We found them translate Portuguese
600 parallel translation
We'll fix things just as we found them the night of the murder.
Vamos pôr as coisas como estavam na noite do homicídio.
- We found them under a rock.
- Achámo-las sob uma rocha.
Hmm. We've got to leave things as we found them.
Temos que deixar estas coisas tal como as encontrámos.
You think we found them on the street?
Achas que achámos as 30 barricas à beira da estrada?
We found them agreeably talkative.
Achamo-los bons conversadores.
And we found them both.
Foram as duas que encontrámos.
We found them.
Nós as encontramos.
- We found them, Sergeant Mike.
- Nós encontramo-los, Sgto. Mike.
- We found them.
- Encontrámo-los.
We found them near the perimeter sir.
Encontramo-los no perímetro senhor.
- At least we found them.
- Pelo menos, encontrámo-los.
We found them totally uninterested in medical aid or hospitals.
Não estavam interessados em médicos, ou hospitais.
We found them seared to a crisp.
Encontrámo-los cauterizados.
We found them.
We found them out at McBain's place.
Encontrámo-los na quinta dos McBain.
"we found them walking on the beach, my captain."
Encontrámo-los a andar na praia, meu capit...
We found them out at McBain's place.
Encontrámo-los junto à Quinta do McBain.
We found them. Found them?
- Encontrámo-los.
[reply] We found them on our path.
- Encontrámo-los no caminho.
Well, we all know the state in which we've found them.
Todos sabemos o estado em que as encontramos.
Yes. We found his bones and buried them.
Sim, encontrámos os ossos e enterrámo-los.
So we can match them against the sample in which the fossil was found.
Para poder compará-las com a amostra da rocha onde foi encontrado o fóssil.
We found three bodies in them ashes.
- Encontrámos três cadáveres.
- We have found them.
- Nós as encontramos.
Father found some pipe tobacco in the pocket of his coat, and we made them. Rather, Father did.
Bem, o papai fez.
Oh, monsieur, we've found them! It's like a miracle.
Encontrámo-los, monsieur!
The message we intercepted from the Nova Sibursk appeared routine. But Lieutenant Berger, in checking out their figures on water temperature, tide movements found them to be inaccurate beyond any possibility of a legitimate mistake.
A mensagem que interceptámos do Novo Sibursk aparentava ser rotineira, mas o Tenente Berger, ao verificar os valores deles da temperatura da água e do movimento das marés, achou-os incorrectos ao ponto de não poder ter sido um engano.
They must have found something that makes them immune while we must remain in these protective machines and cannot go out of our city.
Devem ter encontrado algo que os torna imunes enquanto nós temos que ficar nestas máquinas de protecção e não podemos sair da cidade.
Beatrice, listen to me! Tell them--tell them that we've found each other.
Diz-lhes que encontramos o nosso amor.
No, we ain't found them ain't.
Ainda não os encontrámos.
How fortunate for them that they were not there to plead mercy for the doomed family because otherwise we would have found their corpses, too.
Sorte deles que eles não estavam là... para implorar pela vida daquela família... porque, de outra forma, teríamos encontrado seus corpos também.
- Yes, we found them, and they won't bother us again.
- Sim. Não voltarão a incomodar.
- We found something to book them on.
- Encontramos um motivo.
... but you know, Harry's clothes, the ones we found by the pool, he didn't wear them that night according to the inspector.
Mas, sabe... as roupas do Harry, as que achamos na piscina, ele não as usou naquela noite, de acordo com o inspetor.
We found them floating in the lake.
- Estavam no lago.
We never found them.
Nunca as encontrámos.
Evidently we were wrong because you haven't found them yet!
É evidente que nos enganámos, porque ainda não os encontrou!
You see, we found that when the plaster swells, it makes them appear a half to a full size larger than they really are. - No kidding?
Descobrimos que, quando o gesso incha, fá-las parecer um tamanho ou dois acima do que são na realidade.
We arrived a few minutes late and found them poking around.
Chegamos atrasados e encontramos estes dois espionando.
In they had found asking for them bread e, as we had enough bread, demons to them bread and they in had given chocolate to them.
Vieram ter connosco a pedir pão e, como tínhamos pão suficiente, demos-lhes pão e eles deram-nos chocolate.
We always find odd, or for less I found odd, why reason if launched on us to the shouts, if they wanted killing in them.
Sempre estranhámos, ou pelo menos eu estranhei, por que razão se lançavam sobre nós aos gritos, se nos queriam matar.
I described the tree to them and we - they believe it can be found in the forest,
Eu lhes descrevi a árvore e acreditam... Eles acreditam que podemos encontrá-lo no bosque.
There's some books we didn't know had been banned and the police found them in our house.
Não sabíamos que certos livros haviam sido proibidos... e a polícia os encontrou em nossa casa.
We've found them!
And what if they found out we was having them on?
E se descobrirem que os enganámos?
I been hidin'from'em all week, but it seems they found me here tonight, so we might as well have them up here to sing too...
Toda a semana me escondi deles, mas parece que me encontraram aqui esta noite, assim melhor é que subam também a cantar... Bill e Mary.
We've found them.
- Nós é que os encontrámos.
We've found them!
Nós encontramos!
We found these two boys running down 5th Avenue, and when we stopped to question them, they start babbling like a couple of maniacs.
Encontramos estes dois caras correndo na quinta avenida. e quando paramos para interrogá-los eles começando a balbuciar como dois maníacos
We found a dozen plastic packets in his stomach. I'm having them analyzed now, but odds are they contained cocaine. Some of them burst.
Encontramos doze pacotes no estômago dele, alguns estourados.
We came here seeking unicorns, and we have possibly found them, at last.
Viemos à procura de unicórnios, e, possivelmente, encontrámo-los, por fim.
we found nothing 22
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found him 147
found them 38
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found him 147
found them 38
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16