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Like you were translate Portuguese

6,889 parallel translation
I'm sorry. It sounded like you were done. Sorry.
Pensei que já tinhas acabado.
I mean, you sound like you were pretty adamant about it, and why...
Quer dizer, isso soa como se você fosse bastante inflexível sobre isso, e porque...
You know, they really paint a picture like you were somehow actually there when somebody was being brutally murdered.
Realmente descreves como se estivesses lá de verdade, quando alguém foi assassinado.
I mean, it's not like you were married and having...
Quero dizer, eras...
Looked like you were having a great time.
Parecia que estavas a divertir.
Almost like you were expecting some sudden change of fortune.
Quase como se estivesse a espera de uma mudança de sorte repentina.
They made it sound like you were dangerous.
Fizeram com que parecesse uma pessoa perigosa.
Just like you were saying in class, all it takes is one mistake.
Tal como estava a dizer na sala de aula, só é preciso um erro.
It's like you were born for it or something.
É como se tivesses nascido para isso.
It was kind of like when you killed off Derrick Storm'cause you were bored.
É como quando mataste o Derrick Storm porque estavas entediado.
I mean, I tell you, if someone would just find me one of those machines, I swear we would all be eating like we were on a tour of Tuscany.
Se alguém me arranjasse uma daquelas máquinas, juro que comíamos todos, como numa viagem à Toscana.
Like she's been had, like the soldiers were planning this all along, but... to be honest with you,
Como ela é, como os soldados planearam isso, mas... para ser honesta, acho que é um sentimento de culpa.
You were like a dog with an ice cream cone, and I loved it, but screaming "that's how Schmidty do" was not ideal.
Parecias um cão com um cone de gelado, e eu adorei, mas gritar "é assim que o Schmidty faz" não é o ideal.
No offense, Principal Brown, but you were a teaching major. I'd like to check the GPAs myself.
Sem ofensa, Diretor, é professor mas quero verificar as notas.
What would it sound like if you were drunk?
Como seria se estivesses bêbada?
I went to an AA meeting once, and after I stood up and shared about you, people came up to me, hardcore addicts, and they were like, "Wow, man, no wonder you use."
Fui a uma reunião dos Alcoólicos Anónimos, e depois de me levantar e ter falado de ti, as pessoas vieram ter comigo. Viciados incondicionais disseram-me : "Meu, é normal que tu uses".
You were like this when you met Shirley Bassey.
Estava assim quando conheceu a Shirley Bassey.
That would mean, okay, that your decisions, like giving me a power of attorney... if you were incompetent at the time, so that it's not good.
Isso significaria, certo, que as tuas decisões, como dar-me o poder de escolher advogado... se eras incompetente nessa altura, então isso não é bom.
Like you never had a beer before you were 21.
Como se nunca tivesses bebido cerveja antes dos 21 anos.
Looks like you're not as tough as you thought you were.
Parece que não é tão durona como pensava que era.
And I was thinking, if I were Sand Demon and I were attacking a speedster on two fronts, I would probably want to slow you down, like, by using a concussive bomb - or something like that.
E, estava a pensar, se eu fosse o Sand Demon a atacar em duas frentes, eu ia querer desacelerar-te usando uma bomba de choque, ou uma coisa assim.
It seems like you came home because you thought you were in trouble.
Parece que vieste para casa por achares que estavas em apuros.
Like the one you were playing with me.
Como aquele que estavas a jogar comigo.
It seems like he asked how you were, and then you were finished.
Parece que te perguntou como corriam as coisas e que tu terminaste por ali.
Even when you were a child, you were... brilliant like him and curious and determined.
Mesmo quando eras uma crianças, eras... brilhante como ele, e curioso e determinado.
Like you might if you were in the business of manufacturing illicit narcotics.
Como se estivesse no negócio de fabricar narcóticos ilícitos.
Like the doctor said to your mother when you were born, tough break.
Como o médico disse à tua mãe quando tu nasceste, que azar.
You were supposed to make it look like...
Devia parecer um...
Like, you were on tour, you were on TV. I used to turn it on at college and get all my friends around the TV.
Andavas em digressão aparecias na TV, ligava-a na universidade e chamava todos os meus amigos para ver.
Did you ever do anything, like, you're really embarrassed about when you were on pills?
Alguma vez fizeste alguma coisa, em que te embaraçaste de fazer quando estavas medicado?
When we were young, did you ever think that any of your kids would grow up and have a drug problem or become a drug addict like Mike and I did?
Quando éramos novos, alguma vez pensaste que algum de nós cresceria e teria um problema com drogas e tornar-se um drogado, como eu e o Mike nos tornámos?
- Henry. Yeah, like hell you were just talking.
Pois, acredito mesmo que estiveram só a falar.
I feel the way I reacted to, which made sense at the time, was, you know, my parents were like,
Sinto que a forma como eu reagi, que fez sentido para mim naquela altura, era, bem, os meus pais diziam
You know, there were like six people in here who liked it, so that's, you know, that's my demographic for the crackers joke.
Seis pessoas aqui presentes gostaram dela. É a minha percentagem na piada das bolachas.
Imagine if they were shaped like babies. Those guys would look like such heroes, like throwing and catching the baby and protecting it, you know?
Aqueles tipos iam parecer uns heróis, a atirar e a apanhar o bebé e a protegê-lo.
You were together for what felt like a year.
Estivemos juntos pelo que pareceu um ano.
You were together for what felt like a year.
Estiveram juntos pelo que parece um ano.
'Cause seeing you like this, the reporter in me really has to ask, was it really friendly fire that killed them, or were you just having a really bad day?
Porque ver-te assim, a repórter em mim... Têm realmente de perguntar... Foi realmente fogo inimigo que os matou...
What the hell were you thinking, sneaking off like that?
Mas que diabos estavas a pensar, escapar assim?
It's not like I thought we were all boo'd up, you know.
Não pensei que fôssemos um casal.
The police will believe you've been to her apartment just like they'll believe Abby discovered you were embezzling from your firm and was gonna blackmail you unless you pay her to keep quiet.
A Polícia irá acreditar que esteve no apartamento dela, tal como acreditarão que a Abby descobriu que estava a desviar dinheiro da sua própria empresa e ia chantageá-lo, a menos que lhe pagasse para se manter calada.
Look, I'm sorry to be in and out like this. I have to be in Houston by 4 : 00, but when I heard that you were coming in, I just had to come over and introduce myself personally.
Desculpem ter de ir já embora, tenho de estar em Houston às 16h, mas quando soube que vinha cá, quis vir cá apresentar-me pessoalmente.
I know your daughter is missing and that's terrible, I'm sorry, but you were like this before that.
Sei que a sua filha anda desaparecida e isso é horrível, lamento, mas o John já era assim antes disso.
I know... I know I should have told you sooner when it started like we promised each other, but I was scared you were gonna run. And you did.
Sei que te devia ter contado mais cedo, quando começou, como prometemos um ao outro, nas fiquei com medo que me deixasses e fizeste-o.
You were right. I ruined a relationship with someone who was like a son to me.
Arruinei uma relação com alguém que era como um filho para mim.
Last time you were here, and I wanted to be like you, exactly the same.
A última vez que esteve aqui queria ser exactamente como você.
What if I were to tell you I could make you a dyad like me?
E se lhe dissesse que podia torná-lo num díade como eu?
You were friends with Alex ; maybe you didn't like the idea of losing him.
Você era amigo do Alex, não gostou da ideia de perdê-lo.
- I bet you were all like, "You're making my dong go crazy!"
Aposto que foi "dás com a minha ferramenta em doida".
That... she said to tell her if you were acting strange or, you know, like the job was taking a toll on you or something.
Para lhe dizerem a ela se te portasses de forma estranha. Como se o emprego estivesse a consumir-te ou isso.
Just like I promised when you were in my prison.
Tal como te prometi quando estavas na minha prisão.

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