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He'll turn up traducir español

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Go and tell him if he ain't packed up and gone in half an hour, we'll have the law in to turn him out.
Dile que, si no se ha ido dentro de media hora, la policía le sacará a patadas.
He'll turn up all right.
Seguro que está bien.
I know he'll turn up when he sees this in the papers.
Aparecerá cuando vea que sale en los periódicos.
Don't worry, he'll turn up and you'll be the first one to know it.
No te preocupes, él te encontrará y serás la primera en saberlo.
Well.. he'll turn up. Just be patient.
El llegará, se paciente.
He'll turn up.
No va a tardar en volver.
I haven't seen her all morning, your excellency she'll turn up here you are, your excellency as I told you, now you're as fit as a fiddle again after the sweating cure and the tea made of cucumber peel
En toda la mañana no la he visto, Excelencia. Ya vendrá... Bien..., Excelencia como yo le había dicho, ya está Ud. otra vez como pez en el agua.
He'll probably turn up in a day or two.
Posiblemente aparecerá en un par de días.
He's a dear little chap... Don't worry... He'll probably turn up.
Era un buen muchacho, no te preocupes, aparecerá.
He'll turn up today. No baseball fan would miss this game.
Si le gusta el béisbol estará hoy aquí.
I doubt he'll turn up here again tonight.
Ya no volverá.
I'm sorry to hear about Al', but I'm sure he'll turn up soon.
Sé que pronto aparecerá.
Dan, my horse won't win... but he's got a good turn of speed up front... so I'll ride alongside of you as long as I can... and see what I can do to help.
Dan, mi caballo no ganará... pero tiene buena velocidad delantera... así que iré a tu lado mientras pueda... y veré en qué puedo ayudarte.
Looking out for the day he'll turn his toes up and leave the bundle to you.
¡ Esperando el día que la palme y que te deje todo!
Oh, he'll turn up.
- Ya aparecerá.
He'll probably turn up as soon as he reads the papers.
- Aparecerá tan pronto como lea la prensa.
Anyway, he'll turn up, like a bad penny.
De todos modos, va a aparecer, como una moneda falsa.
I shouldn't do that if I were you. He'll turn up.
No lo haría si fuera Ud. Él regresará.
He'll turn up in a day or two, having hopped a boat from Dunkirk!
Lo mismo... aparece dentro de dos días en algún barco de Dunkerque.
If a drunk staggers in and leans up against one of those cases... 9 out of 10 times he'll turn right around and buy himself another drink.
Si un borracho se inclina en una de esas cajas... 9 de cada 10 veces regresa y compra otro trago.
He'll turn up one day.
- Ya le veremos llegar algún día.
- He'll turn up.
- Ya aparecerá.
I think he'll probably turn up sooner or later.
Creo que aparecerá tarde o temprano.
If there's an owner, he'll turn up.
¡ Si tiene dueño ya aparecerá!
He'll turn up.
- Aparecerá.
But I'll tell you something, when that Mr. Munster shows up to play golf, if he doesn't turn out to be our idea of a human being, I'll throw them out personally.
Pero eso sí, cuando el Sr. Munster venga a jugar golf... si no es lo que nosotros consideramos un ser humano... lo echaré personalmente.
Don't worry, he'll turn up.
No te preocupes, ya vendrá.
Maybe if we turn that piano up loud enough, he'll hear it.
Quizas si subimos el volumen del piano mucho mas alto, el lo oira.
"Make contact 12 : 30." - Do you think he'll turn up?
'"Contactar 12 : 30."'¿ Usted piensa que aparecerá?
He'll turn up.
Ya aparecerá.
Don't worry, he'll turn up.
Aparecerá, tranquilos.
He'll turn up, Edgar.
Ya aparecerá.
He'll just turn up some day.
Yo creo que el día menos pensado, vuelve.
Relax, he'll turn up.
Ino te preocupes! Verás como aparecerá enseguida.
He'll turn up. He'll sneak in with that rat-toothed giggle.
Volverá con su risilla de ratoncillo.
- Not yet, but he'll turn up sooner or later.
- No aún, pero aparecerá.
He'll turn up, sooner or later.
Tarde o temprano, aparecerá.
Well, he'll turn up when he feels like it.
Vaya, aparecerá cuando le parezca.
I'm sure he'll turn up sooner or later.
Aparecerá tarde o temprano. ¿ Saben?
He'll turn up.
I haven't got a CLUE to where that missing file is... and you drag me halfway across town to tell me he'll TURN UP?
A saber dónde estará el dossier desaparecido. ¿ Me has traído hasta aquí para decirme que aparecerá? Siéntate.
He'll turn up. A lot of cars to see.
Hay muchos autos para ver.
Look, I'm sure he'll turn up real soon.
- Seguro que aparece pronto.
[coughing] he'll turn up.
Ya aparecerá.
I'm sure that he will turn up, and I'll have to see him and finalise the separation.
Estoy segura de que volverá, y tendré que verlo y finalizar la separación.
- He'll turn up.
- Él vendrá.
He'll turn up.
Él vendrá.
He'll turn up sooner or later.
Va a aparecer tarde o temprano.
He'll turn up.
El aparecerá.
I'm sure he'll turn up.
Estoy seguro de que aparecerá.
Tomorrow I'll get the results of the blood tests, and then we'll turn the screw until he owns up.
Mañana tendré los resultados del análisis de sangre, entonces ajustaremos el tornillo hasta que aparezca el dueño.

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