Not your traducir español
112,752 traducción paralela
It's not your software, it's not the financials.
No es tu software, no es el financiamiento.
The widow is not your ally.
La Viuda no es tu aliada.
What happened that day was not your fault.
Lo que pasó aquel día no fue culpa tuya.
It's not your fault.
No es tu culpa.
- It's not your fault.
- No es culpa tuya.
That woman... she is not your problem.
Esa mujer... Ella no es tu problema.
Last I checked it's not your thing, but...
Ya sabía que no es lo tuyo, pero...
Your vision of a Cog-free world is not only dangerous, but a threat to my very existence.
Su visión de un mundo con Obreros libres no solo es peligrosa, sino una amenaza a mi propia existencia.
You must pledge not to shelter any more runaway Cogs on your lands.
Debo comprometerse a no acoger a ningún Obrero fugitivo en sus tierras.
I'm sorry to burst your sentimental bubble, my friend, but it's not gonna happen.
Siento romper tu burbuja sentimental, amigo mío, pero eso no va a pasar.
Not without your help.
No sin tu ayuda.
Your area of expertise is energy, not intelligence.
Su área de conocimiento es la energía, no la inteligencia.
Well, we're not gonna touch your stupid machine, all right?
No vamos a tocar tu estúpida máquina, ¿ vale?
I so did not mean to step on your announcement.
No pretendía en absoluto pasar por encima de tu anuncio.
You just need to make it clear that you were speaking for yourself, from your heart, and not on behalf of the administration.
Solo tienes que dejar claro que hablabas por ti misma, según lo que sentías, y no en nombre de la administración.
Now, that might be great for the economy, but it's not for you... or your family.
Eso puede ser genial para la economía, pero no para usted... o para su familia.
The fear of not knowing if you can provide for your family.
El miedo de no saber si podrá sustentar a su familia.
What my colleagues and I are here to determine is whether or not there was any quid pro quo involved between your trip to Turkey and your subsequent co-sponsorship of the military aid bill to that country.
COMITÉ DE ÉTICA Mis colegas y yo estamos aquí para determinar si hubo o no un quid pro quo entre su viaje a Turquía y su siguiente copatrocinio de la ley de ayuda militar a ese país.
And, by your question, you are not only impugning my integrity but also that of my colleagues who are no longer here to defend themselves.
Y, con su pregunta, no solo pone en duda mi integridad, sino también la de mis colegas, que ya no están aquí para defenderse.
The closest thing I can offer to a guarantee is my word, not as Tom Kirkman, but as President of the United States, your most steadfast ally.
Lo más cercano que puedo ofrecer a una garantía es mi palabra, no como Tom Kirkman, sino como presidente de los Estados Unidos, su aliado más firme.
They're not gonna be putting your initiative back on the agenda.
No van a volver a poner su iniciativa en la agenda.
And I do not need you to tell me that you feel the same way, too, because I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your hearts.
Y no necesito que me digan que sienten lo mismo, porque lo veo en sus ojos y lo oigo en sus corazones.
It's not longer your concern, Zipporah.
Y ya no es asunto tuyo, Zipporah.
I wouldn't have taken such action if I did not believe it to be in your favor.
No habría tomado tal decisión si no creyera que lo hago en tu beneficio.
It has been too long, and there is so much I must tell you, but I write you this letter now not only as your wife, but as someone who is witness to a growing crisis here in camp.
Ha pasado demasiado tiempo y hay tanto que debo contarte, pero ahora te escribo esta carta no solo como tu esposa, sino como alguien en el campamento que está presenciando una crisis en ciernes.
If you call it something different here, that's your business, not mine.
Si lo llaman algo diferente aquí, eso es asunto suyo, no mío.
Your idea, not mine.
Idea tuya, no mía.
Do not turn your back on me, young man!
¡ No me des la espalda, jovencito!
No, not just your daughter.
No, no es solo a tu hija.
Your missile silo is not marked on the map.
Tu silo de misiles no está marcado en el mapa.
It was your bombs brought about the Night Eternal, not the Master.
Fueron sus bombas las que provocaron la Noche Eterna, no el Amo.
Should you feel ill, do not hesitate to visit your local Freedom Medical Center. I wanted to give you these.
Quería darte esto.
That's gonna be on your ass, not on mine!
¡ Esto es tu maldita culpa, no mía!
That would almost double your output, would it not?
Eso duplicaría su resultado, ¿ cierto?
I know that this place, it's not really your idea of paradise, but, you gotta believe me, there are places out there that... would be a living hell for a girl like you.
Pero tienes que creerme, hay lugares allá afuera que serían un infierno para una chica como tú.
I'm not interested in your experiments!
No me interesan sus experimentos.
I just need you to admit one thing, that your God does not exist.
Solo necesito que admitas una cosa que tu Dios no existe.
For your sake, you should hope that he does not.
Por tu bien, deberías confiar en que no sea así.
You did not release this body when you had the chance. Perhaps you hoped to hear from me... about your son.
No liberaste este cuerpo cuando tuviste la oportunidad tal vez esperabas escucharme con noticias sobre tu hijo.
No, I'm not attaching cabbage to your face.
No, no voy a ponerte repollo en la cara.
I'm not sure you've ever experienced anything real your entire life.
Creo que jamás has experimentado algo real en toda tu vida.
Just glad they're your patients, not mine. - Coming through!
Me alegro de que sean pacientes tuyos y no míos.
You're thinking, "Kevin, this is not a flophouse - that you use for your dates."
Estás pensando, "Kevin, esto no es un picadero para usar en tus citas".
And I'm not trying to act like some kind of jealous teenager, - nor deny you your love life, be... - Stop.
Y no intento actuar como un adolescente celoso, ni negarte tu vida amorosa...
It's a hell of a lot easier to accept who you are, in all your damaged glory, than to try and be someone you're not.
Es muchísimo más fácil aceptar ser quien eres, con todos tus defectos, que intentar ser alguien que no eres.
My question is why, after we finally found your perfect egg cream that passed your egg cream litmus test, why, William... why are you not drinking it?
Mi pregunta es que por qué tras encontrar finalmente tu perfecta crema de huevo que pasaba tu prueba de tornasol a la crema de huevo, ¿ por qué, William... no te la bebes?
Because now that I know you're not gonna leave me for the Jared Leto of fat camp, I need to get some clothes for your brother's opening tonight.
Porque ahora que sé que no me vas a dejar por el Jared Leto del campamento de gordos, necesito ir a por ropa para el estreno de tu hermano esta noche.
Even though she still won't let me sleep with her, which... I'm hoping is not because she's developed some, you know, weird moles on your body since the last time I saw you naked? "
Aunque aún no me deja dormir con ella, lo que... espero que no sea debido a que le han salido, ya sabes, ¿ alguna verruga rara en tu cuerpo desde la última vez que te vi desnuda? ".
I'm not the guy to tell you how to handle your feelings.
No soy quién para decirte cómo afrontar tus sentimientos.
Good move not showing your penis.
Una buena jugada no enseñar tu minga.
And make sure that charmer cousin of yours follows your lead, not the other way around.
Y asegúrate de que ese embacaudor primo tuyo sigue tu camino, y no al revés.
not yours 613
not your business 22
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your wife 16
not your family 17
not your problem 27
not your father 29
not your concern 28
not your business 22
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your wife 16
not your family 17
not your problem 27
not your father 29
not your concern 28
not your type 21
your 1839
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your 1839
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your sister 409
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your mom 327
your point being 45
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your sister 409
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your mom 327
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246