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The curtains translate Portuguese

642 parallel translation
Going halves on the mantelpiece and the bedside table and taking it in turns to open the curtains and turn the light off.
Dividindo a lareira e a mesa de apoio e abrindo as cortinas, e apagado a luz, à vez.
It took us a week to get the smoke out of the curtains.
Demoramos uma semana em tirar o cheiro de fumo dos cortinados.
You've driven me near madness with your peering through the keyholes and gaping through the curtains.
Mas quase me levaram à loucura espreitando pelas fechaduras, embasbacados ali à janela.
- You like the curtains?
- Gostas das cortinas?
I'll close the curtains, madam, so the lightning won't bother him.
Vou fechar as cortinas, para os relâmpagos não o incomodarem.
Soon as I get the curtains up it'll be all right.
Assim que eu abrir as cortinas isso passa.
Yes, thank you, sir. We had a lot of trouble with the curtains, but they're working now.
Tivemos um problema com a cortina, mas já está resolvido.
All right, open the curtains.
Muito bem, abram as cortinas.
There were eyes painted on the curtains around the walls.
Havia olhos pintados nas cortinas que faziam de parede.
Joseph come with me. I'll pick out the curtains you are to hang.
Joseph, vem comigo, vou escolher as cortinas que vais colocar
I stay at Jane's and come down here and walk through the house, poke the curtains a bit.
Fico com a Jane e venho cá, ando pela casa, mexo nas cortinas.
Before you dust, take down the curtains and pack them in there.
Antes de limpar, tire as cortinas e guarde-as ali.
Open the curtains and let some daylight in.
Vou abrir as cortinas para deixar entrar luz do dia.
Pity we couldn't have done it with the curtains open in the bright sunlight.
Foi pena não ter sido feito com a luz do sol a entrar.
We'd... better draw the curtains.
É melhor corrermos as cortinas.
The curtains.
As cortinas.
The curtains, Jonnie.
As cortinas, Jonnie.
Draw the curtains.
Fecha as cortinas.
Close the curtains before you undress any further.
Feche as cortinas antes de se despir.
Close the curtains first.
Primeiro, feche as cortinas.
With the curtains flappin'And the driver slappin'the reins
Com as cortinas esvoaçando e o condutor sacudindo as rédeas
Or hang up the curtains.
Ou pendurar as cortinas.
Go straight to the window... and hide behind the curtains.
Vá directo à janela... e esconda-se atrás das cortinas.
You saw the light under the door and hid behind the curtains.
Você viu a luz sob a porta e escondeu-se atrás das cortinas.
- The curtains were drawn?
- As cortinas estavam corridas?
I always lock up when I draw the curtains.
Tranco-a sempre, quando corro as cortinas.
Close the curtains.
Fecha as cortinas.
Let them eat the curtains.
Elas que comam as cortinas.
I make my speech to the press, the curtains will open and you dazzle'em!
Eu faço o discurso á imprensa, as cortinas abrem-se e tu deslumbra-los!
- First of all, let's close the curtains.
Tudo o que quiseres, Marcello. Antes de mais...
Don't worry about the curtains.
Não te preocupes com as cortinas.
Close the curtains, please.
Fecha as cortinas, por favor.
Will you open the curtains, please?
Podes abrir as cortinas, por favor?
When will you call your friend about the curtains?
Quando telefonas ao teu amigo por causa dos cortinados?
- Why did you draw the curtains?
- Por que correste as cortinas?
Draw the curtains.
Baixe os cortinados.
Close the curtains, quick!
Fecha as cortinas, depressa.
But if we let her loose, Barbara will be coming down the aisle in a pair of curtains and a pelmet.
Mas se a deixarmos à solta, a Barbara irá descer a nave da Igreja num par de cortinas, e uma sanefa.
I'd hang lighter curtains, and I'd move that sofa out in the middle.
Eu pendurava cortinados mais claros, e colocava o sofá no meio da sala.
I wanted to have flowers around and fresh curtains in the kitchen.
Queria ter flores e cortinas lavadas na cozinha.
That's my house over there, with the pink curtains.
Aquela é a minha casa, com as cortinas cor-de-rosa.
No, no, please don't draw the curtains.
Não feche as cortinas, por favor.
Take me to the lady with the sewing machine who made my curtains.
Leve-me à senhora... que tem a máquina de costura, que me fez as cortinas.
I made the lampshades and curtains.
Eu fiz os abajures e as cortinas.
When I picked up the phone... he must have come from behind those curtains and attacked me.
Quando atendi o telefone, ele deve ter vindo de trás daquelas cortinas e atacou-me.
He hid behind the curtains.
E escondeu-se atrás das cortinas.
And it's curtains for the Tramp.
E é o fim do Vagabundo!
Well, we can put the piano there, in that corner. And Josephine's bed here. With the little nice curtains.
Bem... podemos colocar o piano naquele canto... e a cama... de Joséphine aqui, com umas belas cortinas.
Outside the formal curtains emblazoned with that crest stood five horses -
Nas cortinas formais brasonadas com aquela crista estavam cinco cavalos
Wait till you see the pretty curtains I ordered!
Espera até veres as cortinas que eu comprei!
You want the window curtains too?
Queres também os cortinados das janelas?

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