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I'm sorry you had to see that.
Desculpa teres visto isso.
What was so precious that you had to return to?
O que era tão precioso para o qual tinhas de voltar?
I'm really sorry that you had to see that.
Lamento muito que tenhas visto aquilo.
You had to.
Tem de ser.
But it was so bad, you had to leave before halftime?
Mas foi tão mau que tiveste de sair antes do intervalo?
You had to know I wrote that note, Zach.
Tinhas de saber que escrevi a nota, Zach.
Um... How much have you had to drink?
Quanto é que tu bebeste?
- You had to stop it?
- Tiveste de o impedir?
That's all you had to say.
Era só o que tinhas de dizer.
That is all you had to say.
Era só o que tinhas de dizer.
I'm sorry you had to see that.
Lamento que tenhas visto isto.
Everything I had in the safe, thousands of dollars, and you're going to make this up to me.
Tudo o que tinha no cofre, milhares de dólares, e tu vais-me compensar por isto.
Norma, I had to make the drive'cause I got last month's reports this morning, and I was so excited to share them with you.
Norma, tive de vir até cá porque recebi os relatórios do mês passado esta manhã, e estava tão entusiasmado por os partilhar contigo.
Sir, have you had a chance to say hello to your wife yet?
Já cumprimentou a sua mulher?
I said you had two hours to transfer one million dollars of your money.
Eu disse que tinhas duas horas para transferir um milhão de dólares do teu dinheiro.
We had to hear you admit betraying us.
Tinhamos que ouvir tu a dizeres que nos tinhas traído.
Are you saying Chloe had something to do with this?
Está a dizer que a Chloe teve alguma coisa a ver com isto?
Oh, this money that's gone missing, do you have any idea who could've had access to that?
O dinheiro que desapareceu, sabe quem tinha acesso a ele?
I just want to say American Atheists has had a wonderful year, and... that would not be so without all of you.
Só quero dizer que a American Atheists teve um ano fantástico e isso não seria possível sem todos vocês.
I had this bow made for you to kill a target 1000 feet away.
Mandei fazer este arco para si e pode matar um alvo a mil metros de distância.
The son you had referred to in your royal message... I mistook to be Baahubali I am responsible for all this chaos.
O filho a que se referiu na sua mensagem real pensei que fosse Baahubali. Sou responsável por todo esse caos.
Well, you said you had all these ideas about how to catch a Ghost Rider.
Bom, disseste que tinhas todas essas ideias sobre como capturar um Cavaleiro Fantasma.
If you want to discuss the possibility that I had a son...
Se quiseres discutir a possibilidade de que eu tive um filho...
Normally, East would've had an apprentice to pass along the fruit of her tongue, but you put an end to all that, didn't you?
Normalmente, a Este teria tido um aprendiz para transmitir o seu legado, mas acabaste com tudo isso, não foi?
Normally, East would've had an apprentice to pass along the fruit of her tongue, but... you put an end to all that, didn't you?
Normalmente, a Este teria tido um aprendiz para transmitir o seu legado, mas acabaste com tudo isso, não foi?
You think I had something to do with this?
Achas que eu tive algo a ver com isto?
You had no right to help me!
Não tinha o direito de ajudar-me!
If you had thought to save us, she'd still be alive.
Se tivesses pensado em salvar-nos, ela ainda estaria viva.
Tip, I... I helped you when I had nothing to gain.
Tip, eu... eu ajudei-te quando não tinha nada a ganhar.
It had to make you wonder who came through.
Fez-te pensar quem o atravessou.
Had you been a woman, you'd have known what it means to be dark-skinned in this country.
Sim. Não admira que sejamos escravos dos brancos.
So, you had nothing to do with it?
A culpa não foi tua?
When you were working, the doctors all agreed that it had to do with...
Quando trabalhavas, os médicos disseram que tinha a ver...
But it's like I had to say those stupid words that he said to me out loud to you for them to lose their power.
Mas era como se tivesse de dizer alto aquelas palavras estúpidas que ele me disse para que elas perdessem importância.
The last time we had pizza and we went to the zoo, you told me we were moving to Monterey.
A última vez que comemos piza e fomos ao zoo, disseste-me que vínhamos para Monterey.
But I had let myself believe, like you, that she was trying to tell me something.
Mas eu comecei a acreditar, tal como vocês, que ela estava a tentar dizer-me algo.
Never once have they had to work for it, give thanks for it, or pray to you for it.
Nunca tiveram de trabalhar, dar graças ou rezar a ti por ela.
I had to give her a little tasting after what you said!
Tinha de lhe dar um gostinho depois do que disseste!
When you called the other day and I told you that Dad had built something new... after that conversation... suddenly you wanted to come home.
Ligaste no outro dia e eu disse-te que o pai tinha construído uma coisa nova. Depois dessa conversa, de repente quiseste vir a casa.
Porn, it had gone from the place where you sat in a theater in your raincoat and jerked off to you bought a VCR, and you got a Ginger Lynn movie.
A pornografia passou da fase em que se sentavam numa sala de cinema com uma gabardina e se masturbavam para comprar um aparelho de vídeo e um filme da Ginger Lynn.
So, then after that I had a son. And you know what happens to men when they have boys.
Depois disso, tive um filho e sabem o que acontece aos homens quando têm filhos.
And he's like, "Oh, you know, I was wondering, you know", "I had a scene that I wanted you to be in."
E ele diz : "Sabes, eu estava a pensar que tinha uma cena em que queria que participasses."
And if Gary ever had a hard time and said, you know, "I really don't want you to do this anymore."
E se o Gary alguma vez se sentisse incomodado e dissesse : " Não quero que continues a fazer isto.
But you had some secrets that you wanted to keep, even from yourself.
Mas tinhas uns segredos que querias guardar, até de ti mesma.
I'm sorry, but... what makes you think our son had anything to do with this?
Desculpe, mas porque pensa que o nosso filho teve que ver com isto?
When I was saving your seat for you, I had to fight off not one but three drunk teenagers playing Suck and Blow.
Para te guardar o lugar, tive de o defender de não um, mas três adolescentes bêbados a jogar ao Chupa e Sopra.
For those real life situations where you wish you had a super power to get you out of?
Para as situações da vida real quando queres um superpoder para te safares.
If you had a super power, what would you want to use it for?
Se tivesses um superpoder, para que o quererias?
You had that... thing down there for someone to prove themselves?
Tinhas... aquela coisa lá em baixo para que alguém se provasse?
We went out looking for your little failed project for a few hours, just around the perimeter... tip to taint, as it were... right about the time I had you thrown in here, and when I got back,
Saímos para procurar o teu projecto falhado por algumas horas, só à volta do perímetro, só por perto, por assim dizer... Bem na hora em que foste atirado aí para dentro, e quando voltei, descobri que...
You always said that when we started dating, you forgot to tell me you had a shitty memory.
Sempre disseste... quando começámos a sair, que esquecias de contar que tinhas péssima memória.
you had to be there 28
you had to do it 18
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had it 22
you had to do it 18
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had it 22