And why was that traduction Espagnol
1,809 traduction parallèle
And why was that?
¿ Y por qué lo hizo?
And why was that odd?
- ¿ Y por qué es extraño?
I was just saying that they got our attention and that maybe we should understand why they did what they did. That's all.
Sólo decía que lograron obtener nuestra atención y que quizás deberíamos comprender por qué hicieron lo que hicieron.
Why wouldn't Erica and Anton tell us that the pier was a mile and a half away from the train station?
¿ Por qué Erica y Anton no nos dijeron que el muelle estaba a 2 Km de la estación?
Why would a tried and true communist a hardliner that spent 30 years in the Stasi fighting against the evils of capitalism... Why would this man waste his final days working for an institution that was the very embodiment of everything he once despised?
¿ Por qué un comunista ferviente un hombre que luchó 30 años contra el capitalismo por qué habría de trabajar para una institución que representa todo lo que despreciaba antes?
That's why they gave him the dispatcher and that big hurry-up was just to get us to do the job first.
Le dieron el despachador. Nos apuró para hacer el robo primero.
And that's why he was shot.
Y por eso le dispararon.
That's why I called you. We went to the show and it was fine.
Tuve una pelea con una banda, se llaman Darkness...
[Mac] My life changed... the moment that I stopped asking God why my family was gone... and started thanking him that I was still here.
Mi vida cambió... en el momento en que dejé de preguntarle a Dios por qué mi familia se había ido... y empecé a darle las gracias porque yo aún estaba aquí.
And that's why today was your first day because they wanted -
Y por eso hoy fue tu primer día porque querían...
And that's why Taste was acting so weird when you mentioned Miletto's name.
Y es por eso que actuaba tan raro cuando mencionó el nombre de Miletto.
I believe it was in order to have a safer, more prudent opinion, and that's why they called the reputed brazilian.
Creo que fue para tener una opinión más segura, más prudente, y por eso es que llamaron a la reputada brasileña.
And by the way, why did you tell Miranda that I was three years older than you? I didn't say that.
Y a propósito, ¿ por qué le dijiste a Miranda... que tengo tres años más que tú?
He wraps himself around the coil, the soul of the person, and that is why there's the temperature fluctuation, up, down, like Nell was showing.
Se enrolla en el plexo, el alma de la persona y por eso los cambios de temperatura hacia arriba y abajo, como se ve en Nell.
And every letter I got back, I thought that was one step closer to finding out why Gacy buried those kids.
Y con cada carta suya que recibía, creía estar más cerca de descubrir por qué Gacy enterró a esos chicos. CARA A CARA CON LOS ASESINOS MÀS NOTORIOS DE ESTADOS UNIDOS
And that's why I was born, as a high-pressure precision leverage on the chemical industry, so to speak.
Y por eso nací yo, como un influencia de precisión de alta presión para la industria química, por así decirlo.
- I remember it was raining, and that's why he wasn't so picky when he took a ride from me.
Recuerdo que estaba lloviendo, es por eso que no se puso tan delicado cuando le di un aventón.
And you're the only one that knows why he was in the park.
Y tú eres el único que sabe por qué estaba en el parque.
I mean, you said it was gonna be good, and that's essentially why I'm doing it because you said it was gonna be good, so if it isn't good, I don't think I'll ever forgive you.
Quiero decir, tú dijiste que iba a ser bueno, y eso es básicamente por lo que lo hago, porque dijiste que iba a ser algo bueno, así que si no es bueno, creo que nunca te lo perdonaré.
He was walking to meet Joan at 5 : 00 in that bar, and he didn't know why he was crying.
Y él iba a reunirse con Joan a las 5 en un bar. No sabía por qué estaba llorando.
And that's why I was hoping that maybe you could go first.
Y es por eso que esperaba que tal vez usted lo hiciera primero.
I think friddle sensed what was coming, And that's why he lied about burying the bodies.
Creo que Friddle presentía lo que iba a ocurrir, y por eso mintió sobre los cuerpos quemados.
And anyway, what was that? Simone, why are you here?
- Oh, no, pienso que Gillian es grandiosa
If it was that important, why didn't you just go out and get it?
Si era tan importante, ve y compralo. Yo también trabajo, Vender casas es un trabajo
Why? Well, she was convinced that M.J.'s brilliant, and it turns out he's in the slow group.
Bueno, ella estaba convencida de que M.J. es brillante, y esto significa que él está en el grupo de los lentos.
cocky, big ego, womanizer. We weren't really typecast, but our essence of who we are really was displayed in those characters and I think that's why all of us were very successful in portraying that group of teenagers.
No estábamos muy encasillados, pero nuestra esencia de lo que realmente fuimos se refleja en estos personajes, y pienso que por eso todos tuvimos éxito retratando a este grupo de adolescentes.
It's why "3" was a little bit of a surprise for the series and for the fans and I think maybe hard to get exactly right after that. There's only so much you can do with Freddy's comedy before it becomes too much.
Es por eso que tres fueron una sorpresa para la serie y para los fanáticos y algo difícil de conseguir después de eso.
That film was very much ahead of it's time. I think that's one of the reasons why it's had a pretty good afterlife and pretty good legs.
Creo que fue una de las razones por las cuales le fue difícil perdurar en el tiempo.
Yeah, but I was in the kitchen and that's why...
Es que estaba ocupado en la cocina. Por eso...
that's why I was down there, and then I... a - anyway, h - how are you guys?
he aquí porque fui por la tierra, y luego tengo... En todo caso, como... ¿ cómo están?
It was hard because he wanted to just play and practice and he couldn't study, he would go to sleep late, couldn't get up and that's why he said, "I'm quitting grade 12,"
Era complicado porque solo quería tocar y ensayar y no podía estudiar, se acostaba tarde, no podía levantarse y por eso dijo : "No terminaré el último año".
Mlle. Debenham, why do you and Colonel Arbuthnot pretend not to know each other when it was quite clear in Istanbul that you were intimate?
Mademoiselle Debenham. ¿ Por qué Ud. y el Cnel. Arbuthnot simulan no conocerse cuando es evidente que en Estambul eran íntimos amigos?
And I'm sensing now that you know exactly why she was scared.
Ahora estoy sintiendo que tú sabes exactamente por qué estaba asustada.
He took my son! â ª No milk today My love has gone away The bottle stands forlorn â ª â ª A symbol of the dawn No milk today It seems a common sight â ª â ª But people passing by Don't know the reason why... â ª â ª No milk today It wasn't always so The company was gay â ª â ª They'd turn night into day But all that's left â ª â ª Is a place dark and lonely A terraced house â ª
¡ Se ha llevado a mi hijo! Ha llamado Laroy.
Serena, i know that you are angry, And maybe someday you'll understand Why i didn't tel you i was -
Serena, se que estás enfadada y quizás algún día entenderás por qué no te dije que estaba con mi padre cuando fui a visitarlo.
And the fact that Isaiah was questioning why he got this, I think it was really really hurtful to him.
e Isaiah le dice "Bueno, no sabemos cómo es la vida en Hollywood".
Anyway, he saw me leaving his house that night and when he asked Maggie why I was there, she got evasive.
Como sea, me vio salir de su casa una noche y cuando le preguntó a Maggie por qué estaba yo allí, ella no respondió.
Bill Cosby, who was a very good friend of mine, was on The Tonight Show, and the comic that was on with Bill absolutely bombed, and Bill, God bless him, went over to the director, and he said, " Listen. Why don't you use Joan Rivers?
Bill Cosby, que era un gran amigo mío estuvo en The Tonight Show y el cómico que estaba ahí con Bill era realmente malo y Bill, Dios lo bendiga, fue donde el director y le dijo : " Oiga, ¿ por qué no trae a Joan Rivers?
And my dad saw me like rooted to the ground apparently from the window and ran down and scooped me up And he said the terror that was on my face and the noise that I was experiencing is why he got really into the whole nuclear war thing, the whole disarmament thing
Mi padre me vio agazapado en el suelo, al parecer, desde la ventana, y bajó corriendo, me alzó en sus brazos y dijo que el terror que había en mi rostro, y el ruido que acababa de escuchar
So again, that's why I always thought my agenda and my project was so different.
Entonces es por esto que siempre pensé que mis motivaciones y mis proyectos eran tan diferentes.
That's why he took a bunch of poison, slit his wrists, hung himself, and then shot himself while he was hanging.
Por eso tomó veneno, se cortó las muñecas y se pegó un tiro.
And that explains why john jones was covering for them.
Y eso explica por qué John Jones los estaba encubriendo.
he's like, "i don't know if you should have wrote that wall post, aziz," and i was like, "why?"
Y el me dice, "No deberías haber escrito eso en el post, Aziz, y le dijo" ¿ Por qué? "
What if "maria" was the name of the boat, That's what he saw, and that's why he remembers?
¿ Qué pasa si "María" hubiera sido el nombre de un bote, eso es lo que vió, y por eso lo recuerda?
And that's why Kilwa was ideally placed to serve as East Africa's gateway to the trading networks of the ancient world.
Y es por eso que Kilwa era ideal para servir como la puerta de acceso del Este de África a las redes de trueque del mundo antiguo.
Name is joey, and that's why the sketch was in troy's book.
Se llama Joey, y por eso el dibujo estaba en el libro de Troy
So if you're wondering why I put myself through hell night after night, hating myself through every horrible moment, it was so I could bring home that M.D. and prove to him that I'm worthy of his love.
Así que si te preguntas por qué pasé por ese infierno noche tras noche, odiándome en cada horrible momento, fue para poder llegar a casa como médico y probarle que soy digna de su amor.
And that was perhaps why he let me do the project in my spare time.
Y quizá por eso fue que me dejó realizar el proyecto en mi tiempo libre.
That's why, Jonás and I fought last night over that rabbit,... even though it was the cat I prepared for dinner.
Por eso mismo, Jonás y yo peleamos anoche por el conejo, por el gato que les preparé para la cena.
That's why i was kind of hoping for a rainy day that would force us all in the shelter, all day today, and play games and talk and do some bonding stuff and do some empowerment stuff.
Es por eso que esperaba por un día lluvioso que nos forzaría a todos entrar al refugio todo el día de hoy, y jugar juegos y charlar. Hacer algunas cosas que nos relacionen y hacer algo de capacitación.
Why didn't you tell me that straight off? Look, it was a shithead thing for him to do, and, hey, we got back at him for it.
Fue algo estúpido hacer eso y ya nos vengamos de él.
and why 465
and why is that 379
and why would i do that 99
and why not 256
and why are you here 20
and why should i trust you 22
and why would you do that 35
and why's that 92
and why do you think that is 17
and why would he do that 23
and why is that 379
and why would i do that 99
and why not 256
and why are you here 20
and why should i trust you 22
and why would you do that 35
and why's that 92
and why do you think that is 17
and why would he do that 23