
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44