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Who was driving translate Turkish

259 parallel translation
We passed a brown coupe, and I saw the girl who was driving.
Kahverengi bir arabayı geçtik, ve kullanan kızı gördüm.
And who was driving?
Ve o arabayı kim sürüyordu?
Who was driving the car?
Arabayı kim sürüyordu?
But it wasn't Boris who was driving the coach.
Ama faytonu süren Boris değildi.
Who was driving?
Kim kullanıyordu?
Who was driving?
Kim kullanıyormuş?
The gentleman here is the only person who've said that the man who was driving the car had black moustaches, and that this man is Bartolomeo Vanzetti.
Buradaki adam, arabayı süren kişinin Bartolomeo Vanzetti olduğunu söyleyen tek şahit Bu çelişkili bir durum.
He's the man who was driving.
Arabayı bu adam kullanıyordu.
Because Mr. Hamilton, who was driving up outside at the time, he heard both the shots and the alarm.
- Çünkü o sırada Mr.Hamilton, dışarıda, yukarıdaki yolda sürüşteydi... O önce silah sesini, sonra alarmı duymuş
Mr Quincy, who was driving Mr Buckner tonight?
- Evet. - Bay Quincy, bu akşam Bay Buckner'in arabasını kullanan kişi mi?
Authorities found a body, believed to be the remains of a woman who was driving the getaway car.
Kaçış aracını süren kadının kalıntıları olduğu sanılıyor.
Who was driving the car?
arabayı kim sürüyordu?
- I want to know who was driving it.
- Kimin kullandığını bilmek istiyorum.
Now the gal who was driving claimed she was being kidnapped.
Arabayı süren kız kaçırıldığını iddia etmiş.
The guy who was driving that car back there.
Demin gördüğün arabayı süren adam.
Who was driving that other car?
Diğer aracı kim sürüyordu?
I want to know who was driving the car that ran him into kingdome come.
Koşturarak öteki dünyadan gelip o arabayı sürenin... kim olduğunu bilmek istiyorum.
Did anybody see this guy who was driving my Vette the other night?
Hey millet, geçen gece arabamdaki adamı gören kimse yok mu?
I'm looking for the freshman dork who was driving my car after Marianne Moore's party.
Marienne'in partisinden sonra arabamı çarpan çaylak.
I was the one who was driving.
Arabayı kullanan bendim.
I'm the one who was driving the car.
Arabayı kullanan bendim.
Who was driving the car when Henry Lamb was hit?
Henry Lamb çiğnendiğinde arabayı kim kullanıyordu?
- Who was driving? - She was.
- Motosikleti kim kullanıyordu?
Who was driving the car?
- Arabayı kim kullanıyordu?
The bloke who was driving the ambulance... I ´ m sure he tried to avoid me by hitting the truck instead.
Ambulansı süren adamın direksiyonu kırıp benim yerime kamyona çarpacağını sandım.
- Who was driving it mother?
- Peki otomobili kim kullanıyordu?
And who was driving the car?
Ve arabayı kim sürüyordu?
Who was driving?
Arabayi kim sürdü?
Who was driving that car?
O arabayı kim kullanıyordu?
It wasn't Sally who was driving.
Arabayı kullanan Sally değildi.
The car... who was driving? I was.
Arabayı kim kullanıyordu?
Who was driving?
Kim sürüyordu?
- Who was driving?
- Kim kullanıyordu arabayı?
How do we know who was driving that car?
Arabayı sürenin kim olduğunu nerden biliyoruz?
Can you tell me who was driving the black Suburban?
Siyah Suburban'ı kimin kullandığını söyleyebilir misin?
- I was driving down the road one day... and who do I see pumping gasoline but my old chum from the old times.
- Bir gün arabamla yoldan geçiyordum ki arabama benzin doldururken bir de kimi göreyim, eski günlerden ahbabım.
And lying here day after day brooding about who ever was driving -
Bütün gün burada yatıp, arabayı kullananın kim olduğunu düşünmek...
And, uh, he was driving with two other people in the car and Al was, like, the guy in the centre who, like, told me.
Arabada iki kişiyle daha gidiyormuş... Charlie'nin sevdiği Al ortada oturuyormuş.
The man who kidnapped the dog was driving a rented car.
Köpeği kaçıran kişi kiralık araba kullanıyormuş.
You saw the man who was driving the car.
O arabadaki adamı gördün.
Time to drain the drug overdose sloshing above your eyebrows and tell me who the dude was driving that other car.
Kaşlarına kadar sıçrattığın uyuşturucuları boşaltma ve diğer arabayı kimin sürdüğünü anlatma zamanı.
- Who the hell was driving?
- Kim sürüyordu?
I got in the car and I suspected for a second if I was the one who's driving.
Direksiyona geçtiğimde bir an kullandığımdan kuşkuya düştüm.
I had to give a driving test to a woman who was so fat they had to shoot her license photo with the Hubble Telescope.
Çok şişman bir kadına sürüş dersi vermek zorunda kaldım sonra da ehliyetine fotoğrafı koymak için teleskop kullanmak zorunda kaldılar.
His friend was killed by a Ben Willis, who had a hook on his hand and was driving a BMW.
Arkadaşını Ben Willis öldürmüş, katilin elinde kanca varmış - ve bir BMW kullanıyormuş.
I } The attend of foxtail the suspect, who was last seen driving red BMW convertible, { Y : I } with white paint splattered on the trunks lid.
Şüpheli en son kaportasında beyaz boya olan kırmızı... bir BMW kullanırken görülmüştü.
I remember who was in the driving seat for the whole trip.
- Evet şoför koItuğunda durmadan kimin oturduğunu hatırIıyorum.
- Bernays was the guy who was the foremost articulator of the theories which were driving this new system.
Bernays, sistemin çarklarını döndüren bu teorileri ifade edenlerin önderiydi.
{ Y : I } The attend of foxtail the suspect, who was last seen driving red BMW convertible, { Y :
Şüpheli en son kaportasında beyaz boya olan kırmızı... bir BMW kullanırken görülmüştü.
Okay, Maria, if Fuentes was driving, who shot Miguel?
Fuentes arabayı kullanıyorduysa Miguel'i kim vurdu?
The second guy... the one who came looking for Kent on the day that he disappeared... the San Diego wife said that he was driving a green pickup.
Kaybolduğu gün Kent'i arayan San Diego'daki karısının yeşil pikap kullandığını söylediği ikinci adam.

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