Thanks for that translate Portuguese
1,276 parallel translation
- Thanks for that, buddy.
! - Obrigado, meu.
Thanks for that "everyone's a murderer" speech.
Obrigado por aquela conversa "são todos assassinos".
Oh, hey, thanks for that massage.
Obrigada pela massagem.
And thanks for that, by the way. But you ended up at the diner anyway, because that's how fate wanted it.
Mas acabou no restaurante na mesma, porque era o destino.
Thanks for that.
Obrigada por isso.
Thanks for that, danny.
- Obrigado por isso, Danny.
Thanks for that image which will stay in my brain for the rest of my life.
Obrigada pela imagem que ficará para sempre na minha memória.
Thanks for that.
And thanks for that check.
E, obrigado por aquele cheque.
We give thanks for that gift, namaste.
- Sim. - Ele respondeu a todas as perguntas?
Thanks for putting that out in the universe.
Obrigadinha pela força.
Hey, thanks for helping me out on that.
Obrigado por me ajudares.
- Thanks for doing that.
Thanks for doing that.
And thanks for showing my brother that girls can be cool.
E obrigada por mostrares ao meu irmão que as raparigas podem ser fixes.
Thanks for stopping by, that's great news
Obrigado por ter vindo, são excelentes notícias.
And, Jack, thanks for pointing that out.
Jack, obrigado por teres reparado. Obrigado.
That's what I figured you'd say, Mike, but thanks for checking.
Foi o que calculei que dissesses, mas obrigado por confirmares.
Thanks, C.J., for whatever part you played in that.
Obrigado, C.J., qualquer que tenha sido o teu papel.
White Buffalo Woman brought us the sacred ceremonies so that we could ask for help in our troubles and give thanks for the gifts from Wakan Tanka,
A mulher de White Buffalo trouxe-nos as sagradas cerimónias para que pudessemos pedir ajuda para os nossos problemas, e agradecer pelos presentes de Wakan Tanka.
I'll see that England thanks you generosly for everything.
Farei com que a Inglaterra... lhe retribua com grandeza o que você fez com tanta generosidade.
Actually, Grace did not see so much of the glow she had hoped for The glow that could have convinced her that no one would end up like the little pale yellow canary These were human beings but of the kind on whom pain had been inflicted, Grace thought as she was suddenly interrupted by a strangely exotic accent when we were slaves we were not required to offer thanks for our supper
na verdade Grace não viu muita alegria que esperava ver uma certeza que nenhum daqueles ali iriam acabar como seu canário estes são seres humanos, mas algo ficou no pensamento de Grace mas foi interrompida por um exótico sotaque quando éramos escravos
- Thanks for doing that.
- Obrigado por fazer isso.
The Commercial Council of Magrathea thanks you for your visit, but regrets that the entire planet is temporarily closed.
O Conselho Comercial de Magrathea agradece-lhes a vossa visita, mas lamenta que o planeta esteja fechado.
Oh Lord God, for the blessing of this generous meal that Thou has placed before us, we give thanks.
Oh, Senhor Deus. Por essa refeição generosa e abundante que o Senhor nos deu,... agradecemos.
thanks for paying for it. Appreciate that.
E agradeço-te imenso teres pago.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Obrigado por o trazeres.
Thanks for that. And here we are. Come on, crowd.
E aqui estamos, vamos classe... e mais uma vez em posição, ela vai no canto
Thanks, no, I'm not lookin for that joint.
- Não estou à procura disso.
I was a shoo-in for that school, but now it's all over, thanks to a grade
Eu era maravilhosa para aquela escola, mas agora acabou tudo, graças a uma nota...
You're so clumsy. That's the thanks I get for blowing my knee out in Korea making the world safe for your mother.
Disseste-me que caíste da marquesa de uma massagista em Tóquio.
- Let me get that door for you. - Thanks again.
Fazem uns bons tamales.
Tell her that I said thanks for this.
Diz-lhe que eu agradeço por isto.
Thanks for saying that, but asking him to go back to the thing that was the cause of so many problems...
Obrigado por dizeres isso, mas pedir-lhe para voltar para aquilo que foi a causa de tantos problemas...
Thanks for correcting me, that's how I learn.
Obrigado pela correcção, é assim que aprendo.
Thanks for healing that up.
Obrigado por curares isso! Foi óptimo. Ajudaste imenso.
Well, thanks for sharing that with us, Mr. Bowers, but we have to investigate just the same.
Bem, obrigado por partilhar isso connosco, Sr. Bowers, mas temos de investigar na mesma.
I'll try to remember that for next time, thanks for the tip.
Vou tentar lembrar-me disso para a próxima, agradeço a dica.
- Dr. Barnett, that lady's asking for you. - Thanks.
- Dr. Barnett, a doente da lasca chama-o.
- Thanks. I still have a thing for that uniform, though.
Mas continuo a ter um fraco pelo uniforme, percebes?
Thanks for reminding me of the most embarrassing moment of my life. - Until right now, that is.
- Sim, obrigada por me lembrares o momento mais embaraçoso da minha vida, até agora, claro.
- Thanks for coming over and sharing that.
- Obrigado por teres vindo.
Thanks for letting me know that she's here, but we need to go.
Obrigada, por ter-me dito que ela estava aqui, mas temos de ir.
- Thanks for making that up.
- Obrigada por inventares isso.
Anyway, thanks for getting me out of that meeting.
De qualquer forma, obrigado por me deixares de fora deste encontro.
Well, thanks for clearing that up.
Obrigada pelo esclarecimento.
Thanks, dear, that's all for now.
Obrigada, querido, é tudo por agora.
Hey, thanks for placing that bet today.
Lhe agradeça fazer aquela aposta hoje.
/ thanks for the... Look at that.
- Obrigado pelo... olha para isto.
Thanks for catching that.
Obrigado por mo dizer.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Obrigada por teres esclarecido isso.
thanks for letting me know 59
thanks for the heads up 54
thanks for playing 28
thanks for nothing 103
thanks for coming 1274
thanks for the tip 148
thanks for asking 294
thanks for the ride 236
thanks for the lift 100
thanks for having me 86
thanks for the heads up 54
thanks for playing 28
thanks for nothing 103
thanks for coming 1274
thanks for the tip 148
thanks for asking 294
thanks for the ride 236
thanks for the lift 100
thanks for having me 86