Since the beginning traducir español
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"These are the greatest events," wrote one of them, "since the beginning of the world."
"Éstos son los acontecimientos más extraordinarios," escribió uno de ellos, "desde los comienzos del mundo."
Since the beginning of time man has been polygamous - even the saints of Biblical history - but the son of Man gave a new thought.
Desde el comienzo de los tiempos el hombre ha sido polígamo. Incluyendo a los santos de la historia bíblica.
I've been convinced of your guilt since the beginning.
Desde el principio me convencí de su culpa.
I don't suppose any man has ever understood any woman... since the beginning of things.
Supongo que ningún hombre ha entendido a ninguna mujer desde principio de los tiempos.
It's the word that has been between us since the beginning, the very beginning.
Esa palabra ha estado entre nosotras desde el principio.
Almost the first time since the beginning of winter.
Hoy iré a la iglesia con mi marido por primera vez desde que... empezó el invierno.
Since the beginning of September.
En septiembre.
That's been the trouble since the beginning.
Ése fue el problema desde siempre.
Nevertheless, I was near to solving a problem... that has baffled man since the beginning of time... the secret of life, artificially created.
No obstante, estaba a punto de resolver un problema... que ha desconcertado al hombre desde el principio de los tiempos, el secreto de la vida creada artificialmente.
But as your commanding officer, I can tell you now- - Since the beginning of hostilities, you've never been out.
Pero como tu oficial superior, te digo ahora... que te ibas a quedar desde que comenzaron las hostilidades.
You were helped by every man since the beginning of time who dreamt of wearing wings, by pioneers who flew pieces of wire and paste board long before you were born, by every pilot that ever crashed into the ground
Le ayudaron todos los hombres que han ansiado volar. Los pioneros que volaron con alambre y cartón mucho antes de que naciese. Cada uno de los pilotos que se haya estrellado para que otros sigan volando.
Mary, may I remind you that since the beginning of time, women have been attracted to shiftless, unreliable, no-good vagabonds.
Mary. ¿ Puedo recordarte que desde siempre, a las mujeres les han atraído los hombres ociosos, poco confiables y vagabundos?
Not since the beginning of time... has there been a man who has a hatred like me.
No creo que haya existido otro hombre que sienta un odio tan profundo...
Long ago, all the time, since the beginning.
Desde hace mucho, desde siempre, desde el principio.
I have loved you since the beginning of time.
Os he amado desde el principio de los tiempos.
Since the beginning, Man has looked into the awesome reaches of infinity and asked the eternal questions :
Desde siempre, el hombre ha mirado los confines de lo infinito y se ha planteado las eternas preguntas :
I'll do what I should have done since the beginning.
Haré lo que debí hacer desde el principio.
And i have not played since the beginning of this tyranny,
Y no tocado aquí desde que empezó esta tiranía.
And ever since the beginning you've been in and out of my life like a weekend visitor.
Y desde el principio has estado entrando y saliendo de mi vida
I've been with him ever since the beginning.
Se lo contaré desde el principio.
We've come a long way since the beginning of the season.
Hemos hecho un largo camino desde el comienzo de la temporada.
If we can only communicate with it we can learn secrets that have been hidden from mankind since the beginning...
Si pudiésemos comunicarnos aprenderíamos secretos que la humanidad no conoce desde...
Edwina, we've discovered something the human race has been searching for since the beginning of time.
Hemos dado con lo que se lleva buscando desde el principio de los tiempos.
Lieutenant Kafka here has been on the case since the beginning.
El teniente Kafka, aquí, ha estado en el caso desde el comienzo.
He never showed up, I've been speaking to you alone since the beginning.
A él nunca lo he visto, siempre he hablado con Ud.
It's been crazy since the beginning.
Ha sido una locura desde el principio.
It has been written... since the beginning of time... even onto these ancient stones... that evil, supernatural creatures exist... in a world of darkness.
Está escrito... desde el comienzo de los tiempos... incluso sobre estas viejas piedras... que malvadas criaturas sobrenaturales existen... en un mundo de sombras.
Try hard lf anything happened to you, it'd be the most beautiful murder since the beginning of time
Johnny, sólo vuelve sano y salvo. - Lo intentaré. - Inténtalo con todas tus fuerzas.
Later they told us that was the seventh accident at that spot since the beginning of summer.
Más tarde nos dijeron que ése era el séptimo accidente en ese lugar desde principios de verano.
Since the beginning of your time, we have been far beyond your planet.
Desde el comienzo de sus tiempos, nosotros nos hemos mantenido mas allá de su planeta.
Since the beginning of the atomic age, we have had 143 explosions, such as these you've just seen here on the screen.
Desde el comienzo de la era atómica hemos tenido 143 explosiones... como la que han visto aquí en la pantalla.
Madam, since the beginning of time,... all women have heard footsteps... up there.
Las mujeres han oído pasos desde tiempos inmemoriales.
This is no recent fissure. This has been here since the beginning of time.
Lleva aquí desde que el mundo es mundo.
Who has lived here since the beginning of time?
¿ Quién vivir aquí desde principio del tiempo?
Since the beginning of time...
Desde el principio del tiempo
Ever since the beginning of the war? No.
¿ Así desde el principio de la guerra?
Alain has been lying to you since the beginning.
Alain ha estado mintiéndote desde el principio.
Since the beginning out here.
Desde que vinimos a esta zona.
I only wanted to be sincere, since the beginning.
He querido ser sincero desde el inicio.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
Porque conduce al futuro No el futuro que será, sino uno posible. Este no es un mundo nuevo.
Oh, I could have taken her as nobles have taken the daughters of peasants since the beginning of time.
Podría haberla tomado. Los nobles han tomado las hijas de los campesinos desde siempre.
Another unusual aspect of the war declared by mankind on birds, since the beginning, is offered by the Chinese in Singapore.
Otro aspecto de la guerra declarada por la humanidad contra las aves desde el comienzo, es ofrecido por los chinos en Singapur.
Since the beginning of time, men have believed in the possibility of projecting evil thoughts.
Desde la antiguedad, los hombres han creído en poder proyectar los malos pensamientos.
There's the Vesuvius. Ever since the eruption of 1944, there's been a period of calm. Ah, but the temperature is beginning to rise a little, though.
Ahí está el Vesubio, después de la erupción del 44... entró en calma, pero la temperatura está subiendo otra vez.
The war was over, and the lights were beginning to come on again. I came back to my rooms on the square since I was convinced that I had pushed Sarah out of my life.
La guerra había terminado y las luces volvían a la ciudad... cuando regresé a mi cuarto frente a la plaza, convencido de haber sacado a Sarah de mi vida.
Now, since I have no intention of getting married, I feel honor-Bound to declare myself in the beginning.
Puesto que no tengo la menor intención de casarme creo que lo más correcto es hacérselo saber desde el principio.
Since the beginning, you go now into the forest
Iréis ahora al bosque.
Since beginning in their work, the tranquility of the forest has been destroyed
Al día siguiente, los hombres de los automóviles... pusieron en marcha un motor... Fue un verdadero desastre.
That's something my family has had to come to terms with since the very beginning.
Es algo que mi familia sabe bien...
David ellington - scholar, seeker of truth, and regrettably, finder of truth - a man who will shortly arise from his exhaustion to confront a problem that has tormented mankind since the beginning of time - a man who knocked on a door seeking sanctuary
David Ellington. Estudioso. Buscador de la verdad y lamentablemente, encontrador de la verdad.
He's been my representative since... the very beginning.
Me representa desde el principio. ¡ Mi caso!
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since the accident 21
since the 51
the beginning 51
beginning 25
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
since then 344
since the accident 21
since the 51
the beginning 51
beginning 25
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since i met you 22
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65
since last night 34
since i was a child 16
since i met you 22
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65
since last night 34