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When i was five traducir portugués

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My mother got sick when I was five.
minha mãe ficou doente quando eu tinha cinco anos.
When I was five I had polio.
Eu tive polio quando tinha cinco anos.
A Mickey Mouse robot I built when I was five.
Um robô do rato Mickey que fiz quando tinha cinco anos.
When I was five, my father introduced me to a friend of his, and for no reason at all, I hit him right in the stomach with all my strength.
Quando tinha cinco anos, o meu pai apresentou-me um amigo e, sem razão aparente, dei-lhe um soco no estômago com toda a força.
Came here with my parents when I was five years old.
Vim pra cá com meus pais quando eu tinha 5 anos.
My father was sent to Houston on a diplomatic mission when I was five.
Eu tinha cinco anos. Eu lembro, pois nunca tinha tomado sorvete antes.
Indeed, the only time I ever raised my voice was when I was five years old, it was over some strawberries.
A única vez que levantei a voz tinha 5 anos... por uma taça de morangos.
When I was five, I felt it.
Senti isso aos cinco anos.
Well, it all started when I was five.
Tudo começou quando tinha cinco anos.
You called me that when I was five.
Chamavas-me assim quando eu tinha cinco anos.
My canary died when I was five.
O meu canário morreu quando eu tinha 5 anos.
- When I was five, I had some respect.
- Aos 5 anos, eu já sabia o que era respeito.
My memory is... of my father when I was five years old.
Minha recordação é... do meu pai quando eu tinha cinco anos.
I fell in love for the first time when I was five.
Eu apaixonei-me pela primeira vez aos 5 anos.
- When I was five years old.
- Quando eu tinha cinco anos.
My mother was killed when I was five and we moved away.
A minha mãe foi... morta quando eu tinha 5 anos e viemo-nos embora.
Then... my father left... when I was five years old.
Depois... o meu pai partiu... quando eu tinha cinco anos de idade.
When I was five, I talked my parents into giving me my own pony.
Quando tinha cinco anos convenci os meus pais a comprarem-me um pónei.
When I was five years old and my parents split up every day I've remembered the feeling I had when I knew my father wasn't coming back.
Quando eu tinha cinco anos, e os meus pais se separaram não passa um dia em que eu não me lembre da sensação que tive ao saber que o meu pai não voltaria.
These little flash lights were more fun when I was five.
Estas luzes eram mais divertidas quando eu tinha 5 anos.
Amazing. It landed five miles from where I did. They told me it was still going when they picked it up.
Aterrou a quilómetros de mim e continua a funcionar na perfeição.
Five weeks later, I was down 240 feet trying to get a line around the Squalus when he died.
Cinco semanas depois, estava num submarino a trabalhar no Squalus quando ele morreu.
When I was an ensign on a cruiser, five pounds of cheese was missing.
Quando era subtenente num cruzador desapareceram três quilos de queijo.
And I thought I was living on a grand scale when I moved into a five-room apartment.
E eu a pensar que vivia como uma nobre, quando me mudei para um apartamento de cinco quartos.
I had a brother once, but when he was only five years old, he died.
Era um pouco estranho.
When you were five years old and came home stiff-lipped, anguished because the other boys tormented you, saying that you weren't really Vulcan I watched you, knowing that inside the human part of you was crying. And I cried too.
Quando tinhas cinco anos e chegaste a casa quase a chorar, angustiado, porque os outros meninos te atormentavam ao dizerem que tu não eras realmente um Vulcano... eu observava-te, sabendo que no teu interior a tua parte humana estava a chorar... e eu chorava, também.
Twenty-five years ago, in Naples, I had just celebrated my first Mass, when I was put on trial twice.
Em Nápoles há 25 anos, tinha celebrado há pouco tempo a minha primeira missa, quando tive dois processos.
They delivered only five beakers, and one of the bowls arrived chipped, which it was not when I paid for it.
Recebi cinco ânforas, e uma está lascada. Não estava quando paguei, e foi muito caro.
Well, Tia was around three and I was five when the Malones adopted us.
Bem, Tya tinha cerca de três e eu tinha cinco anos quando os Malones nos adotaram.
When I was about four or five, my father sent me in here one day with a note.
Com 5 anos para aí, o meu pai enviou-me aqui com uma nota.
The townfolk clapped When I was only five
O malta aplaudiu Quando eu tinha cinco
I am an orphan, and when I was barely five years old, I was taken to an orphanage not far from here.
Sou órfã, e quando tinha 5 anos, fui levada para um orfanato não longe daqui.
I needed to start the engine when I was 50 yards away and five minutes into the future.
Precisava que o motor trabalhasse quando eu estivesse a 45 metros daqui a cinco minutos.
One time he bought me, when I was about five, he bought me an ice cream cone and I dropped it.
Uma vez, eu devia ter uns cinco anos, comprou-me um gelado. Mas ele caiu-me.
When I was a little girl, like four or five... if I had a nightmare, I'd always bring my dad in.
Quando eu era pequena, quatro ou cinco anos... se eu tinha um pesadelo, eu sempre trazia meu pai para dentro.
Look, five months ago you checked out on me, and the one nice thing I could say about you was that when you left, you left.
Há cinco meses, afastaste-te de mim e a única coisa boa que posso dizer de ti é que quando tu partiste, tu partiste.
I was five days old when she died
Eu tinha 5 dias quando ela morreu
I was ready to relax and taste the food I'd been hearing about - for the past five months, when...
Preparava-me para provar a comida, de que ouvia falar desde há 5 meses, quando...
I've seen him put away as many as five men in one day... when he was training.
Eu vi-o pôr de lado até cinco homens em um dia... quando ele estava a treinar.
All I had to do was to say that I could see five lights when, in fact, there were only four.
Tudo o que devia fazer era dizer que havia cinco luzes, embora, em realidade, só havia quatro.
One, two, three, four, five, six, - seven, eight, nine, 1 0. - You helped me when I was hurting.
Uma, duas, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez.
- Yeah, when I was five.
Sim, quando tinha cinco anos.
I was so delighted when Darcy told me you were not five miles from Pemberley!
Nem imagina a minha alegria quando o Darcy me disse que estava a menos de oito km de Pemberley.
So when he said he was getting married to a woman he'd only known for five weeks, and he wanted me to stand up for him, I thought, man, how long can his luck hold out?
Quando disse que se ia casar com alguém que conhecia há semanas, e queria que o apoiasse, pensei quanto tempo duraria a sorte dele?
When I didn't hear from Victor, well... I just thought he was late, but now it's been five days.
Quando não soube dele, julguei que se tinha atrasado, mas já passaram 5 dias.
You should have seen the looks on their faces when I explained to them that it was a five-year-old planetary survey report.
Deviam ter visto a cara deles quando lhes expliquei que era um relatório de um planeta com cinco anos.
When I was just five years old, I lit butter lamps to honor the mountain gods... who protected my father at the top of the world.
Quando eu tinha apenas cinco anos, acendi lamparinas de manteiga para honrar os Deuses que protegiam o meu pai no topo do mundo.
And I'll lay you eight-to-five when he was a kid back in Sicily... my father, Vincenzo Cortino... never thought his life would turn out the way it did either.
E aposto 8 contra 5 quando ele era um miúdo na Sicília, o meu pai, Vincenzo Cortino, jamais pensara que a vida dele seria esta.
As opposed to five minutes ago, when I was trying to find an intelligent solution to this very problem.
Ao contrário de há 5 minutos, quando estava a tentar calmamente... encontrar uma solução inteligente para este problema.
No matter what happens in the next five minutes I want you to know that when I opened this door I was so happy to see you that my heart leapt.
Aconteça o que acontecer nos próximos cinco minutos, quero que saibas, que quando abri esta porta, fiquei tão feliz por te ver que o meu coração saltou.
My father left us when I was five-years-old.
O meu partiu quando eu tinha 5 anos.

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