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Freshen up traducir español

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I'll go freshen up.
Voy a arreglarme un poco.
Well, I'm gonna swallow mine and then go freshen up a bit.
¿ No? Pues yo me tomaré el mío e iré a arreglarme.
I'll go freshen up bit and see if I can get rid of these sea legs.
Iré a refrescarme e intentaré acostumbrarme a caminar en tierra firme.
He had gone for a swim to freshen up before the girls got here.
El Dr. Hudson quiso nadar un rato antes de que las chicas llegaran.
I suppose you want to freshen up.
Supongo que quieres refrescarte.
Come on in and freshen up a bit. - Carriage coming!
Entren y refrésquense un poco
Would you care to freshen up, Mr. Jenkins?
- ¿ Le gustaría refrescarse, Sr. Jenkins?
Now I suppose you'll like to freshen up there is hot water in your room, sir.
Supongo que deseará refrescarse. Hay agua caliente en su habitación.
I'll go and freshen up a bit and see that Peter is put to bed.
Voy a refrescarme un poco y a cuidar de que Peter se acueste.
Ernest, I'm going to freshen up a bit.
Ernest, voy a refrescarme un poco.
I merely wanted to go home to freshen up a bit.
Sólo quería ir a casa a arreglarme.
Wouldn't you like to come into the house And freshen up a bit before supper?
¿ No le gustaría entrar en casa... y refrescarse un poco antes de la cena?
I didn't have time to freshen up.
No tuve tiempo de arreglarme.
It was so warm, I decided to freshen up and change my makeup.
Hacía tanto calor que decidí lavarme y cambiarme el maquillaje.
I'm a mess! I'd better freshen up a bit.
Estoy hecha un desastre, voy a arreglarme un poco.
Give us time to freshen up a bit.
Tenemos que arreglarnos. Con permiso.
I think I'll freshen up a bit first.
Creo que me refrescaré un poco.
Maybe you'd like to have some breakfast, freshen up a bit.
Quizá quiera desayunar, refrescarse un poco.
I was tired. I thought I'd freshen up.
Estaba cansada y me apetecía asearme.
I think I'll go back to the hotel and freshen up.
Perhaps you'd like to relax and freshen up a little?
A lo mejor le apetece relajarse y refrescarse.
Now, wouldn't you like to change and freshen up?
¿ No te gustaría ahora cambiarte y refrescarte?
WOMAN 1 : Is there a room where Mom and I can freshen up?
¿ Hay una habitación donde mi madre y yo podamos refrescarnos?
You go freshen up.
Ve a refrescarte.
- You just need to freshen up.
- Basta refrescarse.
- Sirs, welcome to the "Four Bulls" inn. Tired, right? Why don't you freshen up, while we prepare dinner.
Mientras les preparamos la cena pueden pasar dentro y refrescarse.
Something to freshen up the story with?
¿ Algo que añadir a la historia?
I can't freshen up without the wherewithal.
No puedo arreglarme sin lo necesario.
Hi. Freshen up a little, will you?
Hola, enfríelo un poco ¿ quiere?
Well, dear, you'd better go upstairs and freshen up for breakfast.
Bueno, amor, será mejor que subas. Yo volveré a calentar el desayuno.
They'll want to freshen up.
Querrá refrescarse.
- Well, put it on while I freshen up.
- Bueno, póntelo mientras me refresco.
- Ask them if they don't want to freshen up a bit. - Maybe have something.
Que suban, les apetecerá refrescarse un poco, tomar algo.
Ask them if they don't want to freshen up a bit. - Maybe have something.
Que suban, les apetecerá refrescarse un poco, tomar algo.
- You wife may want to freshen up...
- La señora querrá arreglarse...
Now, could you show me to a hotel so I could freshen up?
Bueno, ¿ puedes llevarme a un hotel para que pueda asearme?
- This is the bedroom, do you want to freshen up a little?
Esta es nuestra habitación. ¿ Necesitas arreglarte?
Well, I'll go to my room and freshen up. Meet you here in a few moments.
Bueno, voy a refrescarme, nos vemos aquí en un rato
What a nice bathroom! May I freshen up a bit?
¿ Me permite asearme un poco?
If you'll excuse me a minute, I think I'll freshen up.
Si me permite un momento, voy a cambiarme de ropa.
Freshen up a bit.
Refrescaos un poco.
Tell all the folks to stop by here on their way to the Skidmore party to freshen up.
Diles a todos que vengan aquí... de camino a la fiesta de los Skidmore, para arreglarse.
Girls, come on in the house and freshen up.
Chicas, entren para arreglarse.
- It would be nice to freshen up a bit.
- Me gustaría quitarme el polvo del viaje.
We need to freshen up everything!
¡ Hay que hacer una limpieza a fondo!
- I'd like to freshen up.
- Buscaré el tocador.
Well, perhaps you'd like to go to your room and freshen up.
Bien, tal vez quieran ir a su habitación y descansar.
So, run along and freshen up.
Ve arriba a asearte.
It'll do you good, freshen you up.
Te hará bien, te refrescará.
This always seems to freshen you up.
Esto siempre parece refrescarlo.
If you'd like to freshen up first...
El coronel le espera, señor.

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