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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ W ] / Who would have thought

Who would have thought translate Turkish

559 parallel translation
Who would have thought that my daily view here would be of a cemetery?
Her gün baktığım manzaramın bir mezarlık olacağını kim bilirdi ki?
Now who would have thought it?
Kimin aklına gelirdi ki?
Who would have thought that I'd find the celebrated Dr. Jekyll?
Kimin aklına gelirdi ünlü Dr. Jekyll'ı bulacağım?
Who would have thought that you got critical illness again
Hastalanacağınızı düşünmedi.
Who would have thought...
Kim derdi ki...
Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.
Bir ihtiyardan bu kadar kan geleceği, kimin aklına gelirdi?
- Who would have thought -
- İnsan derdi ki... - Herkes dediğiniz?
Bless my soul, who would have thought that was in there?
Tanrı ruhumu korusun. Bunun orada olduğunu kim bilirdi?
Well. who would have thought?
Vay, Kimin aklına gelirdi?
Who would have thought that I, Oskar Binding, would be... an art collector!
Ben, Oskar Binding, bir sanat koleksiyoncusu olacağım kimin aklına gelirdi.
Who would have thought?
kimin aklına gelirdi?
Who would have thought?
Hoşlanmadın mı?
Who would have thought Margaret would take it so hard?
Kim derdi ki Margaret bunu böylesine güç karşılayacak?
Amigo, who would have thought the night we got out of jail that we would be here like... a rich man, heh? .
Amigo, Bizi o gece kodesten kimin kaçırdığını düşünüyorsun burada oturuyoruz sanki... zengin adamlar gibi, he?
Who would have thought that under Master Feng There will be such a talented man as you
Feng beyin yanında senin gibi yetenekli kişiler olduğunu bilmezdim
Who would have thought?
Kimin aklına gelir?
Who would have thought it of Frieda?
Bunu Frieda'dan bekler miydiniz?
Who would have thought?
Kimin aklına gelirdi?
" Who would have thought it? .
"Kim düşünürdü ki?"
Who would have thought it? .
Kimin aklına gelirdi ki?
Emperor after all Who would have thought it, eh?
Nihayet İmparator'sun. Kimin aklına gelirdi ki, ha?
Who would have thought that?
Kimin aklına gelirdi?
Who would have thought?
Kim tahmin ederdi?
Li Xunhuan, who would have thought... this bottomless abyss is where you'll be buried.
Li xunhuan, Kim derdi ki... bu dipsiz kuyu senin mezarın olacak.
Who would have thought?
Şu işe bak!
Brother Hua, no need to be angry who would have thought that Bai Yu Tang would change sides and help Bao Zheng
Birader Hua, sitem etmeyin! Bai Yu Tang'ın dahil olacağını tahmin edemezdik! yoksa sorun çıkmazdı!
Who would have thought?
Kim tahmin ederdi ki?
Roast chicken... who would have thought?
Kızarmış Tavuk... Kim tahmin ederdi ki?
Oh, you're right there, Obadiah. Who would have thought, thirty years ago, we'd all be sitting here drinking Château de Chaselet, eh?
30 yıl önce kimin aklına gelirdi burada oturup Chateau de Chasselas içeceğimiz?
Who would have thought after all these years, he's finally understood he's done wrong.
Tüm bu geçen yıllardan sonra, Sonunda yanlış yaptığını anladı yanlış?
Who would have thought...
Ama kim bilebilirdi ki...
Who would have thought the Krauts would publicise this?
Almanların bunu yayınlayacağı kimin aklına gelirdi ki?
Who would have thought?
Gördün mü?
Who would have thought that i would be - honey, come on.
Günün birinde buraya geleceğimi - Hayatım, şöyle geç.
Who would have thought it could get worse?
Daha da kötüleşeceği kimin aklına gelirdi ki?
Who would have thought that we'd ever be standing here as friends?
Burada arkadaş olarak duracağımızı kim düşünebilirdi ki?
Who would have thought the Vice President knew I was opening the door. But the Secret Service, they...
Ahlak masası şefi kapıyı açtığımda beni tanıdı... fakat gizli servis...
Who would have thought... that Florette would give birth to a hunchback?
Florette'in bir kambur doğurduğuna kim inanır ki?
Who would have thought...
- Kim düşünebilirdi ki...
But who would have thought that he would be so vengeful as to entrust his retribution to his son?
İntikamı için oğlunu kullanacağı hiç aklıma gelmezdi!
Who would have thought that we'd be fighting together?
Benim tarafımdayken birlikte dövüşmek eğlenceli olacak.
Boy, who would have thought a classy lady like Edith
Söyleyin, kim edith gibi klasik bir kadının
Who would ever have thought -
Kim düşünebilirdi -
Who'd have thought a fat, sloppy drunk lying in the gutter would have a pistol hidden in his boot?
Şişman, sarhoş bir serserinin çizmesinde silah sakladığını bilemezdi.
Who would have ever thought... in an elevator?
- Kimin aklına asansör gelirdi? - Dünyanın en emniyetli yeri.
Who'd have thought a ruddy great lust-box like her would have found her way into anybody's feelings?
Kim derdi ki o şehvet kutusu insanın kalbine girebilsin?
It must have been a big letdown as you thought that there would be some complicity between the people who preached the policies and you who put them into practice.
Talebimiz hemen geri çevrildi. Mareşal Pétain bizi görmeyi reddetti. - Peki ya Laval?
Who ever would have thought it?
Kim olacaktık ki?
But, on second thought, I believe that, had they labeled it secret, they would have invited a great many inquiries from people who got hold of it. They would then have perhaps raised more questions.
Tekrar düşününce,... belgeyi "gizli" diye sınıflandırmış olsalardı,... soru işaretlerini üzerlerine çekmiş olurlardı ve bu da daha çok soru işaretine yol açardı.
Who would ever have thought that you'd be living in a nice, big place like this?
Böyle güzel ve büyük bir evde oturacağını hiç tahmin edemezdim.
I thought it would be good to have somebody come along... who's really... strong.
Bize yolculuk boyunca eşlik edecek biri daha lazım O kişi... Güçlü.

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