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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You had me at

You had me at translate Portuguese

667 parallel translation
I wish had you at all my dinner parties.
Devia ajudar-me em todos os jantares.
If I had a balloon that would take me there and back, mind you, I don't know that I wouldn't have a go at it.
Se eu tivesse um balão que me levasse e que me trouxesse, repare, não sei se não faria uma tentativa.
I had a grand time as a kid. Lots of fun at school... and here at the office with you and the commodore and doc.
Tive uma infância óptima, diverti-me imenso na escola e no escritório contigo e o Comodoro e o Doutor.
- Whit used to look at me... shake his head, and wish I had brains like you.
- Porquê? Porque o Whit queria que eu tivesse a tua inteligência.
Why, you came over and visited me at the fort. And we had a party. Do you remember?
Foram visitar-me ao forte e fizemos uma festa, lembram-se?
Guess you haven't never had a look at me without my whiskers and all cleaned up.
Nunca me viu sem bigodes e limpo.
I've had them look at me, and, you know, flirt and all.
Eu já os apanhei a olhar para mim e a seduzir e tal.
Herr Moyzisch, do not look at me as if you had a source of income other than your salary.
Talvez possamos falar mais na próxima recepção, madame e quando fôr a minha vez de chegar na segunda metade da noite.
At my house, with your dear mother and me, you had the very best o all possible worlds
Em casa, com a tua mãe e comigo, Lá, era o melhor dos mundos possíveis.
I had to throw myself at you to get you to ask me to dance and then you walk me home and won't even talk to me.
Tive que me atirar, para que me pedisse para dançar. Depois leva-me a casa e nem conversa comigo.
If your father had listened to me, you wouldn't be going to war at 19.
Se seu pai me ouvisse, não o teria deixado se alistar aos 19 anos. .
I just wanna'tell you, don't look for me at Anteks no more, he threw me out last night, we had a little argument.
Só queria dizer-te que não fosses à minha procura ao bar de Antek. Ontem à noite tivemos uma discussão e expulsou-me.
I just figure that since you met me at the Blue Dragon that you took it for granted that I'd had other boyfriends before you.
Pensei que como me conheceste no Blue Dragon... tivesses percebido que tive outros namorados antes de ti.
Yeah, she was afraid you were sore at me, so she had me rush the growler.
Ela achou que você ficou chateada comigo e obrigou-me a vir.
Excuse me, you told me you're waiting here for a many who left a year ago, of whom you've had no news at all!
Desculpe, mas disse... que está aqui a espera de um homem... que partiu há um ano e do qual nada mais soube!
You had your good side, Lafe, but you had your bad side too, like cheating'at stud and emptying my
Tinhas um bom lado... Mas também um mau lado. Trapaceava com as cartas... e esvaziava-me os bolsos quando eu estava bêbado.
LITTLE JOE : You spoiled a perfect shot I had at him.
- Estragaste-me um tiro perfeito nele.
Se tiver um pouco de imaginação, encontrará uma forma de me dar emoção.
If you don't care where you sleep, you could at least come back for the milking. Instead I had to run around on these poor legs.
Podias ajudar-me na ordenha... mas não te importas se as minhas pernas doem.
I tried to... convey my regrets for whatever pain I might be causing him, and then, just then, you had the police call to invite me to meet you at the 24th Precinct.
Tentei exprimir a minha pena pela dor que lhe possa estar a causar, e foi então que levaste a Polícia a ligar-me para nos encontrarmos no 24º Bairro.
At the police station, they told me you had beaten up a large Chinese gentleman.
Na esquadra, disseram-me que tinhas dado uma tareia a um chinês graúdo.
You'll have to forgive me, Strutt, I've had a bit of trouble at the hunt.
Tem de me desculpar. Houve problemas na caçada.
Mas, chefe, estou-lhe a dizer, a 99 não devia ter disparado sobre mim.
You've had your little victory at the baccarat table.
- Quer dizer que vai me torturar? - Persuadi-lo, Sr. Bond.
There's nothing else to show you except me and the account books, and you've already had a fairly critical look at me.
Nada há mais para mostrar-lhe, exceto eu e a contabilidade. Já me deu uma olhadela bastante crítica.
- Well, answer me this then why didn't Jocasta play the blancmange at singles while you and Sandra and Alec and David had a proper game of doubles with four people?
- Bem, então responda-me a isto, por que é que a Jocasta não jogou com o manjar-branco enquanto você e a Sandra, o Alec e o David jogavam a pares decentemente, com quatro pessoas?
They told me at the Emerald House you had a room for rent.
Disseram-me que aqui havia um quarto para alugar.
But when I went to school, I was told you had a half day at 01.30 hrs?
Mas quando fui à escola, disseram-me que tiveste a tarde de folga a partir das 13h30!
You're looking at me like I had two heads.
Estás a olhar para mim como se tivesse duas cabeças.
Did you breast-feed them? I sat next to a man at dinner one night whose wife had just given birth to twins.
Uma vez sentei-me ao lado de um homem num jantar e a mulher dele tinha tido gêmeos.
I had to practically throw myself at you.
Praticamente me joguei em cima de você.
You know what time I had to get up when I was a kitchen boy at the Charlton Senate? - No.
Quando era ajudante de cozinha no Carlton... sabes a que horas eu me levantava?
When I had called you this morning.. .. Kumar answered the phone.. .. and asked me to meet him here at 8'O Clock.
Quabdo te liguei esta manhã, o Kumar atendeu o telefone e pediu-me para me encontrar com ele aqui às 20h.
And that man you had before me was he a whole lot better at pleasuring'?
E esse homem que tiveste antes de mim, Era ele assim tão bom amante?
At least you can do me the courtesy... of asking if I've had a pleasant journey.
Pelo menos podes fazer-me a gentileza... de perguntar se eu tive uma viagem agradável?
Looks like you've had a go at it already.
Parece-me que já levaste um bocado.
When I come back to the pad that you abandoned that afternoon of drinking and arguments, I remember the love for me that you swore you had, and the kisses that at night you used to give me.
Quando chego no boteco que deixaste essa tarde de copas e palavras, relembro o amor que juraste, e os beijos que a noite vôce me dava.
Well, I suppose you had my best interests at heart when you came at me with this?
Bem, suponho que você não tinha melhores interesse quando veio com isto?
And you want to tell me about that confrontation you had at the reception, Mr. Sears? - What was that all about?
Quer falar-me daquele seu confronto com o Steele na recepção, Sr. Sears?
Look at this. I've had it with you, Leroy.
Traiste-me, Leroy.
I do not think that Mr. Seymour can be in Southampton. For he stopped my servant this morning at Radstock to ask after me. And on the understanding that I had some hope of seeing you... was according to my servant, more than pleased.
Mr Seymour não pode estar em Southampton, pois ele procurou meu criado esta manhã em Radstock para saber de mim e, ficou mais que encantado ao saber que esperava ver-te.
You know, at one time I had a great interest in guns.
- Armas? Houve uma altura em que me interessavam muito as armas.
You're telling me you had a clear shot at Michael Long and you missed?
Estás a dizer-me que podias ter morto o Michael Long e que falhaste?
You know when you told me we had a client at 11 : 30?
Quando me disseste que tínhamos um cliente ás 1 1 h30?
Yeah, hate to break it to you, but I just had my ears cleaned at the barbershop yesterday, you see.
Infelizmente ontem o barbeiro limpou-me os ouvidos.
No doubt that you thought your breach of duty would never be discovered, and yet a mere glance at that carpet was enough to convince me that someone had been admitted to this room.
Decerto pensavas que o incumprimento do dever não seria descoberto, mas bastou-me olhar para o tapete para saber que tinha estado aqui alguém.
Well, I had you there, babe, but then you lost me at the end.
Bem, eu estava te entendendo, mas fiquei meio perdido no fim.
Maybe, if you gave me away and I got married in a church in a wedding dress, instead of at the City Hall with strangers at the door, maybe I wouldn't have had the bad luck I had.
Talvez, se a tivesses dado e me casasse numa igreja com vestido, em vez de ser no registo com estranhos à porta, talvez não tivesse o azar que tive.
Today, at lunch, you asked me if I had any questions.
Hoje, ao almoço, perguntaste-me se eu tinha algumas perguntas.
I lied to you first, but you had no knowledge I was lying... about my fear of flying at the river when you lied to me first.
Menti-te primeiro, mas não sabias que estava a mentir sobre o meu medo de voar no rio. quando mentiste-me primeiro.
Look at it this way. If you had tried anything, we both would have gone.
Se tivesses tentado lixar-me, morríamos os dois.

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