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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ H ] / Herkesin dikkatine

Herkesin dikkatine translate English

155 parallel translation
Herkesin dikkatine...
Your attention...
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention, please.
- Herkesin dikkatine!
- "Now hear this"!
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, everyone!
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention all hands!
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention everybody.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention, all hands.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention, everyone.
Herkesin dikkatine!
Look out, everybody!
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, men!
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, all units.
Tamam, herkesin dikkatine!
Okay, everybody stand back.
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, everybody!
Herkesin dikkatine.
We have an announcement.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Now hear this.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention all controllers.
Herkesin dikkatine lütfen.
May I have your attention, please?
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, everyone.
Herkesin dikkatine.
- Attention everyone.
Uçaktaki herkesin dikkatine.
I want the attention of everyone on board.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention, everybody.
Binanın içindeki herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, everyone in the building.
Herkesin dikkatine, lütfen.
- Your attention, please.
- Herkesin dikkatine, lütfen!
Hey, your attention, please!
Herkesin dikkatine! Yerlerinize oturur musunuz lütfen?
Attention, everyoneI Could you please take your seats?
Herkesin dikkatine lütfen!
Everybody's attention, please!
Herkesin dikkatine- - görevli olmayan personel, yataklarına.
Attention all hands... off-duty personnel are expected to be in the racks.
Herkesin dikkatine, Dr. Kötülük kaçıyor
Attention, Dr. Evil and his clone are trying to escape.
Herkesin dikkatine kaptanınız konuşuyor.
All hands, this is the Captain.
Herkesin dikkatine : Saat 9 : 02.
Attention, everyone.
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention All! Attention All!
Herkesin dikkatine, lütfen.
Everybody's attention, please.
Herkesin dikkatine!
Oh, hey, everybody!
Herkesin dikkatine!
Listen up everyone.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Uh... Attention, everyone.
Herkesin dikkatine, ben Weir!
Attention everyone, this is Weir!
Herkesin dikkatine.
May I have everyone's attention, please.
Herkesin dikkatine!
Now hear this.
Herkesin dikkatine,... eski ve yeni personel,... kurallara sağdık kalmalıdır,... bu konularda son derece katı olduğumuzu bilmenizi isterim.
For your information, both new and old staff members, must comply with the rules, which I want to emphasize are'iron'rules.
Herkesin dikkatine. Bunlar her yıl düzenlenen CIA aile karnavalının davetiyeleri.
Here are the invitations to the annual CIA family carnival.
Herkesin dikkatine, Klasik güne başlamaya hazır.
Everybody, classic is up and about.
Peki millet, herkesin dikkatine?
Alright, folks, can I have your attention, please?
Herkesin dikkatine :
Attention, everybody :
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention please.
Herkesin dikkatine!
( Wilhelmina ) Attention, Everyone, Attention.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Be advised.
Herkesin dikkatine!
Attention, everybody.
Herkesin dikkatine.
Attention, everyone, please.
Herkesin dikkatine,
- Herkesin dikkatine!
- Attention, everyone!

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