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Hook him up traducir español

295 traducción paralela
Hook him up, boys, and start testing.
ConéctenIo, empiecen a probar.
Hook him up.
Hook him up to the monitor.
Conéctelo al monitor.
Even the fat boy's gonna do what we want once we hook him up to it.
Incluso el gordito hará lo que le pidamos.
- Hook him up.
- Espósale.
- Oh, hook him up.
- Oh, espósale.
Take him and hook him up.
Tómalo y engánchalo.
Hook him up.
- OK, hook him up.
- Bien, engánchelo.
Hook him up.
Let's hook him up to the external pacemaker.
Al marcapasos externo.
I hook him up, he hooks me up.
Yo lo conecto a él y él, a mí.
Tamika, hook him up.
Tamika, Pélalo.
Hook him up and bring him home ASAP.
Agárrenlo y tráigalo lo antes posible.
Can't you just hook him up with pills or something?
¿ No puede darle unas pastillas y ya?
No, I can't just hook him up with some pills.
No, no puedo darle unas pastillas y ya.
Hook him up.
Hook him up. Pull Edson out of Surgery.
Saca a Edson de Cirugía.
And then when we did, they had to pump Mr. Mittens'stomach, and then hook him up to an I.V.
Y tuvieron que hacerle un lavado de estómago y luego le colocaron suero.
Hook him up to a 12-lead EKG and a pulse ox.
Hazle un ECG del guía del 12 y una saturación de oxígeno.
How do you hook him up?
¿ Cómo lo engancharon?
Hook him up.
- Goddamn it, hook him up!
- Maldición, ¡ conéctalo!
The system has created a permanent collar around his neck, so they can hook him up and take him to a rehabilitation camp like a Valparaíso.
El sistema ha creado un collar permanente para que puedan atarlo y lle arlo a un campo de rehabilitación como Mal Paraíso.
- Okay, hook him up.
- Bien, conéctalo.
- Hook him up now!
- ¡ Conecta eso, ya!
I want to hook him up with the big boss.
Lo quiero liar con el gran jefe.
Let's hook him up to a vent.
Ponedle un ventilador.
Maybe we could hook him up with some agents.
Preséntaselo a agentes. Haré unas llamadas.
Hook him up.
We could hook him up to the v.R. Matrix
Lo podríamos conectar a la matriz A.V.
Tell him to hook us up.
¡ Que nos conecten!
Take him to a hook-up station, fast.
La veo cuando hago la limpieza.
And there was a big warmouth perch run out him up here and bit my hook.
Y había una gran perca que salía de ella y mordió mi anzuelo.
Maybe he should hook up with our own Da Mayor, buy him a beer.
¡ Quizá conozca a nuesrro Alcalde!
You hook up with him and you'll regret it...
Si te juntas con él, te vas a arrepentir.
Hang him up by a hook!
¡ Cuélguenlo del gancho!
Hook him up
Mira quien llegó.
Alright, have the paramedics take a look at this guy before I transport him out of here And I'll hook up with you later at the station
Que los paramédicos lo atiendan y a tí te veré luego en la estación.
Haleh, hook up a 3.0 ET tube hub to a cath and bag him.
Haleh, pon un tubo traqueal 3.0 y ventílalo.
Haleh, hook up a 3.0 ET tube hub to a cath and bag him.
Haleh, pon un tubo traqueal 3.0 y dale respiración con bolsa.
Kurten will hook up with him.
Mi amigo va a ver a Kurten.
He's gonna take me to Detroit with him, hook me up with a job.
Va a llevarme a Detroit. Me buscara un empleo.
- Hook him up.
- Encadénenlo.
Hook him back up at Jam Pony, help get him his own place?
¿ Hacer que vuelva a Jam Pony? ¿ Que tenga su propio apartamento?
Tell him who you originally wanted to hook up with that night.
Dile con quién querías estar esa noche.
If you hook up with him now, it's gonna be like total emotional rape.
Si sales con él ahora, va a ser como una violación emocional.
Hook me up with him.
Conéctame con él.
Hook him up to the ventilator when you get inside.
- Iré a por el monitor.
You want me to hook you up with him, you just say the word.
Sólo dilo.
- I never liked him. You always trying to hook us up because you want me to be your sister-in-law but that ain't never happen.
Quieres engancharnos para que seamos cuñadas.

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