I looked up traducir portugués
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Sorry to call so late, but I looked up your number and I saw you were still awake.
É o Lorenzo. Desculpe ligar tão tarde, vi o seu número na lista e percebi que ainda estava acordada.
And I looked up, and it wasn't a baby that was crying.
E olhei acima, e não era um bebé que estava a chorar.
I looked up a file on Peg Donovan's rape case from nine years ago.
Estive a ver um ficheiro do caso de violação da Peg Donovan de há nove anos atrás.
I looked up the citation for Fisher's Bronze Star, it said the raid took out 20 Viet-Cong insurgents, and they destroyed a weapons cache.
E olhei para a citação para a Estrela de Bronze do Fisher. Dizia que o ataque abateu 20 vietcongues rebeldes... e que destruíram um esconderijo de armas.
I looked up an elephant's gestation period.
Vi quanto tempo é a gestação de um elefante.
I was running somebody's credit card, and I looked up... and the car drove off with him in it.
Eu estava a passar o cartão de crédito de uma pessoa, olhei para cima e vi o carro a partir com ele lá dentro.
Yes, I was in college... and I remember, I looked up at him... and I thought, this is the man...
- Sim. Foi na universidade. Lembro-me de olhar para ele e pensar :
There was a time when I looked up to you... - when I called you my brother.
Houve uma altura em que te admirava, quando te considerava um irmão.
I looked up that friend of yours, Vida.
Procurei aquela vossa amiga, Vida.
And I looked up at that window and I thought someday someone would pierce my heart and I would walk down the aisle in a real white dress and understand why she's smiling.
Olhei para aquele vitral e pensei que, um dia, alguém me perfuraria o coração e eu subiria ao altar com um verdadeiro vestido branco e compreenderia por que ela sorri.
Yesterday, I looked up... and the entire thing looked so... utterly stupid and flat and needless... and childish.
Ontem, olhei para cima e aquilo pareceu-me tão estúpido, simplório, sem substância e infantil.
I looked up his funding on the NIH's public website.
Estive a investigar o financiamento no website do NIH.
I was very worried that it looked phoney, it was too big, it was too small... so we did many makeup tests until we came up with something we all liked.
Estava preocupado que parecesse falsa, que fosse demasiado grande ou pequena, por isso fizemos testes de maquilhagem até obter algo satisfatório.
I looked like an idiot up there. Completely unprepared.
Fiz figura de idiota, não estava nada preparado.
I just hit a couple buttons on the computer. You looked it up.
- É só premir umas teclas no computador.
I looked it up myself.
Vi eu própria.
So I looked him up.
Por isso, fui procurá-lo.
I thought maybe if I looked prettier... like one of them... he'd notice me... and strike up a conversation.
Achei que, se ficasse mais bonita, como uma delas, ele reparava em mim... e podíamos conversar.
Honey, I know it looked really bad last night with me and Kevin coming home liquored up with a hot chick.
Querida, sei que pareceu mal a noite passada quando eu e o Kevin chegámos a casa bebâdos e com uma gaja toda boa.
I was gonna kiss him, but he looked like he was gonna throw up!
Ia dar-lhe um beijo mas ele parecia que ia vomitar.
I looked it up.
Procurei o seu significado.
I said Watson's proposal and he looked up!
Ele é um bom partido para nós Thortons. Anda a tentar despertar o interesse do John numa especulação.
When I think of your mother... I will always remember how happy she looked sitting there in the parlour, watching a play about her family. About her boys that never grew up.
Quando penso na tua mãe lembrar-me-ei sempre de como ela parecia feliz sentada na sala de visitas assistindo a uma peça sobre a sua família sobre os filhos que nunca cresceram.
I looked at some of the road signs up there, and it looks like the cheetah took us in the wrong direction.
Eu olhei para alguns sinais fora da estrada ali em cima, e parece que a chita levou-nos na direcção errada.
I'm not gonna forget about you, or the way you looked out for me when we was growin'up. I'm not gonna let you convince me I'm fuckin'this money away.
A maneira como me protegias, enquanto cresciamos mas não significa que te vou deixar convencer-me a torrar todo o dinheiro.
I looked you up too, Senator.
Também o investiguei, Senador.
Because I never straightened up and looked at it, you know?
Porque nunca me endireitei e olhei para isso, sabe?
When I was a kid, I always looked up to my older brother, Tommy.
Em miúdo, o meu herói era o meu irmão mais velho, o Tommy.
That's right. I'm at Matawan Bridge, I Looked down there's a large shark, and he's heading up the crick.
Isso, estou na Ponte Matawan e olhei para baixo... e tinha um tubarão enorme, indo pelo rio.
I've looked up 18 Huertas in the phone book.
encontrei 18 Huertas na lista telefónica.
Before I picked that little fellow up, I looked him up on the Internet.
Sabe, antes de pegar a minha amiguinha eu pesquisei sobre ela na Internet.
I mean it could be.... at the time you not satisfied him enough at home i mean... we all know we have a certain age we all get sad but you know..... maybe you should keep your husband looked up maybe you should castrate your husband..
Disse, Mona? Pode ser, o que dizem na cidade que já não é capaz de o satisfazer Todos sabemos que quando atingimos uma certa idade... Talvez devessem trancar o seu marido ou castrá-lo.
She was standing in the river at the back of the property and she pointed up to this hawk in the sky. And then when I looked back she was gone.
Estava junto ao rio no fundo da propriedade, e apontou para um falcão, no céu, e, quando olhei para trás, ela já tinha desaparecido.
I've always looked up to Michael but he's gone and it isn't my fault.
Eu sempre admirei o Michael, mas ele foi-se e isso não é culpa minha.
I looked it up.
Eu fui me informar.
I looked it up.
Eu averiguei isso.
I looked it up.
Eu verifiquei.
I found out what I needed to know when I looked in that cocksucker Bullock's eyes while Dority was spilling blood that you have failed to adequately clean up.
Descobri o que queria saber, quando olhei para os olhos do Bullock, enquanto a Dority sangrava o sangue que tu... não conseguiste limpar.
- I looked it up on the internet.
- Vi na Internet.
I looked it up on the web at Celebrities Who Share Your Disease... and found that William Shatner is likewise afflicted.
Pesquisei no site chamado "Celebridades Com a Sua Doença"... e descobri que o William Shatner tem a mesma doença. A sério?
I looked him up, he's an ophthalmologist.
Eu verifiquei, ele é oftamologista.
You know I've always looked up to you. I'm thinking of coming out and I wanted your advice. Oh, right.
Sempre te admirei por seres mais velho e estou a pensar assumir-me aos pais e queria o teu conselho.
I mean, she hasn't looked you up at all?
Ela não te procurou?
I stopped off at the Barnes Noble, looked it up.
Passei pela Barnes Noble e procurei.
Last night, I picked up a pillow to put over her face... and I looked at her, I could see in her eyes she wanted me to do it... but I couldn't.
Ontem, agarrei numa almofada para a matar, e olhei para ela, e vi nos seus olhos que queria que eu o fizesse, mas não consegui.
I looked him up when I got here.
Fiz pesquisas quando cá cheguei.
And I'll never forget this. When the interview was over, the other two executives packed up their things and had left the room, and Andy Fastow turned around and looked at my editor and me, and said,'I don't care what you write about the company,
E nunca me esquecerei que quando a entrevista terminou os outros dois executivos já tinham saído,
When I was in my mother's belly, she looked up at the night sky and found the brightest star in it.
Quando estava no ventre da minha mãe, ela olhou à noite para o céu e encontrou nele a estrela mais brilhante.
I almost threw up first time I looked at it.
Quase vomitei a primeira vez que olhei.
I got up to pee and looked over at Marty's pen, which I usually don't do. I don't know why, but I did.
Fui fazer chichi, e olhei para o lado do Marty, coisa que, habitualmente, não faço.
I saw people lining up to buy tickets tonight who looked as if they were spending their last dollar.
Vi pessoas a comprar bilhete esta noite, que pareciam... estar a gastar o seu último dólar.
i looked up to you 18
i looked it up 118
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i looked into it 48
i looked all over for you 17
i looked down 17
i looked for you 34
i looked everywhere for you 19
i looked around 20
i looked it up 118
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i looked into it 48
i looked all over for you 17
i looked down 17
i looked for you 34
i looked everywhere for you 19
i looked around 20
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
upside down 57
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
upside down 57
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up north 49
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up north 49
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87