And how was it traducir español
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But I was teaching Rich how to shoot, and I lent it to him right before we broke up.
Pero estaba enseñando a Rich a disparar, y se lo dejé justo antes de romper.
Do you know how awesome it would be if I called them up and told them that James was doing a reunion show?
¿ Sabes lo impresionante que sería si las llamara y les dijera que James iba a hacer un programa de reunión?
Look, the last time you asked me to help you it was about Donna, and look at how that turned out.
Me pediste que te ayudara con Donna. Mira cómo terminó eso.
Well, it was weird how it was all about the cup and so little about the pumpkin spice cupcake.
Bueno, ha sido raro que fuera todo sobre la copa y tan poco sobre la magdalena sabor calabaza picante.
And that's how it was.
Y así fue.
See, and every time he saw me and Jane together, like in, you know, the shower or whatever, it reminded him of how single and lonely he was.
Cada vez que nos veía juntos... en la ducha o donde fuera... le recordaba lo soltero y solo que estaba.
- Apparently while I was off making with the pom-poms some sort of blood feud happened and no one seems ready to let it go no matter how boring it's getting!
- Aparentemente, mientras yo estaba con los pompones, ha tenido lugar algún tipo de reyerta familiar y nadie parece dispuesto a dejarlo pasar, ¡ sin importar lo aburrido que está siendo!
I can't remember, but he was talking Cabo and how he wanted to go it had to be short notice... What?
No lo recuerdo, pero hablaba de Cabo y de cuánto quería ir, de que tenía que ser con poca antelación...
And I love that you... how you, like, kept your intensity throughout the entire number, and it was... it was great.
Y me encanta como, como, bueno, mantienes tu intensidad durante todo el número, y estuvo... estuvo genial.
First we'd have to put on a gun belt and bulletproof vest to see how easy it was to fit in the car.
En primer lugar nos gustaría tener que poner en un pistola del cinturón y un chaleco antibalas para ver lo fácil que era para que quepa en el coche.
It's indicative of where I was and how I feel.
Es indicada por donde estuve y por lo que siento.
[Liv] In Shame, when we are out in the lifeboat... it was so cold - thirty-minus degrees - and look how he is dressed.
En "La vergüenza", cuando estabamos en el bote salvavidas, hacía tanto frío, 30 grados bajo cero. Vea cómo está vestido!
Although, while I'm here, the Jessica thing, that was a misunderstanding, but I totally understand how it rubbed people the wrong way, and I'm very sorry.
Aunque, mientras estoy aquí, el asunto de Jessica, eso fue un malentendido, pero comprendo totalmente como presiona a la gente de mala manera, y lo lamento mucho.
If they knew how hard it was for him to walk up to them and ask them to sign the petition, they're mean kids, but this can be fixed.
Si supieran lo duro que le fue pasarse frente a ellos y pídeles que firmen la petición, hay chicos malvados, pero esto puede arreglarse.
What did Rusty say? Um... he said that, uh bad men were how he made a living... and that it doesn't hurt to just listen to them... and that, um, his mother was gone and she wasn't coming back.
¿ Qué dijo Rusty? Dijo que... los hombres malos son con lo que se gana la vida... y que no hace daño a nadie simplemente escucharles... y que... su madre se había ido y que no había regresado.
Or should I call you Miguel and Adam? Ugh. How'd you know it was me?
¿ O debería llamaros Miguel y Adam? ¿ Cómo sabías que era yo?
It's funny how her coworkers thought they knew her so well, and she had this whole secret life she was hiding from'em.
Es gracioso cómo sus compañeros pensaban que la conocían bien, y tenía toda esta vida secreta que les estaba escondiendo.
Snow told me what happened, and... how it was her fault that he died.
Blanca me contó lo que paso, y... cómo fue culpa suya que él muriera.
Maybe he can talk about how our justice system wasn't built to lock up guilty people. It was built to keep innocent people free, which is something Americans should be proud of and fiercely protect.
Tal vez puede hablar de que el sistema judicial fue creado para encerrar a los culpables y liberar a los inocentes que es algo que las estadounidenses deberían proteger con todas sus fuerzas.
No matter how hard I work, I will never be you, and I think it was just my dark side trying to hide that.
No importa lo duro que trabaje, jamás seré tú, y creo que ha sido mi lado oscuro el que me lo ha intentado ocultar.
But I remember Mom, whoever she was talking on the phone, talking about this big weekend that she and Michael had had and how it had reinvigorated the relationship, and he started to write her all these love letters after the weekend that they had in Montreal.
Pero recuerdo a mamá, con quien fuera que estaba al teléfono hablando sobre este gran fin de semana que ella y Michael habían tenido y de cómo había revigorizado la relación y que él había empezado a escribirle cartas de amor después del fin de semana que tuvieron en Montreal.
And I remember years later reminiscing back on that, how she would cry and cry, and we'd be crying, and we'd have to say good-bye and go into the house, and it was like, we didn't want to leave, " cause we wanted to be with her.
Y recuerdo años después recordando eso y teníamos que decir adiós y entrar a la casa y eso era como, no nos queríamos ir porque queríamos estar con ella.
He was worried what effect it would have on Michael and his family if it turned out that Harry was the father, and he wasn't too sure how he would feel if Michael turned out to be the sperm donor.
Estaba preocupado de qué efecto tendría en Michael y su familia si resultaba que Harry era el padre y no estaba muy seguro de cómo se sentiría si Michael resultaba ser el donador de esperma.
To think how crazy it was of her to be that out of control, it's a pretty scary scenario, the idea of having a kid that belongs to someone else biologically, and you have to try to carry on your life, hiding that fact from the people you're closest to.
Pensar qué tan loco era de su parte estar tan fuera de control es un escenario bastante tenebroso, la idea de tener un niño que le pertenece biológicamente a alguien más y tienes que tratar de continuar con tu vida escondiéndole ese hecho a la gente más cercana a ti.
It was a horrible moment, and I don't know how many months later that was from when we went down to see him.
Fue un momento espantoso, no sé cuántos meses más tarde fue eso de cuando fuimos a verlo.
And these people were crazy, and they were like standing next to you, and we didn't know how to control it, stop it, it was completely out of our control.
Esa gente estaba loca, y los teníamos delante, no sabíamos cómo controlar aquello, pararlo, estaba descontrolado.
How quickly you forget it was me and my crew pulled the 2nd Mass'ass out of hell in Fitchburg.
Qué tan rápido olvida que fuimos mi equipo y yo quienes sacamos a la 2nd Mass de Fitchburg.
Both lyrically and musically, that's why I like music. And once I try and figure it out I have cr-personally crazy fantasies of what the person was thinking about when they wrote that and why they wrote that and how does it relate to me.
Ambas musicalmente y liricamente, por eso es que me gusta la música y una vez que trato y lo averiguo tengo fantasías locas de lo que la persona estaba pensando cuando escribió eso y por qué lo escribió y cómo se relaciona conmigo.
How could that motherfucking [bleep bleep] Sit there and tell us that he was gonna do something and then not do it?
cómo esos coños de madre podrían sentarse allí y decirnos que él iba a hacer algo y luego no hacerlo?
And how do you know it was plagiarized? How do I know the software was?
¿ Cómo lo sabía?
- How it was burned? - And as for what happened on the night that Detective Elroy lost his life, you didn't see that either. No.
- ¿ Cómo llegaba a arder?
And how long was it after you called your men out that the structure exploded?
¿ Cuánto tiempo pasó... desde que avisó a sus hombres de que salieran...
And how'd you know it was him?
¿ Y cómo supo que era él?
It was a metaph... ♪ Shut me up How can I breathe when I'm afloat ♪ Our love's concrete We should leave it set in stone ♪ Yeah, and whenever I'm in doubt Yeah, you forever calm me down
Era una metáfora... Póntelo, póntelo...
"I guess that's how it began..." "I followed the skinny guy for two more blocks before he turned " and I could ask exactly what he was doing here.
Supongo que así es como comenzó... ". " Seguí al chico delgado dos manzanas más antes de que se girara y pudiera preguntarle qué hacía exactamente allí.
There was a deputy Sheriff's car there, and it was a guy we knew. - How you doing, man?
Había un ayudante del Alguacil y lo conocíamos.
So we came there, in the foyer, in the lobby, there was a huge chandelier of the 19th century... and we asked a specialist... how much would he pay for it, if it was offered.
Fuimos allí, en el vestíbulo, había un enorme candelabro del siglo XIX... y pedimos a un especialista... cuanto pagaría por eso, si le fue ofrecido.
It's gotten to the point where I, I ask how his day was, and he gets defensive with me.
Ha llegado al punto donde yo, le pregunto cómo fue su día, y él se pone a la defensiva conmigo.
- How'd it go? - It was going great, and then there was a pop in my shoulder.
- Estaba yendo genial, y entonces pinchó mi hombro.
And I told you how this was gonna be, and I asked you to get okay with it.
Y te dije cómo sería esto, y te pedí que lo llevaras bien.
It was just- - it was just kind of the sense of why- - i mean, How can i even convince these girls to make a switch and everything to give me a shot at everything?
Es más como la sensación de cómo... vamos, cómo podría convencerlas de que cambiasen su voto y me diesen una oportunidad.
And so it was, the queen gave up her one chance at the magic cream and sacrificed her luminous, dewy, flawless complexion just so she could tell the princess scientist how very, very special she is.
Y por eso, la reina le dio la crema mágica, sacrificando su luminosa, y perfecta complexión, para decirle a la princesa científica lo muy, muy especial que es.
( Amplified voice ) This is a song that my mom wrote, and my dad's the one who taught me how to play guitar one million years ago, so if I suck, it's their fault. ♪ Against a woolen sweater that was blue ♪ ♪ that's all that I remember ♪
Esta es una canción que escribió mi mamá y mi papá fue quien me enseñó a tocar la guitarra hace un millón de años, de modo que si apesto, es su culpa.
Isn't it odd how our six-some was basically forged on The Real World, and yet we never talk about it?
¿ No es raro que nuestro sexteto se forjó fundamentalmente en The Real World, y aún no habíamos hablado de ello?
I was... it was me, listening to him go on and on about how brave she was, how amazing she was.
Fui yo... Fui yo la que le escuché describir lo valiente que era, lo maravillosa que era.
Of course, the first thing you want to do. Once, you know, I got a break and I was able to... Is get to the telephone, call Marsha, and say, how's it going?
Por supuesto, lo primero que hacía cuando yo estaba en mi descanso, era agarrar el teléfono y llamar a Marsha y decirle : ¿ cómo te va?
I took him to his first day of kindergarten, and I was, you know, ready for the tears and the good-bye, and how hard it was gonna be, and he just let go of my hand.
Le llevé a su primer día de guardería, y estaba, ya sabes, preparada para las lagrimas y el adiós, y lo duro que iba a ser, y simplemente me soltó la mano.
And how I always used to do him a massage before bed, you know, when it was bad.
Y de cómo solía hacerle un masaje antes de ir a dormir, ya sabes, cuando le dolía.
It was just sitting there on the desk, a-and they didn't lick the sticky part, so it was open, and I looked, and I saw how much you make, and my trip costs too much money.
Estaba sentada en el escritorio, y no habían lamido la parte del pegamento, así que estaba abierto, y lo abrí, y vi lo que ganas, y mi viaje cuesta demasiado dinero.
Well, "city at war," rather... you said "two words," and I couldn't make it two words, so I was thinking about this all night, and I was thinking, "how am I going to do this," so...
Bueno, "ciudad en guerra", más bien... usted ha dicho "dos palabras", y yo No podía hacer dos palabras, así que estaba pensando sobre esto toda la noche, y yo pensaba : "cómo soy vamos a hacer esto", así que...
Yes, I was saying that lately I've been really sad, and I didn't know how to deal with it, so I got angry.
Sí, decía que he estado muy triste, de verdad, y no supe como superarlo, entonces me enojé.
and how old are you 36
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
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and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how is that 29
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how do i do that 21
and how are you going to do that 19
and how does that make you feel 17
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how do i do that 21
and how are you going to do that 19
and how does that make you feel 17
and how do we do that 48
how was it 649
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
how was it 649
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219