You had him translate Portuguese
3,492 parallel translation
- Six months ago, you had him kidnapped.
- Há seis meses, raptaste-o.
Surely you had him questioned.
- De certeza que o interrogaram.
I know that you had him under surveillance.
Sei que o tinha sob vigilância.
But you... you had him murder your own grandson, your own granddaughter.
Mas você... Fê-lo matar o seu próprio neto e a sua neta.
Kurt Mathias pulled the trigger, but you had him pardoned.
O Kurt Mathias puxou o gatilho, mas você fez com que fosse perdoado.
You told me you had him, smart guy.
Tu disseste-me que ganhavas espertalhão.
Is that why you had him killed?
Foi por isso que o mandou matar?
I'm sorry I had to take him from you.
E lamento que o tenha tirado de ao pé de si.
And I know... I know you've had him killed.
Sei que o mandaste matar.
Which is exactly why I had him call you in as his second.
Por isso eu disse-lhe para te ter como segundo médico.
I wonder what the director of the Belgian National Museum would have to say if he knew that you had returned your work to him and passed it off as the real thing.
Pergunto-me o que iria dizer o director do Museu Nacional belga, se soubesse que tinha devolvido um trabalho seu, que fez passar pelo original.
The other guards say he had his finger to his lips while they were dragging him off, like he was telling you to be quiet.
Os guardas disseram que ele tinha os dedos na boca enquanto o levavam... como a dizer-lhe para ficar calado.
11 souls whose responsibility it is to determine the landmark status of historical buildings in the city. You think that had something to do with him being killed?
onde onze almas têm a responsabilidade de determinar o estatuto de marco de edifícios históricos na cidade.
Come on, Dodee, you just had him.
Então, Dodee ainda agora o tinhas.
You know what- - you've had to break the bad news to him enough times.
Sabes que mais, já lhe deste as más notícias muitas vezes.
They had a different effect on him than you.
O efeito foi diferente nele.
You had to turn him into a completely different person for him to betray me.
Tiveste de o transformar numa pessoa completamente diferente, para que ele me traísse.
You had him, Agent Gibbs.
Tinha-o, Agente Gibbs.
No, he's an indolent man-child, and if I'd had my druthers, you would never have crossed paths with him.
Então, ele é dono de restaurantes. Não, ele é um labrego e se eu pudesse escolher,
You had to tell him I was the number one home security expert?
Tinhas que dizer-lhe que eu era a maior especialista em segurança?
- Where are you going? - To make him the best damn cup of coffee he's ever had.
Fazer o melhor café que ele já bebeu.
He couldn't have been any more desperate than he was, but he still had it in him to think about you, to provide for you and your kids.
Ele não podia estar mais desesperado que mas ele ainda estava em si para pensar em ti, para dar segurança a ti e aos teus filhos.
Were you with Mr. Flynn when he found out his wife had decided to leave him? Yep.
Estava com o Sr. Flynn quando ele descobriu, que a mulher queria deixá-lo?
You know what? I'm sorry you had to dump him on the air.
Lamento que o tenhas deixado, em direto.
You know, I had no reason not to believe him.
Entende que não tinha razões para duvidar dele.
You've had your time with him.
Já passaste tempo com ele.
I once had for him by his repeated efforts to ensure neither you nor I know happiness outside of his own selfish universe.
Irmão negou qualquer simpatia que tinha por ele com as suas repetidas tentativas de ter a certeza que nem eu nem tu soubessemos o que era a felicidade fora do seu próprio mundo egoísta
Well, right after it happened,'cause, you know, they had to, like, drag him into court and all that stuff- - so he's kind of forced to be around everybody and all that stuff- -
Bem, logo depois do que aconteceu, porque, sabes eles tinham que, assim, arrastá-lo em tribunal e todas essas coisas... Então, é forçado a estar à volta de todos e todas essas coisas...
Look, you know that I had my doubts about him, right?
Sabes que eu tinha as minhas dúvidas em relação a ele, certo?
I told him you had terrific patter.
Eu disse-lhe que balbuciava muito bem.
starts walking away from them and they knew right then they had won the prize, you know, if they could get it on film and so, Patterson scrambles, Gimlin watches him, and they, they think they got it.
E de repente... boom, encontram esse lugar e há uma criatura grande e coberta de pelo parada ali, começa a fugir e souberam então, nesse momento. Que tinham ganho o prémio. Sabes.
If this Reynolds was the potential ringleader of the airport robbery and if you think he was the brains behind the train robbery and if you had a tail on him, how come we haven't got a bloody clue where he is?
se esse Reynolds foi o potencial líder do assalto ao aeroporto, se acha que foi ele que engendrou o assalto ao comboio e se, ainda por cima, andava a vigiá-lo, porque não faz ideia de onde está?
You said to him, "If you had my worries, you wouldn't want to eat."
E o senhor respondeu-lhe : "Se tivesse as minhas preocupações, não quereria comer."
I mean, I know that you had to drive him home from Mariana's party, yes?
Soube que tiveste de levá-lo para casa na festa da Mariana.
I had something big planned. You asked him for the ring.
- Tinha planeado algo em grande.
I had to beg him to hire you.
Tive de lhe implorar que te contratasse.
When I met him... you and I had separated.
Quando o conheci, eu e tu... Estávamos separados.
That you had Majid Javadi in a safe house on American soil... and let him go.
Que você tinha o Majid Javadi numa casa segura em solo americano e que o deixou fugir.
That you had Majid Javadi in a safe house on American soil and let him go.
Que teve Majid Javadi num abrigo em solo americano, e deixou-o partir.
Caroline told me you'd been worried about him, that you had a pit in your stomach.
A Caroline disse que tens andado preocupada com ele, que tinhas um pressentimento.
You had to stop him before he went to Kendra.
Tinha que pará-lo
Then why did you tell me I had to tell him?
Então porque é que me disseste que tinha de lhe contar?
And find out what the hell Cameron has on Nick Howell that had him turn on Ava in the first place because if you think all it was was that tape, then you don't know what the hell you're doing.
E descobre o que raio é que o Cameron tem contra o Nick Howell para o ter obrigado a denunciar a Ava em primeiro lugar. Porque se pensas que foi só por causa do vídeo, então não sabes o que andas a fazer.
'Cause you had to come and bust him?
Porque tiveste que o desmascarar?
I know you were investigating Odin Rossi. This is Anthony Busca. Don't know much about him, but we've had hits in South America of him using a phone we've linked to Odin.
Sei que estavas a investigar o Odin Rossi. um telemóvel que pensamos ser do Odin.
And I think you swapped those trainers because you knew that forensics would find traces of Mr Peter's DNA on yours from where you had kicked him.
E eu acho que você trocou as sapatilhas porque sabia que a análise forense encontraria vestígios do DNA do Mr. Peter nos seus no local onde o pontapeou.
You had a prime opportunity to embed yourself right beside your target, and you turned it down because you despise him.
Tiveste uma óptima oportunidade de estar ao lado do teu alvo, e recusaste porque o odeias.
You know, guys like him make me miss the creeps we had to deal with in Queens.
Sabes, tipos como ele fazem-me ter saudades dos malandros com que lidávamos em Queens.
Celine, you told me, you promised me that you had broken it off with him.
Celine, disse-me, prometeu ter acabado com ele.
I think you grabbed Ethan and dragged him over here, held him down, and forced booze down his throat and painted him Tuscan red just so he'd remember no matter how many diplomas he had, Ethan would always be a red-skinned drunk.
Acho que apanhou o Ethan e o arrastou até aqui, segurou-o, e forçou a bebida pela garganta dele e pintou-o de Vermelho Toscano para ele se lembrar... que não importava quantos diplomas tivesse, o Ethan seria sempre um pele-vermelha bêbado.
Even though you had to bribe him with a giraffe.
Mesmo que o tenhas comprado com uma girafa. Obrigado.
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had it 22
you had fun 22
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had it 22
you had fun 22