I told you why translate Portuguese
652 parallel translation
I told you why, didn't I?
Disse-lhe por quê, não disse?
- I told you why last night.
- Já te disse ontem.
I told you why I can't.
Já lhe disse que não posso.
I told you why I want you back in there and you're going to stay there with that cage locked when I'm not here.
Eu já te expliquei porque te quero aqui e vais ficar aqui, e manter a cela fechada quando eu não estiver cá.
Well, I told you why!
- Já lhes disse o porquê.
♪ Why haven't I told you?
♪ Why haven't I told you?
I've told you why I came.
Ja lhe disse por qué vim.
Why, everything I told you can be found in the simplest anatomy book.
Está em qualquer livro de anatomia.
Why didn't you listen to me when I told you to leave?
- Porque não me ouviste?
- You know why I did that. To get even with my ex-bride. You told me yourself.
- Mas sabe porquê, para me vingar da minha ex-mulher, como você disse.
Why won't you stay downtown and have dinner with me? I told you.
Por que não ficas na baixa, e jantas comigo?
I know why she came, she told me, but why did you?
Sei por que ela veio, disse-me, mas por que veio o senhor?
Why did your friends look so frightened and so gleeful when hollenius came in? Well, i just told you, i was part of his life.
Não pareciam assustados teus amigos quando chegou Hollenius?
Now I know why I drew back when you told me the angle.
Sei porque me retraí quando falaste na tua ideia.
Why didn't you come in today like I told you?
Por que não vieste hoje, como te disse?
Why, I told'em you was working for me.
Disse-lhes que trabalhavam para mim.
Molly you know why I told them that, don't you?
Molly sabe por que lhes disse aquilo, não sabe?
Why, I told you, I hardly know him, milady.
Por que pergunta? Eu mal o conheço, milady.
Maybe you went to Chattez and told him I'd gone out, that's why Toriano was waiting.
Talvez você procurou Chattez e lhe contou que eu tinha saído, por isso que Toriano estava me esperando.
Ogata, if Emiko told you everything about my device, you should know why I cannot let you use it!
Ogata, se Emiko te disse tudo sobre o meu dispositivo, entendes porque é que eu não posso te deixar usá-lo!
I told him why you did it, what it was that made both of us the way we were.
Expliquei-lhe por que o fizeste, o que fez de nós aquilo que somos.
Why should I... we know how you feel about her. You've told us so often... that you hate little old ladies.
Sabemos o que pensa dela, disse várias vezes que detesta velhinhas.
That's why I told you not to take this trip.
Por isso te disse para não fazeres esta viagem.
Eu não consigo fazer isso novamente, estou morto.
What would you say if I told you that I knew why you were leaving school?
O que você diria se eu lhe contasse que eu sabia por que você estava deixando a escola?
Don't you understand English? Why do you see Maggie when I told you...
Por que sais com a Maggie quando eu te disse...?
That's why I told you she was my sister.
Por isso, disse que era minha irmã.
Why, I told you I was going!
Mas Ihe disse que iria!
I can well understand why you haven't told me this before.
Eu percebo porque é que não me disse isso antes.
You still haven't told me why there's a bullet missing. But I'II find that out too.
Nunca me disseste poque falta uma bala, doc, mas verei porquê.
Do you know why I told him yes?
Sabes por que lhe disse que sim?
Why don't you do as I told you?
Por que não fazes o que digo?
I don't know who told you to say this, or why.
Não sei quem lhe disse para contar isso, ou por quê.
Deshpande told me a lot about you, and that's why I had the courage to put forward this proposal. Just one thing, Dharamji.
O Deshpande falou-me muito de si, e por isso arranjei coragem para fazer-lhe esta proposta.
You see why I told you it would be best to forget me?
Entende por que disse que era melhor me esquecer?
I was told immediately, "You can't do this." So I said, "l don't know why not." They said, "Nobody's ever done it."
Disseram-me logo que não iam conseguir e eu disse que não sabia porquê.
I've told you why.
Já lhe disse o motivo.
Why the carriage? Mother, if I told you and if Father found out, he would be very angry.
Mãe, se lhe dissesse isso... e se meu pai ficasse sabendo...
Do you know why I told you to knock down the beer house?
Sabes porque lhes dizes para destruirem a cervejaria?
Why, Rhett, how many times have I told you to wash up after weekly cross-burning?
Rhett, quantas vezes te disse para te lavares... depois de queimar cruzes?
And that's why I've told you everything.
E é por isso que eu te contei tudo.
Moretti told me that you were all drugged up so I figured that's why you didn't want to talk.
Moretti me disse que você estava dopado e achei que por isso não queria falar comigo.
I'd like to know why none of the guys never told me that you, Miss Ratched, and the doctors could keep me here till you're good and ready to turn me loose.
Queria saber porque é que ninguém me disse que você,... Miss Ratched,... e os médicos podiam manter-me aqui até vos apetecer libertar-me.
That's why I've told you not to drink.
I was told to find out why you were winning so much at Ten-and-Eleven :
Pediram-me para verificar porque ganhava tanto no "dez e onze".
I told you why.
- Já Ihe expliquei.
I should have told you why I left you.
Eu devia ter-te dito porque te deixei.
" Jean... This morning I almost told you why I left you.
" Jean... esta manhã quase te disse porque te deixei.
I don't know why he told you what he did.
Não sei por que lhe disse o que fez.
- I told you... - Why?
- Eu já lhe disse...
I told you that we're through anyway... so why don't you just split and leave me alone, OK?
Já te disse que terminámos... então porque não sais e deixas-me sozinho?
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you before 196
i told you everything i know 35
i told you to go 23
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you to shut up 41
i told you i would 20
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you before 196
i told you everything i know 35
i told you to go 23
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you to shut up 41
i told you i would 20
i told you already 105
i told you no 25
i told you about it 24
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you everything 52
i told you the truth 55
i told you to wait 32
i told you guys 40
i told you no 25
i told you about it 24
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you everything 52
i told you the truth 55
i told you to wait 32
i told you guys 40