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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ P ] / Perhaps you

Perhaps you translate Portuguese

9,498 parallel translation
Perhaps you'd like to make a bid.
Talvez devesse licitar.
Perhaps you chose to share a little of this secret information, with the prosecutor named Sophie Baines?
Talvez tenha decidido partilhar um pouco dessa informação secreta, com a promotora chamada Sophie Baines?
Perhaps you didn't hear me.
Talvez não me tenha ouvido.
Perhaps you can help me with a purchase of my own.
Talvez me possas ajudar com uma compra.
Splendid. Perhaps you could put me in touch with him.
Ótimo, talvez nos possas colocar em contacto.
- Then perhaps you should talk to her.
Então talvez seja melhor falares tu com ela. E porquê?
But perhaps you'd rather have that than half a million?
Mas quem sabe se não ia preferir, em vez disso, meio milhão?
Perhaps you'd like to read the highlighted part out loud.
Talvez queiras ler a parte sublinhada em voz alta.
Well, you perhaps you hadn't noticed, but I'm a deckhand, not a soldier.
Talvez não tenhas notado, mas sou um marujo, não um soldado.
So I thought perhaps you could tame my Elizabeth.
E pensei que talvez conseguisse domar a minha Elizabeth.
Perhaps you'll have a better sense once you've spoken with Roger Hobbs.
Talvez tenhas uma melhor noção, assim que falares com o Roger Hobbs.
Louise. Perhaps you're right.
Louise... talvez tenhas razão.
Perhaps your companions gave you the wrong address.
Talvez seus amigos deram o endereço errado.
Perhaps your servant should draw you a relaxing bath.
Talvez a vossa serva vos deva preparar um banho relaxante.
Well, perhaps you're selling the information for a price.
Talvez esteja a vender as informações por um preço.
Perhaps you should wait.
Deves esperar.
After dinner, perhaps you will join me for a drink.
Depois do jantar, junta-se a mim para uma bebida?
Perhaps you should build a statue in her honor.
Talvez devesses construir uma estátua em honra dela.
And as perhaps you heard, I'm kind of fried.
E talvez como já deve saber, estou um pouco "frita".
Perhaps you never will.
Talvez nunca vá acreditar.
Perhaps you could meet him halfway.
Entretanto, pode ser que o conheças melhor.
Perhaps you could tell me a little more about the job, Mr...
Talvez me possa dizer mais sobre o trabalho, senhor...
- Perhaps you should have, Mr Carson.
Talvez devesse ter, Sr. Carson.
Perhaps you'd be willing to pretend a little longer?
Será que deseja continuar a fingir um pouco mais?
Robert, perhaps you can help me with a book I'm reading.
Robert, talvez me possa ajudar com um livro que estou a ler.
Perhaps you're going to have to help her.
Talvez seja melhor tu ires ajudá-la.
Since those agents are tragically no longer with us I was thinking perhaps you might become an asset for me.
Uma vez que aqueles agentes já não estão entre nós, pensei que talvez pudesse tornar-se num dos meus ativos.
Perhaps until we know you better you would do best to mind your own affairs.
Enquanto não te conhecermos melhor é melhor meteres-te na tua vida.
Now, perhaps she got a look at the ghastly shell game that you're playing, and you decided to kill the witness.
Talvez ela tenha visto o que realmente fazem, e decidiram matar a testemunha.
I was thinking perhaps a stabilizer, very much like the one that you used to bind your D.N.A. to the virus.
Pensei, talvez, num estabilizador, muito parecido com aquele que utilizou para ligar o seu DNA ao vírus.
Perhaps you were right.
Talvez tivesse razão.
Perhaps that's what you deserve.
Talvez seja isso que mereças.
Perhaps I was delusional for believing that you might exercise restraint or possibly even reconsider taking Condé into your bed.
Talvez tenha sido um idiota ao acreditar que tu conseguias controlar-te, ou, talvez, até reconsiderar levares o Condé para a tua cama.
Perhaps because you've silenced
Porque sempre silenciaste
Perhaps there are others who meet these criteria, but given what you witnessed in Africa, you are exactly what I need.
Talvez existam outras pessoas que também possuem as suas competências, mas, dado aquilo que presenciou em África, você é, exactamente, aquilo que precisamos.
Come back tomorrow. Perhaps we'll have a more definitive answer for you
Talvez tenhamos uma resposta mais definitiva,
Uh, if you catch Hartley, perhaps we could have a word with him?
Se capturarem o Hartley, talvez... possamos dar-lhe uma palavrinha?
Perhaps I could take you for a walk in the moonlight?
Podia levar-te a passear ao luar.
Yes, perhaps you'd like to field this one, Limpy?
- Talvez possas podar este, Limpy?
Yeah. Perhaps someday he'll tell you about it.
Sim... talvez um dia ele fale sobre isso.
Once you return victorious, perhaps we'll both have a change in status. Leith.
Assim que regressardes vitorioso, talvez tenhamos ambos uma mudança de estatuto.
Perhaps what happened to you at the hands of the Resistance is affecting you more than you care to admit.
Talvez o que te tenha acontecido às mãos da resistência esteja a afectar-te mais do que desejas admitir.
Or perhaps the nostalgic fuzzies that you hear me spouting about my own upbringing?
Ou talvez os discursos nostálgicos que ouves dizer-me sobre como fui educado?
Perhaps we could go for you.
Talvez possamos ir por si?
So you're saying my phone might ring at any minute, telling me this guy works for our government? Perhaps.
Está a dizer que o meu telefone pode tocar a qualquer momento, a dizer que ele trabalha para o nosso governo?
I thought perhaps he'd retained a keepsake- - some schematics, some leverage to hold over you should the need arise.
Pensei que talvez contivesse uma recordação, um esquema, algo para usar contra si caso necessário.
If you're wounded in the head, perhaps.
Se tiver batido com a cabeça, talvez.
Perhaps, in time, you'll get over yourself. I don't really care.
Talvez, com o tempo, tu... consigas superar isto.
Perhaps, but is what you're offering worth the risk?
Talvez, mas o que está a oferecer vale o risco?
Perhaps if I played you a selection from the New Orleans Rhythm Kings.
Talvez se eu tocasse uma selecção - dos New Orleans Rhythm Kings.
And given how close you were, perhaps Matthias told you too. His friend.
E como são tão próximos, talvez o Matthias tenha contado a si também, ao amigo dele.

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