Yanliş translate English
686 parallel translation
False Starts
Yüksekligi yanlïs mï ölçtün?
Did you misjudge your altitude?
Normal yaklasti ama, yüksekligini yanlis ölçtü ve kanadini bir hangara takti.
He made a normal approach, but misjudged his altitude and hooked a wing against a hangar.
Yanlïs bir sey var.
There seems to be something wrong.
Sanirim bir yanlis anlasilma oldu.
I must have expressed myself badly.
IKonusmak için yanlis zamani seçer ve yanlis seyler söyler.
He generally picks the wrong time to talk and says the wrong things.
- Yanlis ihbar mi Bay Spade?
- Bum steer, Mr. Spade?
Yanlis ihbarmis.
It was a bum steer.
- Yanlis anladin, mesele o degil.
- You misunderstand me. It's not that.
Yanlis bir zamanda mi geldim ben
I didn't come in at the wrong time, did I?
Ben galiba yanlis yerdeyim.
I must be in the wrong place.
Hey, yanlïş şerittesin!
Hey! You're in the wrong lane!
Yanlis bir hareket yapabilirsin.
You might make a bad move.
Dogru ya da yanlis, bir sonraki cinayette seni asacaklar, biliyorsun.
Right or wrong, they're gonna hang you for another killing. You know it.
Almanlarla bir iliskimin oldugunu düsünmen yanlis.
Wrong to think I had any dealings with the Germans.
Seni sevmedigimi düsünmen de yanlis.
And wrong to think I do not like you.
Bunu yanlis zamanda söylemek tam sana göre.
It's just like you to say it at the wrong time.
Fakat bizzat bu sektörün müstakil oldugu gerçegi nedeniyle gerçekte hayal ve yanlis bilinç alaninda bulunmaktadir : ulastigi birlik, evrensel bölünmenin resmi dilinden baska bir sey degildir.
From the very fact that this sector is separate, it is the place of the abused gaze and of false consciousness, and the unification it accomplishes... is nothing other than an official language of... generalized separation.
Bir yazarin deyisine siki sikiya baglanir, ifadelerinden yararlanir, yanlis fikri çikarip yerine dogru olani koyar.
It clings to an author's phrase, makes use of his expressions, erases a false idea, replaces it with the right idea.
Baglantisiz, yanlis anlasilmis ve unutulmus bir halde gösterinin hatirlanamayan yanlis hatirasiyla zapt edilir.
It is not communicated. It is not understood and is forgotten... to the profit of the false spectacular memory... of the non-memorable.
"Bayim, gelmek için yanlis bir yer seçtiniz!"
Ooh, you picked the wrong place to come to, mister.
Egemen toplumun tarihi ve hatirayi etkisiz kilma kilma ve tarihi zamana dair herhangi bir tarihi bastirma yöntemi olarak görülen gösteri, zamana dair yanlis bir bilinci temsil eder.
The spectacle, as the present social organization... of the paralysis of history and of memory, of the abandonment of history... erected on the basis of historical time, is the false consciousness of time.
Sahipliginin gizlenmesi gerekiyordu çünkü yanlis bilince dayaniyordu.
Its real ownership is dissimulated, and it came to ownership... only by the route of false consciousness.
Bu yanlis bilinç tüm gücünü yalnizca tüm gerçek sebeplerin nihai olarak gizlendigi tam bir terör yönetimiyle saglayabilir.
False consciousness maintains its absolute power... only by absolute terror, where any true motivation is ultimately lost.
Inkarin yeni belirtileri, ekonomik açidan en çok gelismis ülkelerde artmaktadir. Bu belirtiler gösteri tarafindan yanlis anlasilip tahrif edilse de, yeni bir dönemin basladiginin yeterli bir kanitidir.
By the new signs of negation, misunderstood and falsified by the management of the spectacle, that are multiplying in the most economically advanced countries, one may already draw the conclusion that... a new epoch has opened :
Yanlis anlamissiniz.
I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea about that.
Ozur dilerim, Yanlis numara.
Mm! I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
- Yanlis numarayi ariyorsunuz!
You got the wrong number.
Tekrar ediyorum yanlis numara cevirdiniz!
Look, I'm telling you, you have the wrong number!
Bugun bir kadin telefon etti, once yanlis numara sandim... ancak sonra bana bagirmaya basladi.
This afternoon, I got a call from a woman and I thought it was a wrong number. But then she started screaming at me.
Olamaz, Nash, yanlis anlamissin.
For Christ sake, Nash, you got it wrong.
- Oturma düzeni yanlïs.
- The seating's all wrong.
Ilk basta, bana yanlis dosyayi verdiler sandim.
At first, I thought they handed me the wrong dossier.
Yanlis bardak, efendim.
Wrong glass, sir.
Yanlis düsünüyorsun.
You're way off track.
Yanlis anlasilma var.
It's a misunderstanding.
simdi uyumam yanlis olur.
It would be wrong to sleep now.
Aptalca bir yanlis anlasilma.
It's a silly misunderstanding.
Yanlis adam, ahbap.
Got the wrong guy, pal.
Bu yanlis birsey.
And that's sick.
Yanlis adamla takistiginizi anlayacaksiniz.
You'll find you picked the wrong man to challenge.
Yanlis anlama.
Don't get me wrong.
Herkes yanlis degerlendirdi.
People got it all wrong.
Yanlis anlamani istemem.
- What? And I don't want you to take this the wrong way.
Sakin yanlis anlama.
I can't help it.
Sen sadece yanlis adamla dans ettin.
You just... fucked with the wrong guy.
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