Cause i was traducir español
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The reason I didn't go play for Essendon...'cause I was scared.
La razón por la cual no fui a jugar a Essendon... es que estaba asustado.
You know, nickname, I used to rock it back in the day'cause I was cool and supportive.
Ya sabes, un apodo, solía rockear antes Porque era fresco y apoyaba.
In the name of Jesus, I ask that the souls of my unborn babies be considered to enter the Holy Kingdom, even though they never had a chance to get baptized'cause I was wicked and I got'em sucked out...'cause I was weak... and I didn't know any better.
En nombre del Señor, ruego que las almas de mis bebés no nacidos sean recibidas en Tu Reino, aunque no hayan sido bautizados porque fui pecaminosa y aborté... porque fui débil... y no sabía que estaba mal.
Cause I was a fool!
Porque era una tonta.
'Cause I was afraid you'd fuck everything up.
Porque temía que lo arruinaras todo.
No, no, no, the only reason I was rated one star is'cause I was brought down by you two morons, all right?
No, la única razón de que tenga una estrella es que ustedes me tiraron abajo estando allí, idiotas, okay?
Okay, I got the place looking pretty good already,'cause I was anticipating something like this, but do me a favor.
Ya tengo el lugar bien arreglado porque estaba anticipando algo como esto. Pero hazme un favor.
'Cause I was irritated with you.
Porque estaba molesto contigo.
Oh, I just dropped it in a creek'cause I was... creek walking with just a group of my new friends.
Se me ha caído a un riachuelo porque... estaba pasando por uno con mi nuevo grupo de amigos.
Shit, man, but I'm maxed out to the brim,'cause I was...
Rayos. Estoy quebrado. Contaba con ese dinero.
I don't think you should'cause I was fucking right.
Porque tenía razón.
Fuck all y'all.'Cause I was in a good mood and shit.
A la mierda todos. Porque Yo era de buen humor y la mierda.
- I just said that'cause I was angry and I was shitfaced.
- Solo dije eso porque estaba cabreada, e iba pedo.
'Cause I was gonna do it myself.
Porque iba a hacerme cargo yo sola.
-'Cause I was in there...
- Porque yo estaba allí...
While all the popular kids are off doing- - whatever, I don't know what they were doing'cause I was never there...
Mientras todos los chicos populares está afuera haciendo lo que sea, no sé lo que ellos estaban haciendo porque nunca estuve ahí.
Pretend that I had to go to the bathroom and then I was gonna sneak out the window and just get out of here'cause I was afraid you were gonna do that to me first.
Fingir tener que ir al baño y escapar por la ventana y simplemente irme de aquí por miedo a que me lo hicieses - tu antes.
I'm just, you know, feeling a little squirrelly'cause I was cooped up in my house for so long.
Solo, ya sabes, me siento un poco rara porque estuve encerrada en mi casa durante tanto tiempo.
I was nervous,'cause I've never designed jewelry before.
Estaba nervioso porque nunca antes había hecho un diseño de joyería.
I was just really nervous,'cause...
Estaba muy nerviosa porque...
'Cause I told you once already, and I was very clear.
Porque ya lo dije una vez, y fui muy claro.
'Cause, actually, what I heard through the rumor mill was he had a breakdown when his best friend was killed.
Los rumores que yo escuché fueron que colapsó cuando su amigo murió.
It was an awkward couple hours'cause I didn't invite him, but the place sparkles.
Fueron un par de horas raras porque no le invité, pero el sitio está reluciente.
I went cause I knew they'd show one of his movies and he was there promoting.
Yo había ido allí a propósito, sabía que había una de sus películas a concurso e iba a presentarla.
I was like, she can't be pregnant'cause she's buying tampons.
Yo estaba como, ella no puede estar embarazada... porque está comprando tampones.
You know, I was gonna say something, but I didn't want to step on anyone's toes, you know,'cause like, I don't work here.
¿ Sabes? , iba a decirles algo, pero no quería meterme donde no me llaman, ¿ sabes? , porque no trabajo aquí.
And then I felt like I was going crazy'cause all I could think about was the... boring kid.
Y luego sentí que me estaba volviendo loca porque en lo único que podía pensar era en ese... chico aburrido.
'Cause that's what I was born.
Porque así estoy desde que nací.
♪'cause he was just too cool for school ♪ - ♪ and now I'm ♪
Porque es el mejor de la escuela Y ahora estoy...
♪'cause he was just too cool for school ♪ ♪ and now I'm f... f...
Porque es lo mejor que pudo pasarme
"we've got a really good idea with this plan," that wasn't entirely accurate,'cause it was actually my idea and I think the usage of the word "we" in there is really confusing, because, like, how can a whole group of people have the same idea at the same time?
"Realmente tenemos una gran idea con el plan" eso no era del todo acertado, porque en realidad fue mi idea y creo que el uso de la palabra "tenemos" es realmente confuso, porque, como es posible que todo un grupo de personas tenga la misma idea
I was definitely able to focus'cause there were no distractions.
Yo estaba definitivamente capaz de concentrarse porque no hubo distracciones.
What if Shirley was reacting to me and I am the cause of her pain and self-loathing?
¿ Y si Shirley reaccionó por mi culpa... y yo soy la causa de su dolor y odio a sí misma?
Now, I knew I had to dress like a dude and all, but that didn't matter,'cause what I really wanted to study was the, um...
Sabía que tenía que vestirme como un chico y todo eso, pero eso no importaba, porque lo que yo quería era estudiar...
No, I-l was thinking how hard gravity had been on me'cause I fell so far, so fast, for you.
Estaba pensando cuánto me había afectado la gravedad porque había caído tan rápido a tus pies.
Like I get... our gift is like me fucking running shit, like saving money, like,'cause I knew you was getting out today.
Como que... nuestro regalo es que yo dirija toda esta mierda, y ahorre dinero porque sabía que hoy saldrías.
She thought I was trying to cause trouble wearing that nas shirt, but she didn't understand.
Ella pensó que estaba tratando de causar problemas al usar esa remera, pero ella no entendía.
Yes, we wanted five or six children, but the Lord only gave us Clyde,'cause he was all I could handle.
Sí, queríamos cinco o seis hijos... pero el Señor solo nos dio a Clyde, porque yo no hubiera podido con más.
- Well, maybe I am psycho'cause it was psychotic of me to choose you as a mentee and confidant.
- Bueno, quizás sea una psicópata. Porque fue algo psicópata de mi parte elegirte como mi aprendiza y confidente
'Cause I gotta find out what she was on.
Porque tengo que averiguar lo que estaba en marcha.
Oh, I was never going to go'cause of Eric's ankle, thank God.
Nunca iba a ir por el tobillo de Eric, gracias a Dios.
Honestly, I think it was'cause of her drinking.
Honestamente, creo que fue por sus problemas con el alcohol.
I don't know much about Doctor Who, but if, um, you were to put this right outside your front door and open up the back, it would be like your entire apartment was the inside of the TARDIS, which is pretty cool'cause on the show, the inside of the TARDIS is bigger than the outside.
No sé mucho sobre Doctor Who, pero si fueras a colocar esto justo en tu entrada y la abrieras del lado de atrás sería como si todo tu departamento fuese el interior de la Tardis lo cual es muy lindo porque en el programa la Tardis es más grande por dentro que por fuera.
Okay,'cause for a second I thought I was getting kicked out and I was so happy. ♪ Closer ♪ ♪ Closer ♪
Vale, porque por un momento pensé que iban a expulsarme y he sido muy feliz. ¿ Qué?
'Cause I told you that I was at the studio...
Porque le dije que estaba en el estudio...
Oh, sorry. No, I was just referring to the desk chair as the throne'cause that's where the boss man sits.
No, solo me refería a la silla de escritorio como trono porque es donde se sienta el jefe.
- Yes, of course, that's why I got this plastic bag,'cause my blood bucket was inconclusive.
- Sí, claro, por eso tengo esta bolsa de plástico, porque el cubo de sangre fue inconcluyente.
Then I got a little bit more blood from Frank,'cause I feel like we're probably gonna use it in the future and he was already opened up, so who gives a shit?
Entonces le saqué un poco más de sangre a Frank, porque me parece que seguramente la vayamos a necesitar en el futuro, y ya le habían rajado, ¿ así que, a quién le importa?
But again, I think it was...'cause, like, that's what the guys would've done and...
Pero repito, creo que era... porque es lo que nos
'Cause I know it was loud, with the crickets chirping and the, uh... doors slamming.
Porque sé que había mucho ruido, con los grillos piando y, uh puertas cerrándose.
And-and go to parties that Ivanka Trump would be at and buy a $ 17,000 couch, and that just was never gonna work for me'cause I... I want to watch someone soar.
E ir a fiestas en las que estaría Ivanka Trump y comprar un sofá de 17 000 dólares, y eso nunca iba a funcionar para mí porque yo quiero ver crecer a alguien.
cause i love you 40
cause i can't 21
cause i don't 63
cause i'm 64
cause i do 33
cause i just 26
cause i know 21
cause it's 61
cause i 215
cause i am 21
cause i can't 21
cause i don't 63
cause i'm 64
cause i do 33
cause i just 26
cause i know 21
cause it's 61
cause i 215
cause i am 21
cause i'm not 41
cause it 25
cause if you don't 56
cause if you do 44
cause if you did 19
cause if not 24
cause if you are 29
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cause if it is 25
cause it's not 20
cause it 25
cause if you don't 56
cause if you do 44
cause if you did 19
cause if not 24
cause if you are 29
cause i will 21
cause if it is 25
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i was 6414
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i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
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i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
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i was here 250
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i wasn't thinking 181
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i was kidding 211
i was born 51
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i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
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i was just passing by 33
i was kidding 211