Lock it up traducir español
734 traducción paralela
Yes, lock it up and throw away the key, as far as I'm concerned.
Sí, por mí, cierra y arroja la llave.
I'll lock it up... and put the key in my purse, which I'll carry under my arm.
"Cierro el armario." " Guardo la llave en mi bolso...
Alright. Let's take this menagerie downtown and lock it up in a cage.
vale, llevemos toda esta fauna a la ciudad y encerrémosla.
Lock it up in the basement dressing room.
Póngalo en el guardarropa.
He could lock it up.
Podría encerrarlo.
Lock it up.
- Sí, señor.
If you'll lock it up, I'll help finish the first run when I get back.
Si lo preparas, lo terminaré cuando regrese.
- Not yet. - Then lock it up.
- Sigue abierta.
Lock it up.
Guárdelo bajo llave.
Lock it up in the pickup truck.
Guárdala con seguro en la camioneta.
It would be a pity to lock it up in a vault..
- Sería una lástima quitárselo.
I'll lock it up in my safe.
Lo guardaré bajo llave en mi caja de caudales.
Okay, lock it up.
Listo para disparar.
They're returning from the city hall in order to get mr. Walker's clothes packed, make final arrangements for the sale of the house, lock it up and depart on their honeymoon.
Regresan del centro de la ciudad con el fin de empacar la ropa del señor Walker, hacer los últimos arreglos para la venta de la casa, cerrarla y marchar a su luna de miel.
OK, lock it up.
I forgot the key to my stall, so I couldn't lock up till I'd gotten it.
Olvidé la llave del puesto...
Let me tell you something. If you let us go now, I'll try and get you off with a light sentence, but if you lock us up, that's legal assault, and I'll see to it that you get the limit.
Permítame decirle algo... si nos deja salir ahora trataré de sacarlo con una sentencia ligera... pero si nos encierra, es asalto, y veré que le den el máximo.
They ought to lock up all the bad kids in town. It'd be a better place to live in.
Deberían meterlos a todos en la cárcel.
Lock up and put it under the rock.
- Cierre y déjela bajo la piedra.
We lock'em up in our hearts like it was a jail.
Les encerramos en nuestro corazón como si fuera una cárcel.
I'II lock her up so none of these millionaires run off with it.
Lo cerraré con llave para que ninguno de estos millonarios huya con éI.
[Man] Now, all you have to do when you want to lock up at night... is take this key, put it in there like that.
PROTEGIDO POR EL SISTEMA RANGER Cuando cierre por la tarde basta con coger esta llave y meterla.
I hardly think it's necessary to lock her up... if she gives us her word that she won't leave town.
No será necesario meter en la cárcel a la Srta. Flower Belle... si nos da su palabra de que no se irá de la ciudad.
But what I ought to do is to lock you all up for if ever there was a nuisance, it's you Tobacco Road folks.
Debería encerraros a todos, porque siempre sois vosotros los que causáis todos los problemas.
Guess it's time to lock you up in the blue room again.
Supongo que ya es hora de encerrarte de nuevo en la habitación azul.
Why don't you get a room and lock yourself up in it, and wear black silk dresses?
Búscate una celda por ahí y enciérrate dentro.
You're hardly here, you lock up the house again, move south... or north, and then it'll have to leave anyway or do you want to take it with you everywhere?
Apenas estás aquí, ya estás cerrando la casa, te vas al sur... o al norte, y luego tienes que irte otra vez. ¿ O te la quieres llevar contigo a todas partes?
If people lock me up in rooms and take the key out of the keyhole they can't blame me for listening at it.
Si me encierran en una habitación bajo llave no me pueden culpar por oír.
I gave it to Jimmy White to lock up in your safe, like you told me to.
Se la di a Jimmy White para que la guardara bajo llave, como me pidió.
You lock up tonight, Eddie, whenever you think it's time.
Cierra esta noche, cuando creas que es hora.
When they lock me up, they cut it to the scalp.
Cuando me internan, me lo cortan al cero.
It seems to tie the tool up with the lock.
Parece conectar las herramientas con la cerradura.
Either I lock you up in a cell until he's gone, or you get out of town for the rest of day. - Which is it gonna be?
O te encierro o te vas del pueblo hasta mañana. ¿ Qué prefieres?
I'm gonna keep peace here today if I have to lock up every gunny in town to do it.
Mantendré el orden aunque deba encerrar a todos los pistoleros del pueblo.
It's alright, Pilkington, it's too late. You better lock up.
Sí, está bien, Pilkington, será mejor que cierre.
O.K., lock it up.
- Pues haga uso de ella.
I pick it up at the station, run home and lock myself in my room.
La cojo en la estación, corro a casa y me encierro en mi habitación con ella
Well, if it's all right with you I'll lock him up first and then take the cuffs off.
Si no te importa, lo encerraré antes de quitarle las esposas.
- It wouldn't matter. You see, she often walks around the garden before she goes to bed... and she usually forgets to lock up when she gets back.
Ella suele caminar por el jardín antes de dormir y olvida asegurar la ventana.
I lock you up a full week with no dope at all. Get it, bitch?
Si vuelves a mezclar azúcar de leche con la heroína, te encierro durante 8 días sin un gramo de droga. ¿ Comprendes, zorra?
Why didn't you just lock me up and be done with it?
¿ Por qué no me encierra en una mazmorra y simplifica las cosas?
It was you who elected atamans, now you lock them up.
Nosotros mismos elegimos a nuestros atamanes y ustedes los encarcelan.
Lock him up for his own protection until it blows over.
Por su propio bien. Hasta que todo esto se olvide. Está bien, le encerraré.
It's almost time to lock up the house.
Ya casi es hora de cerrar la casa.
You don't know what it's like if you've never had someone try and lock you up.
Tú no te imaginas. A ti no han tratado de encerrarte. Todavía no.
Lock it up.
It's near lock-up. It's Sunday.
Están a punto de dar el toque de queda.
You be there when he's about to lock up, and you do it.
Y rápido.
I haven't got the deal lock up yet. When they see you, it's in the bag.
El trato no está cerrado del todo, pero cuando te vean, lo tendremos.
Lock up the store, take all the merchandise you can carry and hide it.
Cierre el negocio con llave y trate de esconder toda la mercadería.
If they lock you up again, it's gonna be for good... and the thought of you spending the rest of your life behind bars...
Si te encierran de nuevo, será para siempre... y la idea de que pases el resto de tu vida tras las rejas...
lock it 82
lock it down 87
up here 454
update 59
upper 104
upon 29
upset 163
uptown 38
upright 26
upstairs 739
lock it down 87
up here 454
update 59
upper 104
upon 29
upset 163
uptown 38
upright 26
upstairs 739
upside 40
uptight 38
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
uptight 38
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50