You had a gun translate Portuguese
315 parallel translation
All right, I just wanted to see if you had a gun.
Tudo bem, só queria ver se tinha uma arma.
Like the part about whether or not you had a gun?
Como a parte sobre se tinha ou não uma arma?
- How long you had a gun?
- Há quanto tempo tens uma arma?
Well, there's no problem. If you had a gun, shoot'em in the head.
Se tiver uma arma, atinja-os na cabeça.
Why, last time you had a gun on us you didn't use it.
A última vez que nos apontou o rifle, não atirou.
You had a gun.
O senhor estava armado.
You had a gun!
Tu tinhas uma arma.
He had to have a gun to reenact the crime with. Who do you suppose supplied it? Peter B. Hartwell. "B" for brains.
Naturalmente teve que entregar uma arma ao Williams para o poder fazer e quem é que pensas que lhe entregou essa arma?
Banat is a dangerous man, you had no gun.
Banat era perigoso, você n'não estavam armados
You were smart to carry a gun, travelling alone in the park, but if you knew you had the gun in your bag why throw away the bag?
Fez bem em levar uma arma, ao andar sozinha pelo parque, mas... se sabia que tinha a arma na mala, por que deitou fora a mala?
First chance I had to thank you for... For winning me my gun.
É a primeira oportunidade que tenho para te agradecer teres ganho a minha espingarda.
You didn't tell me she had a gun and knew how to use it.
Nao me disseste que tinha uma arma e que sabia usá-la.
I thought you said he had a gun.
Eu ouvi você dizer, que ele tinha uma arma.
If you had the gun, i'd be the chump and you'd be the god.
Se a tivesse você, eu seria imbecil e você Deus.
You had your gun clear of the leather all the time.
Tinha a arma sempre apontada ao meu cabedal!
Remember, I took your gun but you had another one hidden.
Lembre-se que peguei a sua arma, mas tem outra escondida.
You had a gun.
Tinha uma arma.
Swede, Sam never had a chance to use his gun, and you won't either.
Swede, Sam não tive oportunidade de usar a arma e você também não terá.
That was a pretty smart insurance policy you had figured out, planting a dead policeman's gun on Sedgewick, an innocent man.
Essa era uma apólice de seguro muito inteligente que você tinha imaginado, Plantando a arma de um policial morto em Sedgewick, um homem inocente.
- Outside of the fatal bullet, did you find any other bullets that had been fired from this gun?
- Fora a bala fatal,... encontrou outras balas que tenham sido disparadas por esta arma?
Because the gun I gave you had a file mark on it.
Porque a arma que lhe dei tinha uma marca o cano.
The gun you returned to me had no mark.
A arma que me devolveu não tinha essa marca.
You know. you could save yourself a lot of sleepless nights if you just tossed me a gun and we had this out right here and now.
Sabe, Jake, pouparia muitas noites sem dormir se me desse uma arma... e acabássemos com isso aqui e agora.
Things had worked out the way you planned were you gonna give me a gun or just shoot me in the back?
Se as coisas tivessem saído como você planeou, ia-me dar uma arma ou atirar nas minhas costas?
It was purely a sound effect to make you think that Miriam had turned the gun on herself.
Era puramente um efeito sonoro para te fazer pensar que Miriam tinha disparado a arma em si mesma.
Back at Dobe, when Billy had that gun on you, - Boone saved your life, didn't he?
em Dobe, quando o Billy apontou-lhe a espingarda, o Boone salvou-lhe, não foi?
If you mean being good with a gun, I've had a lot of practice.
Se estás a falar de manejar a arma, tenho muita prática.
You heard him say he had a gun, right?
Ouviram-no dizer que ele tinha uma arma, não foi?
Whenever I should have had a gun in my right hand I thought of you!
Quando deveria ter uma arma na minha mão direita penso em ti!
Well, we had a struggle, you see, and I took away his gun.
Bem, tivemos uma luta, sabe, e eu tirei-lhe a arma.
I had an accident with an old gun, a stone in my shoe, and you still think I'm insane.
Tive um acidente com uma arma velha, uma pedra no meu sapato, e todavia crês que estou louco.
You know, Mel, for a minute, when you had that gun on me, I thought you were gonna get greedy.
Sabes, Mel, por um momento, quando me apontaste aquela arma... pensei que ias ficar ganancioso.
You know, Junior, when Machine Gun Joe was just a little boy in Chicago, he had a pet snake that he used to love to ride over with his tricycle.
- Sabes Júnior, que quando Joe metralhadora era só... um puto de Chicago costumava ter uma serpente mascote que... gostava de montar com seu triciclo.
You wouldn't talk like that if I had a gun on me!
Não falava assim se eu tivesse uma arma.
You know, every man I ever knew who was good with a gun and lived always had an edge.
Sabes, todos os homens que conheci que sabiam manejar uma arma e sobreviveram sempre tiveram vantagem.
You see, I took Sweet's gun, but I dropped it... so I had to use a spear gun.
Veja, eu fiquei com a pistola de Sweet, mas deixei cair... Então tive que usar o arpão.
- Then you had the gun.
- Então a pistola tinha-a você.
- So did you, Jimmy. One of you had Officer Campbell's gun.
Um de vocês tinha a arma do agente Campbell.
I told you that I had a gun pointed here.
Disse isso com uma arma aqui.
I had a choice between kidnapping you and getting shot with that gun.
Era escolher entre raptá-la ou apanhar um balázio.
- If I had a gun and I could get out, I'd shoot you now.
Se tivesse uma arma e pudesse ir para o exterior, eu agora dava-te um tiro.
You'd have been dead if I had a gun.
Seu desmiolado. Estarias morto se eu tivesse uma arma.
If it was dark, Officer, how were you sure Vega had a gun?
Se estava escuro, Agente, como tinha a certeza que o Vega tinha uma arma?
How did you know I had a gun?
Como soube que eu estava armado?
You never had a chance to hit me with that gun.
Vai-te lixar. Tinhas lá hipótese de usar essa arma?
You know, he only had one finger left on that other hand. After that mix-up with the nail gun.
Ele já só tinha um dedo na outra mão depois daquela confusão com a pistola de pregos.
You had Cruise pick up the gun at the track.
O Cruise encontrou a arma na pista de corridas.
You know, if he thought another gun had poached his bird out shooting, he'd let fly in a real fury.
Se sonhava que alguém tinha apanhado um pássaro na sua coutada ficava fulo.
If I had a gun and a thumb, you'd be dead.
Se eu tivesse uma arma e um polegar, estarias morto.
What makes you think she had a gun?
Por que pensaste que ela estava armada?
Well. See if this had been a real gun, that Angie Dickinson bullshit you just pulled would've got your head blown off.
Bem... se a pistola fosse a sério, esse seu gesto... ter-lhe-ia causado a morte.
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had it 22
you had fun 22
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had it 22
you had fun 22