On that note traducir español
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On that note, I'm off to bed.
Me voy a la cama.
On that note, I think I should leave.
En espera de ello, me retiro.
On that note of logic, I'll go to work.
- Viendo tu lógica, me voy a trabajar
And on that note, I think I'll fix us some drinks.
Y con eso en mente, iré a prepararnos unos tragos.
And on that note, we must say good night to you. Picasso has failed - in his first bid for international cycling fame.
Tenemos que despedirnos de Vds. Picasso ha fracasado en su intento... de saltar a la fama ciclista internacional.
And on that note, Veronika, discreetly, disappears.
Dicho esto, Veronika, discreta, se eclipsa.
And, on that note, I will check in on our sumptuous repast.
Y hablando de eso, iré a revisar nuestro pomposo menú.
Okay. Um, on that note, I should definitely go. Um...
De acuerdo, con respecto a eso, realmente me debería ir.
I have a feeling that if we got together, collaborated on a note to leave behind, and really worked on it, it would not only be a very fine piece of literature, but it might save me a black eye.
Creo que si nos juntáramos... y tratáramos de crear algo inmortal, con mucho esfuerzo... no sólo sería una buena obra literaria... sino que tal vez me ahorraría una golpiza.
You took a signature of that note... traced it on this check and deposited it to Robert's account.
Usted cogió la firma de esa nota, la calcó en este cheque y lo depositó en la cuenta de Robert.
You don't happen to have that ten - guilder-note on you...
¿ No tendrás por casualidad ese billete de 10 florines contigo?
Don't you take note on that funny dog there.
No te asustes por los ladridos de ese señor, preciosa.
His Grace the Lord High Protector, awaits your pleasure... and asks that you be informed that a note on the treasury has to be signed.
su Ilustrísima el Gran Lord Protector, espera a que le reciba... y pide que se le informe que ha de firmarse una anotación en la tesorería.
I could see he was on pins and needles... so I suggested that he go out into the open air for a while.
Le noté muy nervioso, así que le sugerí que saliera un rato a tomar el aire.
Never in my life have I known cold fear... until that moment that I felt his hand on my shoulder.
Nunca había conocido el miedo de verdad... hasta que noté su mano en mi hombro.
Monday morning there was a note on my desk that you wanted to see me, Keyes.
El lunes me habías dejado una nota que querías verme, Keyes.
Madame has not noticed that monsieur Left a note on the mantelpiece.
¿ Se ha dado cuenta de que le he dejado una carta sobre la cómoda?
You went flat on that note.
Por eso sé cómo se siente.
- Speak and welcome, and make a note of that, too, but go on with your doctoring while you talks.
Hable y tome nota de todo. Pero siga curándole mientras hablan.
The note said that.. they wrote on behalf of Carmela, that Carmela, beside herself,.. had run away from home and was in Capua where, crossing a street,..
La nota decía que escribían en nombre de Carmela, y que Carmela, fuera de sí,... se había escapado de casa y estaba en Capua donde, al cruzar una calle,... desesperada como estaba, la había atropellado un tranvía.
Have that note or writ or whatever you call it served on Mr. Fallgren first thing tomorrow morning.
Haga que ese pagaré o escrito o lo que sea se le demande al Sr. Fallgren mañana a primera hora.
I saw you put that note on his desk.
He visto como ponías esa nota en su mesa.
You're going to stop on the main road to Contention, one mile this side, and you're going to give that note to somebody passing in.
Va a pararse en el camino hacia Contention, a una milla, y le dará la nota a alguien que pase.
Oh yes, "I also point out " that in note 4a, "which I sent on..."
Ah, sí. "Por otra parte, la nota cuarta bis que le adjunto..."
And on my way down to my office this morning... I happened to notice on the front page of the Morning News... a newspaper... by the way, of understandably small circulation... that my young opponent had played to an overflow crowd... in the Jewel Room of the Colonial Hotel.
Y en mi camino hacia la oficina esta mañana... noté en la primera plana del Matutino... que es, por cierto, un periódico de comprensible baja circulación... que mi joven oponente ha actuado frente a una rebosante multitud... en el Salón de las Joyas del Hotel Colonial.
I'm counting on getting that promissory note from the lieutenant.
Cuento con el pagaré del teniente.
But Artie was such a good friend of a young man... who helped him write a ransom note on a stolen typewriter... and who rented a black sedan from the Collins drive-yourself agency... on May 16, that I thought it might joggle your memory.
Artie es muy buen amigo de un joven... que lo ayudó a hacer la nota de rescate en una máquina robada... y que alquiló un sedán negro en la agencia de autos Collins... el 16 de mayo. Pensé que eso te refrescaría la memoria.
Now you try that first note and come right into it and continue. Let's get together and swing right on through.
Cuando cojas el tono, empiezas a cantar y seguimos juntos hasta el final.
He must've typed that note on my machine.
Habrá escrito esa nota con mi máquina.
Then I told her that if she ever blew the whistle on me... I was gonna mail a Photostat of that note to the plumber.
Luego le dije que si alguna vez me delataba... le enviaría una copia de esa nota al plomero.
It appears that this Montague-Capulet note would have little effect on the feud now raging between the two party leaders.
Parece que esta pequeña reconciliación entre Montescos y Capuletos no afectará a la disputa entre ambos líderes políticos.
Not to mention that story about the date on the 100-lire note.
Eso sin tener en cuenta la historia de la fecha del billete de 100 liras.
That note you found in your room was typed on his typewriter and as a result of the assignation, victim number three.
La nota que encontró en su habitación fue escrita en su máquina de escribir y como resultado de tal, tenemos a la tercera víctima.
Well and on that sweet note, boys, we can all get ready to got to the West Indies.
Y ahora, a prepararse para marcharnos a las Antillas.
On reaching it, I noticed that the place seemed strange.
Al llegar, noté que el lugar parecía extraño.
You see, I happened to have noticed with my eagle eye that the firing pin on this hammer was defective.
Resulta que noté con mi ojo de águila que la clavija para disparar estaba defectuosa.
Watching these images, you'll note that everything is based on our genius for transformation.
Viendo estas imágenes, comprobará que todo depende... de nuestra capacidad de transformación.
But don't forget that the opera ends on a good note.
No olvide que interpreta una ópera con final feliz.
Fennan's suicide note and the letter that denounced him were both typed on his own Olivetti, probably by different people.
La nota de suicidio de Fennan y la carta de denuncia... se escribieron en su Olivetti, probablemente por dos personas.
Harry, take a note on that, now.
Harry, tomad ya nota de eso.
When I saw that car bearing down on us, I happened to notice that it was a 1967 Sedan.
Cuando vi ese auto venir hacia nosotros noté que era un sedán de 1967.
Max, I noticed you have the names of three agents on this list - that I don't have on mine.
Noté que tienes tres agentes en la lista que yo no tengo.
Cleverly disguised as pigeons we shall be able to sneak up on that little note-dropper.
Astutamente disfrazados de palomas seremos capaces de acercarnos sigilosamente a ese pequeño mensajero.
There's one bright note on this troubled campus, and that is tomorrow the current semester ends.
Hay una nota que destaca en este campus con problemas, y es que mañana termina el semestre actual.
You're trying to get your own back on me for that time about a year ago... when you wrote me the note.
Intenta vengarse de mí por aquella vez que me escribió una nota.
Note that. Put him on report. Disrespectful behaviour.
Toma nota de su comportamiento irrespetuoso.
It's the lab report on the £ 10 note that Blaney used to pay the hotel bill with. Yes.
Es el informe del laboratorio sobre el dinero que usó Blaney en el hotel.
That's about a C-note for every year he's been on the force.
Eso son 100 dólares por cada año que ha sido policía.
On that little note of mystery we'll end this, and let Miss Baker go to her hotel.
Por favor tendrán tiempo para eso. La señorita necesita descansar.
Vasya, may I note that the great Mozart played the most complicated pieces on the harpsichord at the age of 3.
Vasya, puedo señalar que el gran Mozart tocaba las piezas más complicadas en el clavicordio a los tres años.
That's right. I made a note on that.
Es un gran detalle.
on that 88
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
note 183
notes 105
notebook 23
noted 237
note to self 55
notebooks 17
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
note 183
notes 105
notebook 23
noted 237
note to self 55
notebooks 17
on the tv 16
on the whole 55
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the plus side 107
on the 426
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the whole 55
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the plus side 107
on the 426
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the contrary 1002
on the roof 79
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the other 48
on the roof 79
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the other 48
on the record 70
on the house 231
on there 23
on the sidewalk 17
on the side 64
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the house 231
on there 23
on the sidewalk 17
on the side 64
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28