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Your entire life traducir español

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Do you plan on living your entire life grilling mackerels like this?
¿ Vas a seguir asando caballas por el resto de tu vida?
You spent your entire life buying anything you want.
Se ha pasado toda la vida comprándose lo que quería.
J.D., did anybody ever put anything over on you in your entire life?
J.D., ¿ alguien alguna vez ha podido engañarlo?
How can a casual passing stranger change your entire life?
¿ Cómo un extraño puede cambiar toda tu vida?
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but your entire life hasn't shown any sign of anything like that.
Siento mostrarme desagradable, pero su vida entera no puede probar nada semejante.
You will work hard rather than in your entire life.
Vas a trabajar mucho mas que en toda tu vida.
This is what you will be too. For your entire life, unless I can save you.
Y eso es lo que tú serás... para toda la vida, si yo no logro salvarte.
Uh, senor, I wish you the most beautiful evening of your entire life.
Eh, señor, le deseo la más hermosa noche de su vida.
Must you spend your entire life keeping us apart?
¿ Debe pasar el resto de su vida manteniéndonos separados?
This one certifies you've never heard of Operation Prometheus and have never been on my base in your entire life.
Esta certifica que nunca oyó hablar de la Operación Prometeo y que nunca estuvo en mi base en toda su vida.
And you don't have the right... you can't spend your entire life running around the world.
No se puede estar toda la vida dando tumbos por el mundo.
You've never had an empty moment in your entire life, have you?
Usted no ha tenido ni un momento vacío en su vida, ¿ verdad?
He's done more for me than you've done in your entire life!
¡ Ha hecho más por mí en una semana que tú en toda tu vida!
Have you ever, in your entire life, seen anything so beautiful?
En toda su vida habrá visto usted una cosa tan preciosa.
That's something for your entire life.
- Es algo para toda la vida.
Father, you were a servant your entire life.
Padre, fuisteis un sirviente toda la vida.
Do you intend to spend your entire life admiring yourself?
¿ Pretendes pasarte toda la vida admirándote?
In a moment, Doctor, the knowledge and experience of your entire life will be transposed into our data bank.
En un momento, Doctor, los conocimientos y la experiencia... de toda su vida serán traspasados a nuestro banco de datos.
Claudia, you can't keep running from people your entire life.
Claudia, no puedes pasarte la vida huyendo de la gente.
This incident is going down on your permanent record, A record that's going to follow you Throughout your entire life.
Este incidente, irá en su registro permanente
And you're more alive at this moment than you have ever been in your entire life! Because you are afraid.
Esta mas vivo que nunca antes en su vida porque tiene miedo.
It's a terrible thing, you know, living on your entire life in a state of fear.
Es terrible vivir toda la vida con miedo.
But then when you get into the other person's shoes... you figure that there was a lot of fear on the part of the fundamentalists as well. I mean, when you've lived your entire life... believing in a certain social structure... believing in certain sex roles... believing in the ways that men and women should relate to each other... believing in the family... you know, believing in what God -
Es decir, cuando has vivido toda tu vida... creyendo en una cierta estructura social... creyendo en ciertos roles sexuales... creyendo en las formas en que los hombres y mujeres deben relacionarse entre sí, creyendo en la familia,
Who were you more crazy about than anyone else in your entire life?
Quién eras más locos que nadie en toda su vida?
You've never even had a credit card in your entire life.
Nunca ha tenido una tarjeta de credito en su vida.
Come on, Buddy, admit it you would love to spend your entire life just using women's bodies.
Vamos, Buddy, admítelo te gustaría pasar toda tu vida solamente usando los cuerpos de las mujeres.
It must have been horrible slaving in the mine your entire life.
Debió ser horrible pasar toda tu vida como esclavo en la mina.
- You have your entire life ahead of you.
- Tienes toda la vida por delante.
In your entire life, you've never said, "I don't know," or, "I think this."
En toda su vida, nunca se ha dicho, "no sé", o : "Creo que esto."
This is the only thing you have done in your entire life.
Esto es todo lo que has sido capaz de hacer durante toda tu vida.
Larry, you must feel like this is the lowest point of your entire life.
- es todo lo que me tienes que decir? ... estás en tu peor momento.
Your entire life, your shared conversations with her totalled 173 words.
Cruzaste con ella un total de 173 palabras.
Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?
¿ Has visto alguna vez algo tan precioso?
Does she or doesn't she have the greatest set of tits you've ever seen in your entire life?
Tiene o no tiene el mejor par de tetas que has visto en toda tu vida?
All I'm saying is you spent your entire life eating food high in cholesterol and that promotes cardiovascualer disease.
Papá... sólo digo que llevas toda la vida comiendo con mucho colesterol. Eso favorece las enfermedades cardiovasculares.
In your entire life you did nothing but take.
En toda su vida, no hizo nada mas que tomar.
Will you keep wandering in the forest in your entire life?
¿ Seguirás vagando por el bosque en toda tu vida?
You've your entire life to see me.
Tienes toda tu vida para verme.
Your son has lived his entire life without you. When he turned one you weren't there.
su hijo vivía al otro lado su vida sin ti cuando se cierra vez que eleipes
Otherwise you'll be unhappy your entire life..
Si no, serás desgraciado toda tu vida.
You can have a person remaining in your control throughout their entire life!
Se pueden vender Sí, se puede tener al vida de un hombre... en tus manos.
I don't want to spend my entire life retouching your pictures.
No quiero pasarme la vida retocando tus fotos.
The true protagonist, your son, spent his entire life in the countryside, surrounded by gardens, an Hellenic paradise.
El protagonista verdadero, es decir, su hijo, ha pasado la vida en el campo
I've had business managers and agents that have put more bread in the market in one day than you ever made in your entire police life.
Tuve representantes y agentes que hicieron más dinero en el mercado en un día que el que tú harías en toda tu vida de policía.
Stay here, and listen to music like you've never heard in your entire life.
Quédate y escucha la música...
Come on. You never played a round of golf in your entire misspent life. - What's up?
Vamos, tú nunca has jugado golf en toda tu malgastada vida. ¿ Qué sucede?
And if you want to fire me after coming in late one day in my entire life, Seth Hazlitt, you don't have to have Jessica do your dirty work.
Y si quiere despedirme por llegar un día tarde... en toda mi vida, Seth Hazlitt... no hace falta que Jessica haga el trabajo sucio.
In this will your late husband left you a life interest in his entire estate.
En este testamento su fallecido marido le dejó un interés de por vida en herencia.
He wants to rest! Joey, he's the dumbest guy you've ever worked with in your whole entire life!
No puedes descansar, esas cosas no descansan y es tu culpa que hayan salido
Maybe I wanted to see your face naked, no guard up, how you really felt hoping I would be wrong about something that I knew my entire life.
Quizás quería ver tu cara al desnudo, desprevenido, cómo te sentías en realidad esperando estar equivocada sobre algo que supe toda mi vida.
One thing you do ruining your entire life.
Nadie me invitó a salir, ni nada por el estilo.

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