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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ S ] / Sen keyfine bak

Sen keyfine bak translate English

210 parallel translation
Olur, sen keyfine bak.
No, help yourself.
Sen keyfine bak, Jake.
And you take your time. Jake.
Yo, sen keyfine bak.
No, you make yourself comfortable
Sen keyfine bak.
Finish your wine.
Ve sen keyfine bak.
And therefore frolic.
Sen keyfine bak.
But you go ahead.
Onlar sonra yer sen keyfine bak.
They'll eat later, you feel at home.
Sen keyfine bak...
You cool it...
Sen keyfine bak.
Make yourself comfortable.
– Sen keyfine bak.
– Take it easy.
Sen keyfine bak.
Take your time.
Sen keyfine bak.
you're all right.
Sadece biraz fazla içtim Sen keyfine bak.
- It's not that... It'll be good. Just enjoy yourself.
Dert değil Sonny, sen keyfine bak.
No, that's okay, Sonny. Nah, go ahead.
Sen keyfine bakıp otururken, ben durumumuzu iyileştirmek için çözüm düşünüyorum.
You know, while you're having such a good time and doing nothing, I am trying to think of ways to improve our situation.
Ben banyoya gidiyorum, sen keyfine bak.
I'm just gonna go get cleaned up a little bit, so make yourself as at home as possible.
Sen keyfine bak tatlım, iki dakika sonra yanındayım.
Make yourself comfortable. I'll be with you in two minutes.
Yangın kuralları falan. Ama sen keyfine bak.
Fire laws and all that, but you go right ahead.
Bunlarla başını şişirmeyeyim. Sen keyfine bak en iyisi.
Since you missed this one, take the morning off.
Sen keyfine bak.
Enjoy yourself.
Sen keyfine bak, ben gidip soracağım.
Relax, I'll take care of it.
Sen keyfine bak Nicola.
See you at the water cooler, Nicola.
- Sen keyfine bak.
- Suit yourself.
"Bu hafta sonu evle ilgileniriz, sen keyfine bak."
"We'll care for the place this weekend, just take your cares elsewhere."
Sen keyfine bak. Etrafı gez.
Just feel free, look around.
Sen keyfine bak.
Settle in.
Sen keyfine bak.
Take a break.
Trafik kazasından aldığım tazminat borsada prim yapıyor, sen keyfine bak.
All the money I won from the cab accident is kicking ass in the stock market, so relax.
Sen keyfine bak.
Help yourself.
- Sen keyfine bak. - Olur mu?
- You're having a good time.
Sen keyfine bak.
Just enjoy the ride.
Tamam Sen keyfine bak.
Well yet. I will spare you the trip.
Sen otur ve keyfine bak.
You sit down and enjoy yourself.
Sen dartlarınla oyna. Sen de ye, iç, keyfine bak. Ama ben korkuyorum.
You're playin'with your darts, and you're happy with the banana, but me, I'm scared.
- Hayır tamam, keyfine bak sen.
No, it's quite... - It's quite...
Sen sadece kendi keyfine bakıyormuşsun, öyle mi?
You just wanted to have fun by yourself, didn't you?
Şimdi, sen orada oturuyorsun, keyfine bakıyorsun.
Now, just sit down there, make yourself perfectly comfortable.
Biz Rahat olalım şimdi! Sen de çok endişelenmeyi bırak! keyfine bak!
Let's have a few drinks and find ourselves some girls to enjoy
Keyfine bak sen.
Do as you like.
Sen seviş, keyfine bak.
Just make love and be happy.
Eşyalarını yerleştireyim, sen de keyfine bak.
I'll start unpacking. - You just look around, make yourself comfortable.
Sen hapınla keyfine bak.
Enjoy your blues.
Sen şunu tut. Keyfine bak.
Here, hold on to these.
Sen oturup keyfine bak. Çay yapmayı da bana bırak.
You just sit yourself down on that stool and leave the tea to me.
Sen gir. Keyfine bak.
You enjoy yourself.
Keyfine bak sen.
Enjoy your self.
Uh, sen sadece keyfine bak.
Uh, just make yourself comfortable.
Sen Lala ile keyfine bak.
- Thank you.
Sen keyfine bak.
I'll be fine.
Dükkâna baksın, sen de keyfine bak.
Let him take care of the shop.
- Tamam, sen burada keyfine bak.
All right. You know, just make yourself comfortable here.

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