Coming and going traduction Espagnol
1,505 traduction parallèle
Oh, coming and going, sometimes till 10 : 00. School nights.
Vienen y van, a veces hasta las 10 : 00 p.m. Los días de semana.
Coming And Going
Idas y Venidas
We had very different schedules... always coming and going at different times.
Teníamos horarios muy distintos y siempre llegábamos y nos íbamos a diferentes horarios.
Catch him coming and going.
Para pillarlo entrando y saliendo.
So I'm thinking, while I'm out here working for y'all, I get my ends up... sell them shirts on the corner. I'll make my nut coming and going.
Entonces, creo que, mientras trabaje aquí, junto mis recursos les vendo camisetas en la esquina y saco dinero de todos lados.
- Why? They seem more interested in the beautiful woman coming and going from the ladies-room.
Les interesan más las mujeres hermosas que van al baño.
Just always, there'd be people coming and going.
Y siempre había gente entrando y saliendo.
You've got women coming and going, cooking, cleaning.
Mujeres van y vienen, cocinan, limpian.
The couples, locked for the past nine months in their ancient ritual of coming and going will now part for the last time.
Las parejas, unidas durante los últimos nueve meses... en su antiguo ritual de ir y venir... se separarán ahora por última vez.
Coming and going are beyond human control, brother.
El ir y venir están más allá del control humano, hermano
Passion and desire, coming and going
La pasión y el deseo van y vienen.
Coming and going at all hours.
Yendo y viniendo a todas horas.
People saw us coming and going when they went to church and every time they went to a store in Inglewood, there was a flyer about our effort.
Cuando iban a la iglesia, o a hacer las compras, veían nuestros panfletos.
It's no good, there was so much coming and going.
Es inútil, la gente iba y venía todo el rato.
LONDON coming AND going
Marwan's people are coming and going.
La gente de Marwan está yendo y viniendo.
Shuttles are coming and going constantly.
Los transbordadores van y vienen constantemente.
It's the coming and going I find interesting.
Son las idas y vueltas lo que encuentro interesante.
He keeps going off to the bathroom and coming back drunk.
Cada vez que se va al cuarto de baño, vuelve borracho.
They're coming, and they are going to keep on coming.
Vienen y van a seguir llegando.
Now, we're going to need a fruit plate in about an hour and keep the ice tea coming.
Ahora, necesitaremos un plato de fruta en una hora y sigue trayendo té helado.
- I'm going to lock those two in a room... and they are coming out reconciled or in a body bag.
Voy a encerrarlos en una habitación y pueden salir reconciliados o en una bolsa de cadáver.
You know, coming into here and trying to talk me into going on, you may be the worst understudy ever.
Viniendo aquí e intentar convencerme para continuar debes de ser el peor actor suplente de todos.
Well, it's not, Franklin, it's going to your up and coming little museum!
- Pues no, Franklin, va a ir a tu pequeño museo en alza.
Well, it's not, Franklin, it's going to your up and coming little museum!
Pues no, Franklin, va a ir a tu pequeño museo en alza.
I'm going to lock the door, and I'm not coming out until I'm satisfied.
Voy a trancar la puerta, y no voy a salir hasta que esté satisfecho.
Fact of the matter is, your chances of going up against that mob... and coming back is as slim as a garter snake.
El hecho es que tus opciones de ir contra esa gente... y volver son tan finas como una culebra de agua.
They are going to realize it's all coming down to us very soon and then they are going to get rid of us instead of getting rid of somebody else.
van a darse cuenta pronto y todo apuntará a nosotros y van a querer deshacerse de nosotros en lugar de deshacerse de alguien mas.
I'm going to that field and on e of us isn't coming out alive
Me ocuparé de esta mierda. Iré a ese campo, y uno saldrá sin vida.
And with 12 pounds pocket money a year, any girl's going to be glad to see a monk coming through the door.
Y con 12 libras de dinero suelto al año, cualquier chica debió estar encantada al ver a un monje entrando por la puerta.
- It does. -'Oause coming out this end of it and going through eight weeks of non-stop talking about it around the world, you come back, like, out of the whole thing like a changed person, you know.
- Porque después de terminar de trabajar y pasarte ocho semanas hablando sin parar del tema por todo el mundo, sales de todo este proceso completamente cambiado.
That means he's going to end my game... and I won't see it coming.
Significa que terminará mi juego... y no sabré cuándo.
Are you going to keep on walking back and forth like that, or are you coming in?
¿ Seguirá caminando de un lado al otro o entrará?
I got a serious meltdown going on down here and I need a place to cool out... so I'm coming down.
Tengo un derrame serio por acá y necesito un lugar donde enfriar el asunto Así que voy para allá.
Coming and I'm going to have a cousin.
Viene y voy tener un primo.
They say I crashed just short of Bel Air, coming from Biarritz, but I clearly remember reaching Bel Air and going into my house.
Me dicen que tuve un accidente a unos kilómetros de Bel Air. Pero recuerdo que llegué a Bel Air y que entré en mi casa.
The family runs around covered with shit, piss and come, going, "Ah! The building's coming down! Help!"
La familia se reúne cubierta de mierda, orines y semen, y gritan : "¡ Ay, ay, se está derrumbando el edificio, ayuda!".
¶ I'm going to the funeral and I'm never coming back ¶ sing along with us, won't you?
Voy a la funeraria y ya no volveré. Cantad conmigo.
¶ I'm going to the funeral ¶ ¶ and I'm never coming back ¶
Voy a mi funeral y ya no voy a volver.
We are coming in response to what is probably the most powerful Movement going on in this country, the movement of the men inside the military and the women who are beginning to understand how they are being used, and what the nature of American foreign policy is.
Vamos en respuesta a lo que es probablemente el Movimiento activo más poderoso actualmente en este país, el movimiento de hombres y mujeres del ejército que están empezando a comprender cómo están siendo utilizados, y cuál es la naturaleza de la política exterior de los EEUU.
And I knew what was coming next, I knew what she was going to say next which is "Girls don't spit."
Y sabía lo que iba a decir después, sabía que lo siguiente que iba a decir era, "Las chicas no escupen."
We're coming to the end... and I'm going absolutely mad...
Estamos llegando ahí a la recta final, ¿ no? Y al llegar a la recta final... yo quedo completamente alucinado... ya ni sé qué está pasando.
Why suffer if the moon is coming up And it's only the sun going down
Para qué sufrir Si la luna va a salir Y es sólo ponerse el sol
A patriot and a terrorist are going in there, and only one of us is coming out.
Un patriota y un terrorista están entrando ahí. Y sólo uno de nosotros saldrá.
All right, let me get this straight - you heard a blast like that coming from your neighbor's and it took you five minutes to poke your head out and see what was going on?
Esta bien, dejeme entender esto - escucho una explosion asi que venia de su vecino y le llevo cinco minutos sacar la cabeza afuera y ver que ocurria?
But I'm going with abigail, and luke's coming
Pero voy con Abigail y viene Luke.
"The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."
"El te cuida al salir y al regresar ahora y para siempre".
Oh, and on a completely unrelated topic, there's going to be another round of firings coming down the pike.
Oh, y hablando de otra cosa, va a haber otra ronda de despidos que llegará dentro de nada.
Now, I need to remind you that I need to know... whose mommies and daddies are going to be coming to the show.
Bueno, necesito recordarles que necesito saber... qué padres y madres van a venir al espectáculo.
Leon isn't here... and he's not coming back... so, I'm just going to have to get on with things.
Leon no está aquí... y no va a volver... así que tengo que seguir adelante.
And I'm going to prison for a very long time and maybe never coming back.
E iré a prisión por mucho tiempo, y quizá nunca vuelva.
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going twice 111
going out 103
going to 34
going on 106
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going twice 111
going out 103
going to 34
going on 106
going down 118
going up 86
going once 140
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53
going up 86
going once 140
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53
coming soon 28
coming 1921
comin 44
coming in hot 22
coming right up 275
coming your way 26
coming up next 59
coming up 411
coming home 36
coming at you 21
coming 1921
comin 44
coming in hot 22
coming right up 275
coming your way 26
coming up next 59
coming up 411
coming home 36
coming at you 21
coming in 123
coming through 666
coming out 79
coming up on 37
coming from you 108
coming here 75
coming to you 31
coming along 21
coming with us 17
coming with me 16
coming through 666
coming out 79
coming up on 37
coming from you 108
coming here 75
coming to you 31
coming along 21
coming with us 17
coming with me 16