How was he translate Turkish
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How was he?
- Doktor nasıldı?
How was he last night?
Dün gece nasıldı?
Think about who big Jerry was and how he...
Büyük Jerry'nin kim ve nasıl biri olduğunu.
I saw how he was with you at Dinaskyu.
Dinaskyu'da seninleyken nasıl olduğunu gördüm.
Unless he was informing on us, and I don't see how he could be, considering we ain't got nothing to inform on.
Bizi ispiyonluyorsa, ne yaptığını çözemedim çünkü ispiyonlanacak bir şeyimiz yok.
You saw how he was shaking.
Nasıl titrediğini gördün.
How was I supposed to know he was gonna take a bath in the lobster tank?
Istakoz teknesinde duş alacağını nereden bilebilirdim ki?
I saw how working for Gainey was eating him alive, and maybe he really is trying to change.
Gainey için çalışmanın onu nasıl yiyip bitirdiğini gördüm. Belki de gerçekten değişmeye çalışıyordur.
I will never, ever forget how hard he was laughing.
Ne kadar içten güldüğünü asla ama asla unutmayacağım.
Ben Lexcen, the designer, he knew better than anyone how a boat went through the water.
and the reason was'cause... tasarımcısı ben Lexcen bir teknenin suda nasıl ilerlediğini çok iyi biliyordu.
We're going to find out who this preacher was... what he had to gain from this curse and how he had the power to enforce it.
Bu rahibin kim olduğunu, bu laneti ayarlayarak ne kazandığını... ve bunu sağlayacak gücü nerden kazandığını bulacağız.
He told me... that one day... when the time was right... I would learn how to use it.
Büyükbabam bana bir gün vakti geldiğinde kullanmayı öğreneceğimi söylemişti.
No, he was, uh, very particular about how he did things.
Hayır, yaptıkları konusunda çok dikkatliydi.
Only, I never called you "dad", just to not upset Ferit when he was little That's how much I loved you.
Baba demedim, Ferit küçük üzülmesin diye öyle severdim seni.
And all he wanted to do was heal me. And I know how ridiculous and naive it sounds.
Bunun kulağa nasıl saçma ve safça geldiğini biliyorum.
I don't know how. He was ten feet away.
On fit uzaktaydı.
He will take my babies... And put them inside me like how I was made.
Bebeklerimi alıp beni yaptıkları gibi içime yerleştirecek.
It was a stroke, and the next few days are critical, in terms of seeing how he comes out of it.
Felç geçirdi. Önümüzdeki birkaç gün kritik, durumunu gözlemleyecekler.
A large colored man banged on our front door and told me, in no uncertain terms, that he didn't like how I was treating Coral.
İri zenci bir adam kapımıza geldi ve gayet açık bir şekilde Coral'a davranış şeklimi beğenmediğini söyledi.
Because of how secretive he was about where he was going and who he was with.
Çünkü nereye gittiği ve kimlerle buluştuğu hakkında hep ketum davranırdı.
- How old would you say he was?
- Kaç yaşında dedin?
No, I was referring to how he threw his body At an emotionally disturbed criminal Who was trying to kill me.
Hayır, beni öldürmeye çalışan suçlunun üzerine nasıl atlayıp beni kurtarmaya çalıştığını anlattım.
He was talking about how you needed him and how he'd made promises.
Sürekli senin, ona ihtiyacın olduğundan bahsediyordu ve verdiği sözlerden.
He kept on telling me how beautiful I was and how hot I was making him, and...
Ne kadar güzel olduğumu ve onu baştan çıkardığımı söyleyip duruyordu.
Huh. Seems like Colin had no idea how popular he was over there.
Görünüşe göre Colin orada ne kadar popüler olduğunun farkında değilmiş.
Yeah, which I thought was going really well, too, until a couple drinks in he starts bragging about how he's a big star.
Evet, çok iyi gittiğini de düşünmeye başlamıştım ta ki biraz içki içip, büyük bir yıldız olduğu palavrasına başlayana kadar.
He told everybody that my cell phone gave off vibrations in Morse code a-and that's how I was winning.
Herkese cep telefonumun Mors alfabesiyle titrediğini ve benim öyle kazandığımı söylüyordu.
How did he cause the second power surge when he was at the deli? My guess :
O marketteyken ikinci dalgalanmayı nasıl yaptı?
Charlotte mentioned how helpful he was in bringing you two back together after she learned that David Clarke was her father.
Charlotte, David Clarke'ın babası olduğunu öğrendiğinde doktorun ikinizin bir araya gelmesine çok yardımcı olduğunu anlattı.
When my father was in prison, he wrote in his journals about how the value of life can be directly measured by our will to endure, that we have a remarkable ability to resist fatigue, to withstand pain, to keep fighting, as long as we don't lose sight of what we're fighting for.
Babam hapisteyken günlüklerine hayatın değerinin dayanabilme katsayımızla ölçüldüğünü uğruna savaştığımız şeyi unutmadığımız sürece yorgunluğa katlanmak, acıya dayanmak ve mücadeleye devam etmek için inanılmaz bir yeteneğe sahip olduğumuzu yazmış.
But when I heard about Caleb, how he disappeared, I was terrified. And when I realized I could lose Jacob...
Ancak Caleb'i, nasıl ortadan kaybolduğunu duyduğumda dehşete kapıldım ve Jacob'ı kaybedebileceğimi fark ettiğimde nihayet anladım.
You saw how restrained he was.
Nasıl ihtiyatlı olduğunu gördünüz.
Glad you're here, because Josh was telling me how he really feels about vampires, about me.
İyi ki geldin. Josh bana vampirler ve benle ilgili ne hissettiğini açıklıyordu da.
The two folders in McCann's car... he knew that this building was next. How?
McCann'in arabasındaki iki dosyadan sıradaki binanın burasının olduğunu biliyordu.
That's how he got inside the buildings, operated without being seen. It was his job.
Demek ki kimseye görünmeden binalara girerek işini böyle yapıyormuş.
That's how he was able to change building plans without anyone knowing.
Kimse bilmeden binaların planlarını böyle değiştiriyormuş.
He was finally able to measure how much lead was actually in the rock. One whose age had already been established.
Nihayet yaşı önceden tespit edilmiş bir kayanın gerçekte ne kadar kurşun içerdiğini hesaplayabilecekti.
True scientist that he was, he set out to discover everything he could about how lead circulates through the environment.
Gerçek bir bilim insanı olması sebebiyle kurşunun doğada nasıl dolaştığı üzerine keşfedebileceği her şeyi bulmak üzere harekete geçti.
It was tragic how he died, but I respect Abraham honoring his family's agreement.
Ölümü trajikti ama Abraham'ın ailesinin anlaşmasını onurlandırmasına saygım sonsuz.
- That was very... how we both... - He's a murderer!
- Bu çok... ikimizin de...
- He was kind, he saw how Ivan treated me.
- Nazik biriydi ve Ivan'ın bana ne şekilde davrandığını gördü.
I mean, but I was talking to Chick about... you know, how I wanted to move to New York to follow my dream, and he told me to imagine my life exactly how I wanted it, and then picture it without you.
Chick'le konuştuğumda yani New York'a taşınıp hayallerimin peşinden koşmamı falan bana istediğimi tam olarak hayal etmemi söyledi sonra da sensiz halini hayal ettim.
Do you recall how tall he was, what he wore? Fabric is my business.
Peki boyunun ne kadar uzun olduğunu ya da ne giydiğini hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?
Perhaps he was unconscious when the fire started. How?
Belki yangın başladığında bilinci kapalıydı.
So you still don't know how he was poisoned.
Yani nasıl zehirlendiğini hala bilmiyorsun.
How did you know he was Dutch?
Hollandalı olduğunu nereden anladınız?
And more to the point, how did you know that he was downstairs?
Ne oldu ki? Daha da önemlisi alt katta olduğunu nereden biliyordun?
How would he know that Tom was yours?
Tom'un senden olduğunu nasıl öğrendi?
Sometimes she would try to say that he was too tired, or she'd want to be there to help, but Howard really understands how important it is to be a mentor to a little boy like Matty.
Bazen Howard'ın çok yorgun olduğunu söyler ve yardım etmek isterdi. Ama Howard Matty gibi küçük bir çocuğa rehberlik etmenin ne kadar önemli olduğunu gerçekten anlayabiliyor.
Axl finally learned how to study and decided to apply that knowledge to the classes he was taking.
Axl sonunda nasıl ders çalışılır öğrendi ve bunu kendi dersinde uygulamaya karar verdi.
[Gouby] John... was this kind of crazy British... former-Special Forces guy who bragged a lot about how he had been in all these crazy situations, killed lots of people, and saying these horrible things about Congolese.
John... biraz deli bir İngiliz'di. Eskiden özel harekatçıymış.
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how was your flight 94
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how was your night 86
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your week 21
how was your vacation 16
how was it 649
how was your trip 166
how was your first day 31
how was your summer 31
how was i supposed to know 62
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how was the meeting 32
how was yours 38
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how was the game 25
how was your meeting 28
how was your summer 31
how was i supposed to know 62
how was school today 48
how was the party 44
how was the meeting 32
how was yours 38
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was your meeting 28
how was your date 47
how was 51
how was last night 24
how was your 24
how was the funeral 19
how was i 37
how was the 27
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how was that 244
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how was 51
how was last night 24
how was your 24
how was the funeral 19
how was i 37
how was the 27
how was work 130
how was that 244
how was she 70