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But you were there traducir portugués

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But you were there all the time, weren't you?
Mas você esteve lá o tempo todo, não esteve?
You may have a pretty face but you're worse than that demon over there. I wouldn't have hesitated to kill you if you were one.
Foi assim que entendi como o King agia.
You knew there'd be a letter every morning... but you were far too busy with Armand Duvalle to give it a thought.
Sabias que haveria uma carta todas as manhãs, mas estavas ocupada demais com o Armand Duvalle para pensares nisso.
They're very dull, most of them, and neglected but you'll always find someone there gazing over the relics of queens who were true lovers.
Muitos são maçantes e negligenciados... mas sempre encontramos alguém... admirando as relíquias de rainhas que foram grandes amantes.
There were no Jews there, but I can tell you they ate like pigs.
Garanto-vos que lá não os há. Comiam como porcos, por isso é que os deixei.
As for distant and forbidding on the contrary, but you also were a little the worse, or better, for wine and there are rules about that.
Quanto a distante e a inacessível, pelo contrário, mas também estava um pouco tocada pelo vinho, e há regras nesses casos.
But suddenly you stopped me as if there was something on the other side you were afraid for me to see.
Mas de repente você me deteve... Como se do outro lado houvesse algo que eu não pudesse ver.
But if the situation were different if I had to stay and there were only visa for one would you take it?
Mas, Victor, se a situação fosse ao contrário se eu tivesse de ficar e só houvesse um visto aceitavas?
Mr. Spencer, I hate to bother you, but I thought you'd like to know there were two men here.
Sr. Spencer, desculpe incomodar, mas pensei que gostasse de saber que estiveram cá dois homens a perguntar por si.
Since we were kids, there's never been anyone in my heart but you.
Desde miúda que eu nunca amei outro.
You were out there, and he was in here, and you couldn't see him, but he could see you.
Você estava além, e ele estava aqui, e você não o podia ver, mas ele podia vê-la a si.
But of course you were there.
Mas é claro que estiveste lá.
But then, there were several things I had expected of you. What was that, sir?
Mas afinal também esperava outras coisas de si.
You see, we were over there, but there was such a draft,
Você vê, nós estávamos lá, mas havia tal corrente de ar, não pude...
It did not matter that they were not real sorcerers... because you and I know there's no such thing... but their influence was very real indeed.
Não importava que não fossem realmente feiticeiras... porque sabemos não existir tal coisa... porém sua influência era muito real.
But I knew you were coming here today, and I had to see him first because... there was something very important I wanted to ask him.
Mas sabia que a Menina vinha e eu tinha de a ver, porque tenho uma pergunta muito importante para lhe fazer.
I've been over to the house several times, but you were never there.
Mas nunca esta em casa, fui lá muitas vezes.
Since I'm not Mr. Robie but Mr. Burns, there would be hardly any point, but tell me how clever you were.
Já que não sou o Sr. Robie, mas o Sr. Burns, não haveria motivo para tentar enganá-la. Mas diga-me como foi esperta.
You may think you were in Philadelphia... but, actually, you were right out there on the corner.
Podes pensar que estavas em Filadélfia, mas estavas ali à esquina.
You were staying here those four days. But there was so many guests, I just couldn't swear to where anybody was on any one day.
Ficaram cá esses quatro dias, mas havia tantos hóspedes que não posso jurar onde estava alguém nesse dia em particular.
You know, if you were on a desert island with that guy... and there was nothing there but rocks... pretty soon he'd have all the rocks moved to his side of the beach.
Se estivesses numa ilha deserta com este tipo... e não houvesse mais nada do que pedras... terias todas as pedras da praia a teu lado.
But you were right there waiting to take over.
Mas tu estavas lá à espera de assumir.
But these two weeks you have been here, there were times you were kind to me.
Mas nestas duas semanas em que cá estiveste, houve momentos em que foste muito gentil para comigo.
But I never killed no woman. - Talk! There were four of you.
- Mas nunca matei uma mulher.
Personally, I would be happier if there were a few more jokes in it, But you know me, I only like, what the people like.
Pessoalmente, eu ficaria mais feliz se houvessem mais piadas, mas você conhece-me, eu só gosto do que os espectadores gostam.
How she passed you by Almost unaware that you were there But when she takes your hand
Como ela passou por nós sem se aperceber que existimos mas quando ela agarra na tua mão é uma coisa adorável
But I wouldn't go up there if I were you.
Mas não iria lá se fosse você.
You admit you were there. But I have trouble with my eyes. I suffer with an ailment.
É óbvio que nenhum de vocês desempenhou as suas funções devidamente, senão apresentariam provas para uma condenação.
But if I may paraphrase... what a wise young girl once said to me many years ago : "If you were marooned in an ombu tree... and you had some logs and something to tie them into a raft... you wouldn't just sit there until you died or something, would you?"
Mas vou parafrasear o que me disse uma sábia menina hámuitos anos... se fose apanhada por um umbuzeiro e tivesse madeira e cordas, ficaria sentada esperando a morte?
You have been nothing but trouble since the day you got there. Since the day you were born!
Que é um burro, causou, encrencas desde chegou!
But even if there were 200 of them, for you it would be like slicing potatoes.
Mesmo se houver 200 deles, para ti será como fatia batatas.
But I thought if you were there- -
Mas pensei que se estivesse lá...
But i tell you she was there. We were together!
Estávamos juntos!
But I know this much... If the Boxers get as far as Peking, you're going to wish there were more soldiers in these compounds and less women and children.
Mas, sei o seguinte se os Boxers chegarem a Pequim, vão desejar haver mais soldados nestes complexos e menos mulheres e criancas.
But there were seven bishops there charging his soldiers not to cause bloodshed and give the light of the safe conduct you gave Becket.
Sete bispos imploravam para não derramarem sangue... e mentindo pelo salvo conduto que deu a Becket.
But in that basement there were two of you.
Mas acontece que vocês eram dois na cave.
There were others... But, son... there's nobody but one to share your sorrow with you.
Eu não pude compartilhar as suas alegrias consigo mas as outras coisas meu filho.
But there was land here for the taking and keeping... if you were willing to fight.
Mas havia terras aqui para conquistar... se estivéssemos dispostos a lutar.
There were many lawmakers in Yuma, But you are different from them.
Havia muitos legisladores em Yuma, mas você é diferente deles.
None of my business, of course, but I shouldn't go there if I were you.
Não é nada comigo, mas eu não ia lá. Há lá grandes sarilhos.
But that is, John Ford's movies were a collection of rituals whether they were, you know. American folklore rituals. they were Irish rituals whether they were rituals from the native American Lakota culture or rituals that he just read about in the untamed West there were all sorts of rituals.
Mas é que os filmes de John Ford tinham uma coleção de rituais, sejam rituais do folclore americano, ou rituais irlandeses, ou da cultura nativa de Lakota, ou rituais que ele leu sobre o Oeste selvagem.
But there's no supposing. Yeah, and we'll simply tell the police you were here with us.
Vamos dizer à polícia que estavas aqui connosco.
But if you're able to run around in the West peacefully, catching flies... it's only'cause fellows like me were there first.
"Mas se tu podes andar pelo Oeste calmamente a apanhar moscas " é só porque tipos como eu vieram primeiro.
There's no end to what he could have done. But the situation that he got placed in... through either his record company, the management... the promoters, the publicity men, all those guys you've gotta deal with... who were saying, " Hey, Jimi, we've gotta tour.
Não há limites para o que ele podia ter feito, mas a situação em que ele se viu, através da discográfica, do empresário, dos promotores e dos publicitários, gente que dizia : " Jimi, vais em digressão.
But I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
Mas no teu lugar, não entraria aí.
You do not know for how long, but when you were turned off, there was a war on.
Nao sabe há quanto tempo... mas, quando foi desligado, estavam em guerra.
- No, but you were out there.
- Não és, mas foste.
We heard that you were not there, but I wouldn't say it was relevant.
Soubemos que não estavas cá, mas diria que não é relevante.
There must've been 70, 80 reporters in that hotel room, but you were the one... that found me.
Devia haver lá uns 70 ou 80 repórteres, mas foste tu quem me encontrou.
[Instruments Beeping] Dr : Huer, I know how you found us, but, uh, what were the Draconians doing out there?
Dr. Huer, eu sei como nos encontrou, mas... o que é que estão Draconianos a fazer ali?
But I wouldn't go in there with that horse if I were you.
Mas eu não iria lá com aquele cavalo, se fosse a você.

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