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Is something up traducir español

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Is something up?
¿ Qué pasa?
Whatever's going to happen is set up to be triggered by something outside.
Lo que vaya a pasar está preparado para ser disparado por algo externo.
Well, dan, I'm glad you brought that up, because there is something about which I'd like to finally set the record straight.
Bien, Dan, me alegra que traigas eso a colación Porque hay una cosa que quisiera dejar en claro
I think I got something inside me that is... scared... and pissed off... and mean... And fucked up.
Creo que tengo algo dentro mío que está... asustado... y molesto... y malo... y cagado.
- Is there something to give up?
- ¿ Hay algo que denunciar?
Is that gonna blow something up?
- ¿ Eso va a explotar algo?
To figure out whether something down there is causing what's up here.
Para ver si hay algo ahí abajo que cause lo que pasa acá arriba.
and why is it you assume my witness is up to something?
¿ Y por qué asumiste que mi testigo está detrás de algo?
Listen, this is something you're gonna have to- - you have to take it up with the U.N.
Mirad, eso lo tenéis que tratar con Naciones Unidas.
Our first item up for bids tonight is something I consider to be very boss indeed.
Nuestro primer artículo en subasta esta noche es algo que considero que es muy "jefe" en realidad.
This is something he's been building up to.
Es algo que él ha estado desarrollando.
When something like this is coming up, she should call you.
Cuando algo como esto se acerca, ella debería llamarte.
Ah, you know something else is probably gonna pop up.
No, probablemente surgirá alguna otra cosa.
We didn't really get a chance to catch up the other night, so... Is there something that you want from me, Bella?
El otro día no tuvimos oportunidad el ponernos al día asi que...
Why is it every time we dig something up...
¿ Por qué cada vez que desenterramos algo- -
Why is it every time we dig something up...
¿ Porqué siempre que excavamos...
Because I'm telling ya, this guy is up to something.
Te lo digo, este tipo trama algo.
You're either a saint or there is something so stoppered up inside you that it prevented you from responding with the full force of your heart.
O eres un santo o hay algo parado dentro de ti que te impidió responder con toda la fuerza de tu corazón.
My point is, let's cherish and protect our new relationship, not muck it up with something like sharing things.
- Mi punto es que vamos a preservar y proteger nuestra nueva relación. No vamos a ensuciarla con algo como prestar cosas.
All those entertainers is coming here, don't none of them really get on no television and give up every quarter to say something that's against white people, the government.
Todos esos artistas vienen aquí, pero nadie de aquí sale en la televisión, en cada barrio, diciendo algo en contra de los blancos, el gobierno.
I saw her that night, too, and something is definitely up.
La vi a ella esa noche, también, y algo sucedió definitivamente.
Here is something to eat so you don't need to get up.
Te dejo algo de comer así no tienes que levantarte.
This Bashir kid is Muslim, and therefore up to something.
Este niño Bashir es musulmán, por lo tanto, está tramando algo.
I really think this guy is gonna blow something up. - What do we do?
Creo que este tipo va a hacer explotar algo.
You've said that up above, in the fishpond there is still something...
Has dicho que arriba, en el estanque todavía hay algo...
It's got better engines, bigger boot. But the thing that caught my eye is - it's fitted with something called an "openometer". I'm not making this up.
Pero que me atrae la atención, es algo llamado, "openometro".
I've been reading something. I think this is right up your alley.
He estado leyendo algo que creo que te gustaría mucho.
You know, maybe the reason they don't look up to me is because I haven't given them something worth looking up to.
Tú sabes, talvez no me respetan porque no le he dado algo digno por qué respetarme.
What is fucked up Is that you want me to do something that i don't wanna do.
Lo jodido es que quieres que haga algo que no quiero hacer.
I mean, I would imagine that in that line of work you start to believe that everyone is up to something.
Me imagino que en ese tipo de trabajo crees que todos están tramando algo.
Why is it every time something important comes up - I mean, truly important - you wanna go and stick your head in the sand... just like you do in that damn pickup.
¿ Por qué será que siempre que surge algo importante... vaya, algo realmente importante... vas y haces como el avestruz?
It is then that one has to stand up and do something.
Es entonces cuando uno tiene que pararse y hacer algo.
If I come up to you and I'm like, "Hey, this is going on," you probably wouldn't believe me unless I had something to show you.
Si digo que está sucediendo esto probablemente no me creerían a menos que les mostrara fotos.
Well, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up regretting something when this is over, no matter what I do.
Estoy segura que voy a arrepentirme de algo... cuando ésto termine, sin importar qué haga.
And while all of this is going on you're searching through your mind for something graceful and diplomatic you can say to bring the conversation to a close, and all I can ever come up with is shut the fuck up.
¡ Y mientras pasa todo esto, tu vas buscando en tu mente...! ¡... una fórmula diplomática, respetuosa y agraciada para poder decir...! ¡... y que ayude a terminar la conversación, y todo lo que se te viene a la mente es...!
Of course it is. The kid saw something tonight that has him scared to death, so sure he makes up a story to deal with it.
Claro que sí, el niño vio algo que lo aterró e inventó un cuento.
Sorry, the cheerleaders were talking, and the microphone picks everything up. Which is something I need to remember next time I bag on the crew.
Las porristas estaban hablando y el micrófono registra todo... lo cual debo recordar cada vez que hable de alguien del equipo.
- Well, it is something or you wouldn't have brought it up. And, you know...
Por algo lo mencionó.
Well, you signed up for something, and that alone is worth five years in jail for you, Maurice, and your little brother.
Pero acordaron hacer algo, y eso supone cinco años en la cárcel para ti, Maurice, y para tu hermanito.
I was looking for something that wasn't important. I was... And now I'm looking for... a companion, and I know that the way to go about that is to stop playing games and to stop being scared of... whatever and to be up-front with my feelings.
Buscaba algo que no era importante, y ahora busco una compañera, y sé que la manera de lograr eso es no jugando más juegos, y dejando de tener miedo de lo que sea y siendo franco con mis sentimientos... y mis sentimientos son que me importas, mucho,
Something very strange is happening up there.
Algo muy extraño ocurre allí arriba.
It is possible that if someone or something could wake him up before he turns completely into evil, he could be saved and return to normal.
Es posible que... si algo o alguien lo despertase antes de que el mal lo consuma totalmente... podría salvarse y regresar a la normalidad.
Well, Toby, arsony is not something you just pick up like stripper * * * *. It's usually repeat offenders.
Oh, Toby, no los provocan cualquiera, en general son reincidentes.
Something is definitely up.
Desde luego algo pasa.
And that's something you can't do from jail, which is exactly where you'll end up if you go back to Costa Luna.
Pero no puedes hacerlo desde la cárcel, que es lo que pasará si regresas.
Si algo te pasara, soy el que debe recoger la bolsa, y en serio necesito saber donde esta la bolsa.
Something is wrong up there.
Algo anda mal allí arriba.
Maybe the best way to change how people think is to blow something up, you know?
Quizá el mejor modo de cambiar cómo piensa la gente es volar algo, ¿ sabes?
She was all posh and lovely, her voice is all up here and down there and the weather's always doing something, and every time she turns, she smiles at me.
Toda elegante y adorable, con su voz subiendo y bajando.. y el tiempo hacía algo y me sonríe todo el rato, en pleno sol y cereales...
This is probably something she doesn't need to hear about, unless you're trying to split us up for some reason.
Esto es algo que ella no debe saber, a menos que trates de separarnos por alguna razón.
There's got to be something I can do to make is up to you.
Tiene que haber algo que pueda hacer para compensarla.

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