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And by the way, I'm so sorry both you and Dr. Brennan were wrong about the victim's age.
Y por cierto, siento que usted y la Dra. Brennan estuvieran equivocadas sobre la edad de la víctima.
You make breakfast, it's your thing since you and Dr. Brennan moved in together.
Tú haces el desayuno, es tu tarea desde que la Dra. Brennan y tú os fuisteis a vivir juntos.
Hey, I heard you and Dr. Isles brought a zombie back to life.
Oye, escuche que tú y la Dra. Isles revivieron a un zombie.
So what did you and Dr. Baker talk about?
¿ De qué hablaste con el Dr. Baker?
How long has it been now for you and Dr. Bennett?
¿ Cuánto tiempo han estado usted y el Dr. Bennett?
Yes, I-I'm taking some time off, and, uh, I am referring my patients to Dr. Crosetti in the interim, so you should feel free to make an appointment with her. Mm-hmm.
Sí, me voy a tomar algo de tiempo libre y voy a referir mis pacientes a la doctora Crosetti en el ínterin así que no dudes en concertar una cita con ella.
You noted something subconsciously, you repeated it to yourself in your dream to focus on it, and because you imagined that you were looking for this little guy, you shaped the investigation of Dr. Mackenzie's murder in a way that almost anyone else might have missed.
Notaste algo subconscientemente, te lo repetiste en tu sueño para centrarte en ello, y porque imaginaste que estabas buscando a ese chico, diste forma a la investigación del asesinato del Dr. Mackenzie de una forma que casi nadie podría haber perdido.
You go see Dr. Wallace, and, uh,
Ve a ver al Dr. Wallace, y,
We appreciate Dr. Montgomery having you talk to us, but Dani and I have come to a decision.
Le agradecemos a la Dra. Montgomery que le haya hablado de nosotras, pero Dani y yo hemos tomado una decision.
I went to the market this morning and... and chopped the vegetables, and I didn't forget about you either, Dr. Turner. Here you go. Oh, I'm fine.
Fui al mercado esta mañana y... corté las verduras, y tampoco me olvidé de usted, Dra. Turner.
Um, I haven't heard back yet from Northwestern, and I know you're close with Dr. Mitchell.
Aún no he recibido una respuesta de Northwestern, y sé que te llevas bien con el doctor Mitchell.
Thank you, everyone, and especially, a thank you to Dr. Grey.
Gracias a todos y, especialmente, gracias a usted, Doctora Grey
This is Dr. Robbins. Leave me your name and number, and I'll get right back to you.
Soy la Dra. Robbins.
Dr. Wilson, you've got wheezes, shallow breathing, And your temp is pushing 102.
Dr. Wilson, tiene sibilancias, respiración superficial, y su temperatura ha subido a 39 grados.
And you should be, so just why don't you dust off your couch when there's actually a problem? Hey, Dr. Reid.
Y deberías estarlo, así que ¿ por qué no desempolvas tu diván cuando haya algún problema? Hola, Dra. Reid.
This morning Britten broke into Dr. Lee's house and took him at gunpoint to the very storage unit that you're referring to.
Esta mañana Britten entró en casa del doctor Lee, y le llevó a punta de pistola hasta el mismo almacén... del que usted habla.
And what do you think of Dr. Doom's six-month deadline?
¿ Y qué piensa de la fecha límite de seis meses del Doctor Doom?
I helped you, Dr. Hunt, and this is the way you show me your gratitude?
Yo la ayudé, Dra. Hunt, ¿ y esta es su forma de agradecérmelo?
Dr. Clemons says the only way I can overcome my anger issues is to learn to forgive, which will be a whole lot easier to do if you and Dad do the same.
El Dr. Clemons dice que la única forma de superar mis problemas de ira es aprender a perdonar, lo que sería mucho más fácil si tú y papá hicierais lo mismo.
As you all know... during recession, health care is always the first target... of the media and finances, so... people like Dr. Babic are a true example of efforts towards... prosperity of both the clinic and health care... and Croatia in general, if you will!
Como todos saben... en tiempos de crisis, la sanidad es siempre el primer objetivo de los medios y las finanzas, así que... personas como el Dr. Babic son un verdadero ejemplo de los intentos... hacia la prosperidad tanto de la clínica como de la sanidad... y de Croacia en general, si me permiten.
And you've got the baby, so Dr. Casseras, I presume?
Y usted tiene el bebé, así que eres la Doctora Casseras, ¿ presumo?
For that three months, when Dr. Brennan took your baby and left you alone, to never have happened.
Que esos tres meses, en que la Dra. Brennan cogió a tu hija y te dejó solo, nunca hubieran ocurrido.
Well, Mrs. Rizzoli and detective Rizzoli, I'd like to ask you to join Dr. Isles as our "wellness Captains".
Bueno, Sra. Rizzoli y detective Rizzoli, me gustaría pedirles que se unieran a la Dra. Isles como nuestras "Capitanas de bienestar".
Bradley Palmer, you're under arrest for the murders of Ethan Slater, Dr. George Breyer, and Katrina Livingston.
Bradley Palmer, queda arrestado por los asesinatos de Ethan Slater, Dr. George Breyer y Katrina Livingston.
Vicky you have really insulted us and your Dr. Chaddha bloody villain, I'll catch him soon...
Vicky, insultaste al Dr Chaddha y a nosotros villano malvado!
Sir the reality is that you have taken his advantage you have purchased car, farm house and house.
Dr, la realidad es que usted es el que ha sacado ventaja ha comprado un Auto, una casa de campo y la casa en la ciudad.
Thank you Dr. Chaddha for doing this, you saved a soul and Mr. And Mrs. Arora the name of the child is Diya and she's been here with us for last six months...
Gracias Dr. Chaddha por hacer eso, usted ha salvado un alma Sr. y Sra. Arora el nombre de la niña es Diya ella ha estado aquí con nosotros durante seis meses
We'll prey on their Catholic guilt by playing up your mom's cancer and "Oh, she's dying," and she is, you know, and we'll raise a bunch of money to give to your mom to give to Dr.
Explotaremos su culpa católica con lo del cáncer de tu madre y lo de "Oh, se muere", y ella se, o sea, recaudamos un montón de dinero para dárselo a tu madre para que se lo dé al Doctor
And you may want to hurry it up so you're not late for dinner, Dr. Robinson.
Y quizás quieras apurarlo entonces no llega tarde a cenar, Dr. Robinson
I had very bad sleep apnea, I was borderline type 2 diabetic, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol. I'd worked with Dr. Atkins face to face in New York and in the end the best he could do was yell at me for being so fat and because I was killing myself. " What are you doing?
Yo sufro apnea, nací con diabetes tipo 2, con colesterol y los triglicéridos altos, trabajé cara a cara con el Dr. Atkins en Nueva York y recuerdo que solo pudo gritarme por ser obeso y porque me mataba a mi mismo.
♪ for that lean ♪ I understand that you marched with Dr. Kng, Mr. Speaker, and while I do agree that's beautiful, the reverend Drake's widow asked for one eulogy only, and that would be from the President of the United States. Uh...
Comprendo que usted marchó con el doctor King, señor Speaker, y aunque estoy de acuerdo que eso es precioso, la viuda del reverendo Drake pidió solo una loa, y esa será la del presidente de los Estados Unidos.
And you remember dr. Sacani.
Y te acuerdas del Dr. Sacani.
Would you describe Dr. Brennan as hyper-rational, deliberate and exacting?
¿ Describiría a la Dra. Brennan como hiper-racional, reflexiva y minuciosa?
- Hi. I would just like to say that I love each and every one of you, even you, Dr. Alex Blake.
Me gustaría decirles que los quiero a cada uno de ustedes incluso a usted, Dra. Alex Blake.
So if you want to stay here and use this facility to decode Pelant's handiwork, you'll cooperate with Dr. Edison.
Entonces si quieres permanecer aquí y usar esta instalación para descodificar el trabajo de Pelant, cooperarás con el Dr. Edison.
For not realizing sooner that what you're working toward here - to clear Dr. Brennan and bring her home - will most likely lead to you losing your position here.
Por no darme cuenta antes que lo que estabas buscando era liberar a la Dra. Brennan y traerla a casa. Lo que seguramente provocaría que perdieras tu posición aquí.
Dr. Jeremy Reed. And you are?
Doctor Jeremy Reed. ¿ Y tú eres...?
Dr. Glass, is there any way you can get out and hoof it.
Dra. Glass, hay alguna posibilidad que pueda salir e ir a pie.
Dr. Shulman, Danny is forcing his big, fat butt in my nurse interviews, and he said that you said that it was okay.
Dr. Shulman, Danny esta metiendo, Su grande y gordo trasero en mis entrevistas a enfermeras. Y él dijo que usted dijo que estaba bien.
You've spoken with him when you and I were aboard his ship. Dr. Glass, are you okay?
Ya hablaste con él cuando los dos estábamos en la nave.
And you started seeing Dr. Golden as soon as you got back?
¿ Y empezaste a ver a la Dra. Golden apenas regresaste?
Dr. Walker, if Lauren were performing and you were able to stop her before she had too many spikes, like you did just now, would she still be OK?
Dr. Walker, si Lauren actuara y fuera capaz de detenerla antes de que tuviera demasiados picos, como acabas de hacer ahora, estaría ella bien?
Okay, will you get it out and call Dr. lang, tell her we're on our way to the hospital?
Vale, ¿ puedes sacarlo y llamar a la Dra. Lang, y le dices que vamos camino al hospital?
Dr Clarkson, you have created a division between my son and his wife, when the only way they can conceivably bear their grief is if they face it together.
Dr. Clarkson, usted ha creado una disensión entre mi hijo y su esposa, cuando la única opción que tienen para superar su pérdida es que la afronten juntos.
You brought Dr. Reid in on a surgery that you promised me, and you never call me unless you want to have sex.
Llevaste a la Dra. Reid a la cirugía que me prometiste... y nunca me llamas a menos que quieras tener sexo.
♪ ooh you know they fine up and down the carolinas ♪ Dr. Reed, why are you staring at that girl?
Doctor Reed, ¿ por qué estás mirando a esa chica?
And Dr. Bandari brought you back.
Y la doctora Bandari te trajo de vuelta.
You know, being in that hospital and seeing Dr. Lamb again, it made me remember the day that Oliver came home.
Tú sabes, haber estado en ese hospital y ver al Dr. Lamb de nuevo, me ha hecho recordar el día que Oliver volvió a casa.
I'm telling you, Dr. Reed, my family isn't sophisticated like you and me.
Tengo que avisarte, Doctor Reed, mi familia no es sofisticada como tú y yo.
You know, there have been hundreds of studies on coma patients, Dr. Bell, and we still don't understand why one wakes up and one doesn't.
Ha habido cientos de estudios de pacientes en coma, Doctora Bell, y aún no entendemos por qué unos despiertan y otros no.
No, I mean, why are you here and not with Dr. Baylor?
No, quiero decir que ¿ qué haces aquí y no con la Doctora Baylor?
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
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you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and her 39
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and you 80
you and him 50
and drink 28
and drunk 16
and dr 337
you and 111
you and her 39
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and you 80
you and him 50
and drink 28
and drunk 16
and dr 337