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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He'll show up

He'll show up traducir español

338 traducción paralela
I'll show you what I came up here for.
Te mostraré por qué he venido aquí.
Oh, nonsense. He'll show up.
Estoy tan nerviosa
- Well, if he doesn't show up before... tomorrow morning, I'll go down to the police and see what I can do.
- Bueno, si no aparece antes de... mañana por la mañana, iré a la policía y veré qué puedo hacer.
He'll show up when the time comes.
Ya aparecerá cuando llegue el momento.
I'll lay you ten to one he doesn't show up.
- Te apuesto diez a uno a que no viene.
Sure, he'll show those phonies up.
Les mostrará su valor a todos.
He'll show up. I just know it.
Seguro que él vendrá aquí
What a fine spot I'll be in if he doesn't show up.
Me dejará en un buen aprieto si no aparece.
He'll show up.
oh, I know he'll show up.
Aunque no lo haga, el gobernador no se quejará.
- I suppose he'll show up though.
Supongo que ya aparecerá.
I'll bet he's bored to death with the hero-worshipping show he has to put up with.
Apuesto a que está harto de tanta adoración al héroe como tiene que aguantar.
He'll show up alright.
When we don't show up, he'll be back.
Si ve que no aparecemos, volverá.
I'm sure where he'll show up. We should wait him there.
Estoy seguro de dónde aparecerá.
Like I said at the beginning... if you'd like to pick up $ 20 million, I'll show you where to look.
Como he dicho al principio, si quiere conseguir 20 millones de dólares, le mostraré dónde buscar.
If he doesn't show up tomorrow, come here, make a report and we'll go to work.
Si mañana no aparece, venga a hacer la denuncia y lo buscaremos.
To do that he'll have to show himself when he picks up the money from the messenger.
Debe recoger el dinero que traerá el mensajero.
He'll show up any moment.
Está al caer.
Show me a martyr, I'll lay you 4 to 1 he winds up out of the money.
¡ Enséñeme un mártir y le apuesto 4 a 1 a que acaba sin dinero!
He'll show up when he runs out of money.
Vendrá cuando se le acabe el dinero.
He'll show up here 10 or 15 minutes later.
Y entonces él llegará a casa al cabo de 10 ó 15 minutos.
He'll show up right after he calls?
- ¿ Irá directamente a casa?
When he'll show up
Cuándo aparecerá
He'll show up in the morning.
Volverá por la mañana.
I'll bet you he doesn't show up at the pajama fight tonight.
Seguro que no se deja ver en la batalla de pijamas de esta noche.
He'll show up.
Ya vendrá.
He'll never show up.
No va a venir.
"He came Wednesday, so he'll show up Saturday!"
Vino el miércoles, así que aparecerá el sábado.
She'll show up. I've been through this before.
Ya he tenido casos así.
He'll show up.
Ya aparecerá.
If he'll bother to write, maybe this time, he'll bother to show up.
Si se molestó en escribir, quizá esta vez, se molestará en aparecer.
You all know Simon won't like missing the hanging, so we'll wait, but if he don't show up soon we'll go ahead without him.
A Simon no le gusta precisamente la horca, por lo que debemos esperar. Pero si tarda demasiado, lo haremos sin él.
But he'll show up.
Pero vendrá.
He'll show up. He's probably parking the car.
Seguramente está estacionando el coche.
Oh, he'll show up.
Oh, ya aparecerá.
So show your respect to Stan, otherwise he'll tell everyone everything you're up to. Got it?
Preséntale tus respetos a Stan,... de lo contrario le dirá a todos lo que pretendes. ¿ Lo pillas?
No, sir, we just want you to put in a notice so that he'll show up.
No, señor, queríamos que pusiera un anuncio para que aparezca.
I think he'll show up after this.
Creo que con esto aparecerá.
- He'll show up. I'm going to the American consulate and then to the Jewish Agency.
Voy al consulado americano y después a la Agencia Judía.
Doesn't he know that if the law ever catches up with us, he'll lose his show?
¿ Acaso no sabe que si nos atrapan, adiós espectáculo?
When he comes on to you, I'll show up.
Apareceré cuando se te insinúe.
If he doesn't show up in 24 hours, we'll press charges based on article 530 :
Si no se presenta en 24 horas, presentaremos cargos basados en el articulo 530 :
He'll show up, they always do.
Él va a aparecer, siempre lo hace.
He'll keep telling young girls to come visit : : : And a few days later they'll show up on our doorstep :
Seguirá diciéndole a las chicas que vengan de visita... y unos días después aparecerán en nuestro portal.
We'll ring you if he should show up.
Le llamaremos si aparece.
What'll we do if he doesn't show up?
¿ Que haremos si no se presenta?
He'll definitely show up there.
Seguro que está en la isla del Dios.
who says he'll show up?
¿ Quién dice que aparecerá?
I'll show up at the execution dressed up to kill. He'll lose his head completely.
Y cuando yo vaya a ver su ejecución con este vestido, el perderá la cabeza.
Think he'll show up, Pete?
- ¿ Crees que irá? - Sí.

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