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They didn't say translate Portuguese

720 parallel translation
They didn't say. Of course not. It's perfectly all right here.
Claro que não, aqui não há inconveniente.
Goebbels said so many things, Germans say so many propaganda things, and now the British also say they have war, and they have war and they have propaganda and they have propaganda. So I didn't know what I should believe.
Agora os britânicos também diziam que tinham uma guerra e que tinham uma propaganda e não sabia em quem acreditar.
They didn't say where they got them.
- Não peguntou?
When Romeo and Juliet ran away, they didn't stop to say good-bye.
Quando Romeu e Julieta fugiram, não se preocuparam em dizer adeus.
They didn't say exactly, but I think they will.
- Não, mas penso que voltam.
Say, I didn't know they had- -
Não sabia que existiam...
They didn't even say goodbye.
Nem sequer dizem adeus.
If they fiind out it was Rebecca, you must simply say that you made a mistake about the other body- - that the day you went to Edgecombe, you were ill, you didn't know what you were doing.
Se descobrirem que é a Rebecca, pode simplesmente dizer que se enganou com o outro corpo. Que naquele dia você estava mal, não se deu conta.
Well, they can't say we didn't try to stop it.
Bom, não podem dizer que não os tentamos impedir.
They didn't say anything about a girl.
Não disseram nada de uma moça.
I didn't say they weren't desired. I only said there's a commandment against it.
Não disse que elas não eram desejadas. Só disse que existe um mandamento contra isso.
They didn't say much.
Eles não falavam muito.
They didn't say anything about me?
Não falaram em mim?
They didn't say.
Não disseram.
Doc, didn't you say that among the lower animals... there were no natural enemies as long as they're well fed?
Doc, não disse que entre os animais inferiores... não há inimigos naturais desde que estejam sempre bem alimentados?
Didn't they say something about a fight, an argument, between the old man and his son around about seven o'clock that night?
Não mencionaram uma briga, uma discussão, entre o velho e o filho cerca das sete horas da tarde desse dia?
- Didn't they say anything?
- Não disseram nada?
Didn't I say they'd be right on?
Eu não disse que vinham aí?
"Mother was sick," I'll say. "And Father was sick, and Frida was sick," so they didn't wake me.
Vou dizer que vocês todos estão doentes... e ninguém acordou-me.
[As they awaited the official speaker, who didn't show up... ] [... Don Camillo asked to say a few words... ] [... so that there would be no misunderstandings.]
Esperaram pelo orador oficial que não apareceu... então Don Camillo teve que dizer algumas palavras... para que não houvesse mal entendidos.
But see, they didn't say.
Mas não me disseram.
That's what they all say, "I didn't know it was loaded."
É o que todos dizem : "Eu não sabia que estava carregada".
No they didn't say that.
Disseram que o crime não era sério?
But I feel I would be remiss in my obligation to you as your manager if I didn't inform you that they're not prepared to take this understanding attitude toward a... well, let us say a non-Van Cliburn.
Faltaria ao meu dever de teu empresário se não te informasse que eles não estão dispostos a ser compreensivos para com um... digamos, um não-Van Cliburn.
Didn't you say they were following you?
Não disseste que te andam a seguir?
Didn't he say where they're mounting them?
- Onde é que estão a dispor as armas? - Ele não sabe.
They didn't say anything?
Não disseram nada?
Those Texas boys didn't have to die. They died before they could say it.
Aqueles soldados sabiam que não tinham de morrer, mas não tiveram tempo de o dizer.
– I didn't say they were yours.
- Não disse que eram tuas.
"The Robinson Crusoe of the mountain." Don't say that they didn't say that.
O Robinson Crusoe da montanha. Não me digas que não disseram isso.
- Didn't they say that in your time?
- Isso não se dizia no seu tempo?
They didn't say anything about a punchline.
Não me falaram de remate nenhum.
- I didn't say they weren't.
- Eu não disse que não eram.
I didn't say they had her in Harlem.
Não que a tinham em Harlem.
- I wonder you didn't say the same thing to the Clemmons? - They weren't bothering nobody.
Porque não o disseste aos Clemens?
They didn't say.
- Sabe, não me disseram.
It seems peculiar that they didn't say what it was. Sure does.
- É estranho não terem dito o que era.
Didn't say much. Just said they was gonna buy some cattle and settle down, now that we're getting amnesty.
- Não, só que comprariam... gado e se iam fixar graças à amnistia.
But, at the time, Marshal, didn't you try to find out, to investigate? If we listened to everything they say.
Quer dizer que, na altura, não investigaram este caso?
"brilliant" and "genius" but they didn't say that you were also an animal.
"brilhante" e "génio", mas não me disseram que também eras um animal.
They came from the castle, asking questions. I didn't know what to say.
Eles vieram do castelo, fazendo perguntas.
Didn't they say it was some kind of conspiracy or somethin'like that?
Não disseram que era uma conspiração, ou algo parecido?
- They didn't say.
- Não disseram.
They didn't say they were there.
Não disseram que estiveram ali.
- They didn't say.
- Eles não disseram.
You didn't say they needed to be clean, asshole.
Não disseste que precisavas deles limpos, idiota.
Well, Cal, I just have to say it. I'd prefer that they didn't ruin the orchard.
Bem, Cal, só tenho a dizer que... prefiro cuidar do pomar.
They told me that you was a handsome man but they didn't say how grand you are.
Contaram-me que era um belo homem... Mas não me disseram como era magnifico.
- They didn't have to say anything.
- Não precisavam ter dito nada.
They didn't say what's decent, even though it is... hard to find it sometimes.
Não falam de como ele é decente. Mesmo se às vezes é difícil perceber isso.
If you're killed, we'll say you went to collect copper and lead and didn't know they'd be firing today.
Se morrerem, nós diremos que vocês procuravam Cobre e chumbo e não sabiam que haveria fogo hoje.

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