Since forever traducir español
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Everywhere and since forever.
Y desde siempre.
Since forever!
¡ Siempre!
Since forever.
Desde hace mucho.
She's feelin'somethin'she ain't felt since forever : pain, pain.
También está sintiendo algo que nunca sintió antes : Dolor, dolor.
I've sure been dreaming about this... God, since forever.
He soñado con este momento desde siempre.
- Since forever.
- Desde nunca.
Ross was in love with Rachel since forever.
Ross estuvo enamorado de Rachel desde hace tiempo.
We've been friends since forever.
Siempre hemos sido amigos.
- Since forever. Six months old.
Desde siempre, desde los 6 meses.
This German kid, he's got moves like I ain't seen since forever.
Es un chico alemán como no he visto otro.
- Since forever.
- Desde siempre.
It seems forever since i've seen you.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, ¿ verdad?
Tiresome and dull because....... all I knew, raised since a baby, here among the farmers was our belief that people love, marry, and stay together forever after that.
Aburrido y monótono porque yo sólo sé criar niños y pienso como Io granjeros, Ia gente se ama, se casa y se une para siempre.
It's been like this since you were born and it's gonna be like this forever.
Así ha sido desde que naciste, y así seguirá siendo para siempre.
Yes, since forever He've been an embarassement.
- ¿ Sí? No lo dudes.
I think that since we have to decide forever, that my husband and I would...
mi marido y yo... preferimos quedarnos aquí.
Since we're going to be friends forever.
No vamos a separarnos...
The lives I started were all the more delightful since I knew they wouldn't last forever.
Las vidas que comenzaba eran mucho más encantadoras ya que sabía que no durarían para siempre.
And since it may happen that I'm buried forever in these sands, this unaccustomed thought even making me feel sad...
Y si pasara que fuera enterrado para siempre en estas dunas, Este pensamiento de estar sin tí me hace sentir muy triste....
Do not hand them over to the power of the enemy... and do not forget them forever, but command that these souls... be taken up by the holy angels and brought home to paradise... so that since they hoped and believed in you... they may not undergo the punishments of hell... but rather possess everlasting joys. "
No se los entregues al enemigo... ni los olvides para siempre. Encomienda sus almas... a los ángeles y ordena que las lleven al paraíso... para que, ya que creían en Ti... no sufran los castigos del infierno... sino disfruten de dicha eterna...
Do not hand him over to the power of the enemy... and do not forget him forever, but command that his soul... be taken up by the holy angels and brought home to paradise... so that since he hoped and believed in you... he may not undergo the punishments of hell... but rather possess everlasting joys. "
No se lo entregues al enemigo... ni lo olvides para siempre, Encomienda su alma... a los ángeles y ordena que la lleven al paraíso... para que, ya que creía en Ti... no sufra los castigos del infierno... sino disfrute de la dicha eterna...
Since this game could be played forever without outcome, you must wager.
Dado que este juego nunca tendrá un resultado final, usted debe apostar.
Since your majesty has given an order this vow of drink shall be exempted forever
Desde que su majestad de la orden este mandamiento quedara exento para siempre
Ever since the neutrino wars with Rigel changed us forever, leaving us a race of mutants :
Desde que las guerras de neutrino con Rigel nos cambiaron para siempre... marcándonos como una raza de mutantes.
Since the dust and gas in the tail are lost forever to space the comet must slowly be eroding.
Dado que se pierden polvo y gas de la cola el cometa se erosiona lentamente.
Without doubt, the universe has been expanding since the big bang but it is, by no means, clear that it will continue to expand forever.
Sin duda, el universo se ha expandido desde el big bang pero no está claro en absoluto que continúe expandiéndose por siempre.
It's been forever since we slept together, Lyndon.
Pasó una eternidad desde que dormimos juntos, Lyndon.
Your majesty! Since your majesty has given an order, this vow of drink shall be exempted forever. To show appreciation,
¡ Su Majestad! este voto de no beber se eliminará para siempre. otorgó a los monjes Shao Lin muchas riquezas.
And since then, I always see her that way, forever.
Y desde ese momento, siempre la veré de esa forma. por siempre.
Since the rest of me is lost forever, you mean?
Desde el resto de mí se pierde para siempre, quieres decir?
They were my parents since always and forever.
Eran mi padre y mi madre, desde toda la eternidad, y para siempre.
Since it is simply unbearable to stay a clerk forever, you know.
Sería insoportable trabajar como oficinista toda la vida.
But it really makes no difference anymore... since you built the Shield to last forever.
Pero ahora no importa más. Usted hizo el Escudo para durar eternamente.
Boy, it seems like forever since I seen ya.
Tía, hace siglos que no re veo.
Once you feel that feeling, that perfect feeling, you want it to last forever, but since love comes with no guarantee, you do what you can do, and the only thing you can do is get married.
Y cuando sientes esa emoción perfecta, quieres que dure para siempre. Pero como el amor llega sin garantías, haces lo que puedes y eso es casarte.
The dust has settled since then, but I live in constant dread. I'm forever afraid of losing what's left of her heart... to some lucky bastard.
Ha pasado el tiempo, pero vivo con el terror de perderla a manos de cualquier afortunado.
And it's been forever since I've been obsessed with anyone. So I think I'm doin a lot better in that area.
Y ha pasado bastante desde que estuve obsesionada con alguien.
It's been forever since I've had juicy corned beef. That sounds delicious. That's a good idea.
Y me ofrecieron una nueva línea de trabajo diseñando una serie de anillos de ocio para hombres.
Nobody called me since Jesse forever.
Nadie me había llamado Jess desde hace una eternidad.
God, since forever, really.
Dios, desde siempre, en realidad.
Well, you know, you may have known Topanga since you were born, but I've known your mother, like, forever, okay?
Bueno, puedes haber conocido a Topanga desde que naciste, pero he conocido a tu madre, como, por siempre, ¿ de acuerdo?
All your sexual failures since adolescence, the frustration dogging you since puberty, have scarred you forever.
Todos tus fracasos sexuales desde la adolescencia, la frustración echándote a perder desde la pubertad, te han dejado marcado para siempre.
Since I am a monster... I will be as lovely forever.
Desde que yo soy un monstruo... Yo seré encantadora para siempre.
I say, since we can't live forever, let's at least live.
Ya que no podemos vivir para siempre, vivamos al menos.
It'd been forever since I'd known a holiday... since I'd seen my family... since I'd been with a girl, since I'd driven a car.
Hace siglos que no tengo un día feriado. SEIS DÍAS ANTES Que no veo a mi familia.
Ever since I started to shoot him I've decided to keep his will on going forever
Desde que comencé a grabarle... decidí cumplir para siempre su voluntad.
I have dreamt of this day since... forever.
He soñado con este día desde... siempre.
I thought I did, but I've loved you it seems since well, forever.
Creía que la amaba pero te amo a tí. ... parece que desde bueno, desde siempre.
I haven't paid for lipstick since... forever.
No he pagado una barra de labios desde... desde nunca.
Women have been doing this since, well, forever... so we know all about the power.
Las mujeres lo venimos haciendo desde siempre. Asi que sabemos sobre el poder.
He has been with me with ever since I was a child... and he'll now remain with you forever
Ha estado conmigo Desde que era niña.... Y se quedará ahora con usted para siempre
forever 1407
forever young 28
forever and ever 111
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since i met you 22
since the beginning 22
forever young 28
forever and ever 111
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since i met you 22
since the beginning 22
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65
since last night 34
since that day 27
since yesterday 59
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65
since last night 34
since that day 27