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Translate.vc / English → Russian / [ C ] / Crowd chatter

Crowd chatter translate Russian

22 parallel translation
( crowd chatter )
( болтовня толпы )
( indistinct crowd chatter )
( неясный гомон толпы )
( Crowd chatter )
( crowd chatter stops ) Let's raise our glasses... to Cyrus Lavinius Jeremiah Jones.
Давайте поднимем бокалы... за Сайруса Лавиниуса Йеремайю Джонса.
( crowd chatter ) ( door closes )
[невнятные разговоры, дверь открывается]
( crowd chatter ) Hey, Lynly, you up for another mani-pedi party?
Линли, готова к вечеринке маникюра-педикюра?
( laughter, crowd chatter )
( laughter, crowd chatter )
( crowd chatter )
( crowd chatter )
( loud crowd chatter )
( loud crowd chatter )
( crowd chatter )
( clack, electrical buzz, crowd chatter )
( crowd chatter )
- Удачи с этим, дорогуша. Они очень уклончивые типы.
[crowd chatter]
[Толпу болтовня]
( music playing, crowd chatter ) Hey, lavon, i want you to know That this alliance is purely temporary.
Левон, хочу, чтобы ты знал, что это лишь временный союз.
Yeah! ( crowd chatter )
( crowd chatter, horn beeping, bell tolling )
( шумит толпа, машины сигналят, звенят колокола )
( Крики толпы )
( coughing, crowd chatter )
Я просто...
[crowd chatter ] [ crowd gasps and cheers ] - Aah! [ fire alarm blaring]
- [grunts ] - [ crowd exclaiming ] [ indistinct chatter]
Давай, Люк!
[crowd commotion grows ] [ overlapping chatter]
. .
Oh, it was a grand success. [Emergency radio chatter] Well, we didn't catch Lucifer, but we did save the crowd, so I'm gonna call that a win.
Какой крупный успех. мы победили.

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