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I said it's fine traducir español

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Don't pay attention of what I said about America. It's a fine place for a boy.
No hagas caso a lo que te dije de EE.UU. Es un buen lugar para un niño.
- It's fine to have you tell me that you love me, but I'd be much happier if you said that you loved your mother as well.
Está bien que me digas que me quieres pero sería mucho más feliz si dijeras que quieres a tu madre también.
I said, it's fine, Easterner.
Está bueno, te he dicho, Oriental.
They don't believe it, and before I know what he's said... he's telling other people there, he keeps saying "Fine son, fine".
Él seguía con el cuento : "¿ Dónde te duele?" " Respira hondo.
They said it was fine for her to stay here as long as I could prove she's had all her shots.
Dijeron que podía quedarse aquí si demostraba que tenía todas sus vacunas.
Shioya said grandma was kind, told me come here early it's my duty to take you here that would be fine, I would follow you
Me dijeron en la Casa de la sal que viniese lo antes posible. Si lo hubiera sabido, hubiera ido yo misma a buscarte. Me habría gustado.
I said if you want to give it to me, that's fine, if you're sure.
- Si quiere dármelo, por mí, encantado.
You got him in Dentitech - the one I said go short on. It's fine, but he don't wanna hear it from a secretary.
Vende Dentitech al descubierto, como sugerí, pero no quiere hablar con una secretaria.
It's fine. There was this... You know, so when I... when I said the Persian rug, I got a little twinge.
Es que la alfombra me ha traído recuerdos.
You're a fine one to talk. They said it's going to be held at 7 : 00 in the evening. I believe.
que gracioso, oirlo de usted, sin embargo no comenzara hasta las 7 de esta noche lo sigo diciendo, usted es un viejo verde, que tubo la brillante idea de llegar temprano... pero entonces como conseguiremos buenos lugares?
It's fine. I wanted to ask them here or anything said you could not place.
Quería preguntar aquí o nada dijo que no podría colocar.
- Fine, I said it, what's the difference?
- Bien, lo dije, ¿ cuál es la diferencia?
I said, " Well, okay, fine. Gonna get all philosophical on me. It's as pointless as talking about a lot of things.
Pensé " Bueno, va a... ponerse filosófico conmigo.
I said it's fine.
- ¿ No hablo claro?
I said it's fine!
¡ He dicho que van bien!
I said you're fine if I say that it's bad.
Dije, estaría bien si dijera que estaba fea.
I just said it's fine.
Sólo he dicho que vale.
As I said, ambition, it's a very fine thing.
Como ya he dicho, la ambición, es algo muy bueno.
It's fine. I said I'd go.
Está bien, dije que iría.
If it's the Burski autopsy, I called the family and they said fine, and to thank you, and I'm sorry.
Si es la autopsia de Burski, yo llamé a la familia y dijeron que estaba bien, y que te diera las gracias, y lo siento.
She said it's fine, but that I still have to go to baseball practice tonight.
Dijo que está bien, pero tengo que ir a la práctica de baseball esta noche.
I asked him if you could come and he said it's fine, and she said it's fine.
Le pregunté y dijo que sí podías venir. Ella también.
- I said it's fine.
- Dije que está bien.
It's just such a fantastic opportunity for a man as young as myself. It caught me a little flatfooted. But let it not be said that Pacey Witter is not about stepping into the future which, if I'm correct, is actually the slogan for your fine company.
Es una gran oportunidad para alguien tan joven como yo y me agarraron desprevenido, pero que no se diga que Pacey J. Witter no piensa en el futuro lo cual, si no me equivoco, es el eslogan de su compañía.
I said it's fine. Collins.
Dije que está bien.
- I said it's fine if you stay.
- He dicho que está bien que te quedes.
i'm fine, just leave me alone listen, Elliot i'm sorry about the all that stuff i've said yesterday it's just that ever since i was little
Estoy bien, dejame en paz Escucha Elliot Siento mucho lo que te dije ayer
On the plus side, the EMTs seem to think he's going to be just fine and, as you saw, they did admit that I did not cause the heart attack, even if they said it a bit begrudgingly.
Además, los médicos parecen pensar que se pondrá bien y, como habeis visto, admitieron que yo no le he causado el ataque al corazón, incluso si lo dijeron un poco a regañadientes.
- I said it's fine.
- Casi lo tengo.
No. She said because I'm already a runner, it's fine.
No, dijo que como siempre he corrido, está bien.
She said, "Don't worry," like she always say, "everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be perfect. I know it's you."
Ella dijo, "no te preocupes", como siempre dice, "todo va a estar bien... todo va a estar perfecto... sé que eres tú."
And I said I'd take you, no, really, it's fine.
Y yo digo que esta bien.
Okay, those guys totally said that they would bring it back, and it's fine if someone borrowed my umbrella,'cause I don't need it today anyway.
Vale, esos chicos dijeron que la devolverían, Y si alguien se ha llevado mi paraguas, de todos modos no lo necesito hoy.
I said it's fine, Dad.
Dije que está bien, papá.
I know that you said it's fine, but i kind of still feel like it violates girl code somehow, and i know you're happy and engaged and pregnant, and...
Se que lo que dices esta bien pero de alguna forma siento como si violara el código de las chicas de alguna forma, y sé que tú estás feliz y prometida y embarazada, y...
I said it's fine!
- ¡ Dije que todo va bien!
In fact, I'd be perfectly fine if you said no, because I'm not really even sure it's a good idea.
De hecho, entendería que dijeses que no, porque ni siquiera estoy seguro de que sea buena idea.
I said I'm sure it's fine.
Dije que estoy segura de que está bien.
I said it's fine.
Te dije que está bien.
Mr. Moore, my parents said it's fine, as long as I bring it home with me tonight.
Sr. Moore, mis padres dijeron que está bien, con tal de que lo traiga a casa conmigo esta noche.
But it's fine, I mean, she never said goodbye.
Pero está bien, nunca se despidió explícitamente.
I said it's fine.
He dicho que estoy bien.
Yes, the doctor said I'm fine, so it's fine.
Sí, el médico dijo que estoy bien, así que está bien.
I said it was fine as long as he's doing jobs around the house.
Le dije que estaba bien mientras hiciera algunos trabajos en casa.
The nurse said it's really pretty common and I'm probably going to be fine and so will the baby.
La enfermera dijo que era algo muy común y que probablemente voy a estar bien y el bebé también lo estará.
I said it's fine, Wyatt.
He dicho que está bien, Wyatt.
My mom did tell me to be home by 5. I said it's fine. Just go!
Mi mamá me dijo que estuviera en casa a las 5- - Dije que está bien, ¡ sólo vete!
I said it's fine.
Dije que está bien.
- I said that's fine. It's good.
Basta, te dije.
No, it's okay. The nurse said I was fine, you know?
La enfermera me ha dicho que estoy bien.
I called your mom and she said it's fine.
Llamé a tu madre y me dijo que está bien.

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