Time to get up traducir francés
953 traducción paralela
It's time to get up.
C'est l'heure de te lever.
Time to get up.
C'est l'heure de se lever.
Time to get up, sir. We're landing shortly.
C'est l'heure de se lever, monsieur.
Time to get up, little lady. FIELDS :
- C'est l'heure de se lever, ma petite dame.
He wouldn't know what to talk about when it come time to get up to preach.
Il saura pas de quoi parler quand il faudra prêcher.
It's time to get up.
II est l'heure de se lever.
Time to get up, skipper.
Debout, chef.
Come on, honey, time to get up.
Debout, chérie!
Time to get up.
Il faut se lever.
But I had to stall for time - time to get up my courage.
Mais je devais gagner du temps - rassembler mon courage.
Drink this, and then it's time to get up.
Tiens, bois ça et lève-toi.
In fact, if we hurry we might just get back in time to get up.
Si on se magne, on arrivera à temps pour se réveiller.
Is it time to get up?
C'est l'heure de se lever?
- Well, it's time to get up!
It's morning. It's time to get up.
C'est l'heure de se lever.
And then I had to get cleaned up, and that took plenty of time, believe me.
Et puis, j'ai dû me laver et ça m'a pris un temps fou.
Every time I get an angel to put up the bankroll, something happens.
À chaque fois qu'un mécène dit oui, il se passe un truc.
- Mary, for a long time I've been trying to get up the courage to tell Mrs. Hardy we should have a cook.
- Mary, ça fait longtemps... que je veux dire à Mme Hardy qu'on devrait avoir une cuisinière.
I'll never forget the time you stayed up all night to tell me not to get discouraged. After you found out I'd been in jail.
Je n'oublierai jamais, combien tu m'as encouragé... quand tu as su que je sortais de prison.
And for reasons youse mugs wouldn't understand... she passed up the chance we got to get in on the big time.
Et pour une raison que vous ne pourriez pas comprendre... elle a renoncé à la chance qu'on avait de connaître la gloire.
There comes a time in everybody's life when he's got to get up and let it rip!
Mes chers amis, il vient un moment dans la vie où il faut savoir grimper sur son bureau et exploser.
Hurry up and get me the maid to help with the packing. We've no time to waste.
Trouvez quelqu'un pour les bagages.
A shave wouldn't go bad, but I ain't got time now. I gotta get to market and hustle up a load.
Je me raserais bien, mais vaut mieux... me dégotter une cargaison.
Every time you mess up my lip rouge, it takes me ten minutes longer to get ready.
Á chaque baiser, je perds dix minutes en retouches.
Don't forget to change your time before we get to Ogden, or you'll get all mixed up.
N'oubliez pas de changer d'heure avant d'arriver à Ogden.
Every time we get settled at the racetrack, the ball game or the prizefight, she has to call up and disturb us.
Chaque fois qu'on est aux courses ou au stade, elle nous appelle pour nous déranger.
They'll tell you what time you get up and what time you go to bed at night.
Ils te diront quand te lever et quand te coucher.
Now that we've warmed up, it's time to get down to business.
- Après ces tours de passe-passe, venons-en aux choses sérieuses.
Take you up to Niagara Falls if I don't get tired of looking at water by that time.
Je t'emmènerai aux chutes du Niagara.
She's not going to get away with it this time, because I'm going to speak up.
Elle ne s'en tirera pas, cette fois. Je parlerai.
We'll have time to rehearse a new show, get all polished up -
On aura le temps de répéter le nouveau spectacle, tout peaufiner -
This is no time to get mixed up with a girl.
C'est bien le moment!
It's unfortunate the accident occurred at this time, But i think that just as soon as you get kate's affairs wound up, You'd better go to reno and get it over with.
C'est fâcheux que l'accident ait eu lieu, mais... quand les affaires de Kate seront reglées, tu devrais aller à Reno pou qu'on en finisse.
And the second time you get picked up on a drunk driving rap down here... you get a long, long time to cool off.
Et si on vous y reprend une seconde fois, vous écopez de quoi vous calmer.
The last time someone wanted to gag me, he tried it with a mink coat but I never let go until the president of that particular ship company wound up in jail, even though I did get pneumonia that winter.
La dernière fois qu'on a essayé, c'était avec un vison. Mais mon obstination a valu la prison au président de la société en question, même si j'ai eu une pneumonie cet hiver-là.
We knew that from the time he roared off the ferry and charged up Market Street to get a good run up the hill our quiet way of life was due for a change.
En I'entendant arriver de loin, nous savions que notre tranquillité allait être troublée.
I get up in the morning, then suddenly it's time to go to bed.
Je me lève et soudain c'est le soir.
Too bad he didn't get up in time to help you.
Dommage qu'il ne soit pas arrivé à temps pour t'aider.
I don't want anybody to get sticky-fingered after the time is up.
On ne prend plus rien après les 3 minutes, c'est clair?
The next time I get sentimental, you tell me to shut up.
A l'avenir, si je deviens trop sentimentale, fais-moi taire.
- I don't want to take up any more of your time. I should get dressed.
- Je dois y aller, il faut que je m'habille.
Is she in this? This is no time to get mixed up with a woman, Milner.
Ce n'est pas le moment de vous intéresser à une femme.
I s about time Mother was getting to bed if she's gonna get up and give the baby her 6 : 00 bottle.
C'est l'heure pour Maman d'aller se coucher... Pour pouvoir se lever à 6 h pour le biberon du bébé.
As usual, they made a clean getaway... but this time they left a trail I thought we could follow... and as I was marshal of Silver City, I decided to get up a posse to track them down.
Comme d'habitude, ils filèrent aussitôt fait, mais... cette fois, ils laissèrent une piste queje pensais pouvoir suivre... et commej'étais le marshal de Silver City... je réunis un détachement pour partir les retrouver.
You joined up just in time to get the answer to that one, major.
Vous posez cette question au bon moment.
Think I can get ready in the time it takes to hitch up a team?
Je croyais avoir le temps...
Hey, time to get up.
Hé... c'est l'heure de te lever.
Hurry up now, you haven't got much time to get ready.
Vite! Allez vous habiller!
The next time I get up before ya, I'll have somethin'to say worth sayin'.
La prochaine fois que je me Iéverai, ce sera pour dire quelque chose,
Up you get, fatty, time to groom the horses.
Au boulot, mon gros!
Apu, get up. It's time to eat.
Apu, mon chéri, il est temps de venir manger.
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to move on 27
time to move 28
get up 6197
get up now 52
get up there 220
get up here 202
get upstairs 55
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time to move 28
get up 6197
get up now 52
get up there 220
get up here 202
get upstairs 55
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time for breakfast 17
time thing 208
time is money 74
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time for breakfast 17
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time of death 270
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time machine 29
time is short 39
time of death 270
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time machine 29
time is short 39