We found the car translate Portuguese
307 parallel translation
We found the car.
Encontramos o carro.
We found the car-plane abandoned about 200 miles west of Bangkok.
Encontrámos o carro-voador abandonado a 360 km a oeste de Banguecoque.
- Marlene, we found the car.
- Marlene, encontrámos o carro!
We found the car the kids were driving.
Encontramos o carro que os rapazes dirigiam.
That's the same block as where we found the car.
É o bairro onde encontrámos o carro.
-... where we found the car?
-... das docas onde estava o carro?
- We found the car.
- Encontrámos o carro.
We found the car!
Encontrámos o carro.
- Yeah, we found the car.
- Boa, encontrámos o carro.
We found the car, at least.
Pelo menos, encontramos o carro.
We found nothing in the car except a purple scarf.
Não encontrámos nada no carro, exceto um lenço roxo.
Revistamos o carro completamente e achamos algumas coisas.
We found a set of works on the kid driving the sports car.
Encontrámos estas drogas no miúdo que conduzia o carro.
But when we saw the car the morning we found the body it looked like it just came off a showroom floor.
Mas quando vimos o carro na manhã em que encontrámos o corpo, estava em perfeitas condições.
We found out the car had been serviced that day.
Descobrimos que o carro fora à oficina nesse dia.
I think it's the guy we found at the car wreck.
Creio que é O rapaz do acidente.
Yesterday we found a bunch of pornos in the back seat of O'Neill's car.
Ontem encontrámos uns filmes porno no banco de trás do carro do O'Neill.
This looks like a version of what we found in the police car.
É uma versão do que encontrámos no carro de patrulha.
We found this registration book.. .. from the car that is seized during the smuggling raid.
Encontramos o livrete no carro que foi apreendido durante a invasão do contrabando.
We found traces of pumice in standing water outside the railroad car.
Encontrámos vestígios de pedra-pomes fora do vagão.
Okay, confining my conclusions to the planet Earth, the cocaine you found in James Hurley's gas tank was a match to what we found in Jacques'car and Leo's house.
Está bem. Restringindo as minhas conclusões ao planeta Terra a cocaína encontrada no depósito da moto do James coincide com a do carro do Jack e da casa do Leo.
We tested the stuff in his pocket against what you found in the car.
Analisámos o que ele tinha no bolso e o que encontraste no carro.
We found our money in the trunk of the car.
Senhor, encontramos o dinheiro. Na mala do carro.
I don't know why we had to return the rental car I would've found it
Porque entregámos o carro? Eu tinha-o encontrado.
The guy you shot... we found a car park ticket and a car key on the stairs.
- O tipo que alvejaste... Encontrámos um ticket do parque de estacionamento e as chaves de um carro nas escadas.
We found the purse in the front seat of that car.
Encontrámos uma bolsa no banco da frente.
We found an abandoned car in a park in Jersey near the Holland Tunnel. This was on the seat.
Encontrámos um carro abandonado num parque junto ao Holland Tunnel, e isto no banco.
We found her car at the bus terminal.
Encontraram o seu carro no terminal de autocarros.
Well, the substance we found in his car was ibogaine.
A substância que encontramos no carro dele era ibogaína.
The problem is, we found your friend in the car.
O problema é que encontrámos o teu amigo no carro.
If they did repaint the car we would have found paint traces somewhere.
Mas deveria haver rastos de tinta nalguma parte.
We found his car, the Celica.
Encontramos o seu carro, o Celica.
Boss, we've got new data. We found remains of sperm and pubic hair in the car.
Chefe, há dados novinhos, encontrámos restos de esperma e pêlos púbicos no Dodge ;
We found the terrorist body in a parked car... with the dead skrill prototype.
Encontramos o corpo da terrorista dentro de um carro com o protótipo de Skrill morto.
Alissa... we found your father's car on the interstate, crashed and covered with blood.
Alissa achamos o carro do teu pai na interestadual, esmagado e coberto com sangue.
In addition, we found a dead deer not far from the car.
Achamos um veado morto não muito longe do carro.
We found a tooth chip embedded in the steering wheel ofyour grandfather's car
Encontrámos uma lasca de um dente enfiada no volante do carro do teu avô?
That's right around the corner from where we found her car.
É já ao virar da esquina de onde encontrámos o carro dela.
We found Tomas Sanz's fingerprints in the car.
Encontramos impressões do Tomás Sanz estão no carro.
In the guy's car we found about 20 grand, plus some drugs.
No carro do tipo encontrámos cerca de 20 mil, além de droga.
We found the gun in your car. It appears to be the same.
Encontramos a arma no carro parece ser a mesma.
We found it in the car.
O achamos no carro.
We found a very specific airborne pollen on the headrest of your car... which would put you within fifty yards of where she took her last breath.
Encontrámos um pólen muito específico no interior do seu carro, que a coloca a menos de 50 metros do local onde ela morreu.
We matched it to the prints we found in your car.
Comparámo-las com as que retirámos do seu carro.
We found his car, still outside the pub.
Encontrámos o carro dele, ainda à porta do pub.
Let's walk back to the car nice and easy like we haven't found a thing.
Vamos voltar para o carro como se não tivéssemos descoberto nada.
Several hours ago, we found blood-stained threads in the back of your client's car.
Há umas horas atrás... encontrámos fios manchados de sangue no carro do seu cliente. O ADN analisou o sangue.
We found his car up in the hills.
Encontrámos o carro dele nos montes.
It looks like... it looks like the meth we found on Raymond's body matches the signature meth that we found in the suspect's car.
Parece que a metanfetamina que encontramos no corpo do Raymond condiz com a assinatura da metanfetamina que encontramos no carro do suspeito.
We might have found a possible match to the car.
Talvez tenhamos encontrado o carro.
We found her car in the garage, but not her purse or keys.
Encontrámos o carro dela na garagem, mas a carteira e as chaves, não.
we found nothing 22
we found 55
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found them 52
we found this 61
we found him 147
the card 32
we found 55
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found them 52
we found this 61
we found him 147
the card 32
the car is here 16
the cars 36
the cards 33
the caretaker 29
the car 277
the cardinal 25
we forgive you 16
we fought 58
the cars 36
the cards 33
the caretaker 29
the car 277
the cardinal 25
we forgive you 16
we fought 58