Probably both traducir portugués
261 traducción paralela
Oh, well, we'll probably both be as dead as a pulled beef by suppertime, anyway.
Bem, provávelmente, os dois estaremos tão mortos como um bife para o jantar.
Tomorrow, we'll probably both laugh about this matter.
Seguro que manhã riremo-nos de tudo isto.
Probably both.
Provavelmente ambos.
Well, as he's American, he's probably both.
É americano, deve ser as duas coisas.
Probably both. lf you're asking the logical decision to make...
Ambas as coisas, provavelmente. E se pergunta qual é a decisão lógica...
Probably both at the same time.
Provávelmente as duas ao mesmo tempo.
And what did you say? I was a dreamer or a sweet freak. Probably both.
Que era um parvo romântico ou um idiota, provavelmente os dois.
Although, when I stop and think about it, if I hadn't screamed at you to start the car, we'd probably both be dead.
Embora, pensando que se... não tivesse gritado que arrancado, estaríamos mortos.
Já devem estar os dois mortos a esta hora!
Probably both.
Provavelmente, os dois.
Probably both.
Talvez os dois.
Probably both.
Provavelmente, ambas.
He's gonna kill him, and probably both of us as well.
Ele vai matá-lo e provavelmente a nós também.
We'd probably both be working at the dealership if he hadn't died, just like normal people.
Trabalharíamos na concessionária se ele não tivesse morrido. Como gente normal. Merda.
- Probably both.
- Provavelmente, ambos.
A king who founds a dynasty is a hero... but his son is a mediocrity, and his grand son a half-wit or a monster... and his great grand son probably both. No!
Um rei que funda uma dinastia é um herói, mas o seu filho uma mediocridade e o neto, ou anormal ou monstro e o bisneto, provavelmente ambas as coisas.
Probably both, Lieutenant Barrow.
É capaz de ter sido as duas coisas, Tenente Barrow.
Both are probably dead.
Provavelmente estão ambos mortos.
They probably didn't know each other. But they both drank their own urine and were patients of Dr. Malaga's.
Mas ambos beberam a própria urina e eram pacientes do Dr. Malaga.
Hiding someplace, probably vomiting, or drinking, or both.
Escondido algures, provavelmente a vomitar, ou a beber, ou as duas coisas.
Both of you would probably have a lot of time to think.
Ambos teriam muito tempo para pensar.
Probably nobody can do it both ways.
Provavelmente não há ninguém que consiga fazê-lo dos dois lados.
I guess there's probably room for improvement on both sides.
Acho que pode haver melhoria dos dois lados.
Dez, if she sees us both here, she'll probably just split again.
Dez, se ela nos vir os dois aqui, ela deixa-nos novamente.
We could probably stand to lose one or the other, but we'll be damned if we're going to lose both.
Talvez até pudéssemos perder um deles, mas macacos nos mordam se vamos perder os dois.
Probably a bit of both, sir. Your Honour.
Provavelmente, as duas coisas, Sr. Juiz.
I would probably buy this one both times.
Das duas vezes.
It's called denial. And it's probably going to kill you both.
Chama-se negação e há-de matá-los aos dois.
They would probably torture and kill us both.
Provavelmente seremos torturados e mortos.
This day may never come but we both know it probably will.
Esse dia poderá nunca chegar mas ambos sabemos que é provável que chegue.
Probably a little of both.
Possivelmente um pouco das duas.
Frankly, both the US military and even the pilot who fired the missile... were probably just victims in all this.
Sinceramente, tantos os militares americanos como o piloto que disparou o míssil... foram provavelmente apenas vitimas nisto tudo.
And yes, allow me to placate your ego, you are the inspiration for this bold and momentous decision that will probably get me ostracized from both school and home.
Em casa e na escola.
You probably knew that, since he had the flash test and Deever series and both were negative.
Vamos esperar pelo resultado das análises mas quanto à sua preocupação, não há sinais de epilepsia.
To get that serious and..... to make that kind of commitment, I mean,... .. it's probably the last thing that,..... that we both need right now, right?
Algo assim tão sério deve ser a última coisa de que precisamos neste momento.
I think what I did was probably... the best thing for both of us.
Estamos em guerra. Fiz o melhor para ambos.
And as inventive as that family defense is, and again I like it we both know in the end, you'd probably lose.
E por mais imaginativa que a defesa da família tenha sido, e eu gostei mesmo dela ambos sabemos que no fim provavelmente vai perder.
If both men were involved with Vixen, this was probably their fee.
Se ambos estiveram envolvidos com a Vixen, isso deve ser o seu pagamento.
Probably a little of both.
Talvez um pouco de cada.
You want me to lie to my commanding officer violate Starfleet regulations and go with you on a mission into the Gamma Quadrant which will probably get us both killed.
Quer que minta ao meu comandante, viole regulamentos da Frota Estelar, e vá consigo numa missão no Quadrante Gama que provavelmente nos irá matar?
To do so would probably kill us both.
Se fizéssemos isso, morreríamos os dois.
I mean, come on. We both know she would never do that, and I'm sure you're probably wondering... how the exam got in her bag,'cause I know that's what I'd be wondering if I were you,
Ambas sabemos que ela não era capaz de fazer aquilo e deve estar a pensar como é que o teste foi parar à mala dela, porque é o que eu estaria também a pensar se estivesse no seu lugar.
I figured you probably got severance or expenses or both.
Provavelmente recebeu uma indemnização.
Probably a little of both.
Provavelmente, um pouco de ambos.
- A little of both, probably.
Talvez seja um pouco das duas coisas.
Probably hung'em both!
Se calhar, enforcaste os dois!
And you know what? You'll probably learn even faster than that, Because you'll have both of us teaching you at the same time.
E, se calhar, tu ainda aprendes mais depressa, porque vais ter-nos aos dois a ensinar-te ao mesmo tempo.
Probably a nightmare like both our fathers experienced.
Talvez um pesadelo como o que os nossos pais viveram.
Probably a little bit of both.
Provavelmente, um pouco de ambos.
- Probably a little bit of both.
Provavelmente, um pouco de ambos.
You and I both know that any of those dogs is worth $ 500 and Demon's probably worth $ 1,000.
Nós dois sabemos que qualquer um destes cães vale ao menos $ 500 e Demon provavelmente vale $ 1000.
both 2223
bother 61
bother you 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both sides 54
bother 61
bother you 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both groan 17
both scream 23
both panting 22
both giggle 18
probably 2540
probation 30
probably nothing 83
probably not 880
probably more 30
probably dead 21
both scream 23
both panting 22
both giggle 18
probably 2540
probation 30
probably nothing 83
probably not 880
probably more 30
probably dead 21