Keep it together traduction Espagnol
947 traduction parallèle
I can't do any more than just ask you, beg you, just to keep it together.
Sólo puedo pedirles que paren.
We're a big family, but we know how to keep it together.
Somos una gran familia, pero sabemos cómo mantenerla unida.
Just keep it together. Don't get in the way of the concentration.
Que no interfiera con la concentracion.
We gotta keep it together.
Debemos estar unidos.
Keep it together.
No os separéis.
I can't keep it together.
¡ No puedo más!
Very busy, huh? Keep it together!
Hay reunión.
Just keep it together.
Seguir con ello.
Will you keep it together?
Podrias mantenerte?
Keep it together now.
Seguid así, venga.
Kiichi, we should keep it together... otherwise it's easier to lose.
Kiichi, lo guardaremos junto para que no se nos pierda.
Come on, keep it together.
Vamos, juntos.
- Keep it together, dear friend.
- Ánimo, amiga mía. No se deje abatir.
Gotta keep it together.
Tenemos que soportarlo juntos.
Keep it together.
Mantén la calma.
I put myself in charge, because you can't keep it together.
Yo mismo, porque tú eres incapaz.
Oh, look, man. We can barely keep it together for ourselves.
Mira, amigo, apenas tenemos suficiente para ir tirando.
You've got to keep it together.
Debemos estar unidos.
It was in'Causing a Commotion'and'Open Your Heart'... and'Keep It Together'and'Where's The Party'and'Vogue'... my sound kept coming out on my headset.
Fue en'Causing a Commotion'y'Open Your Heart'... y'Keep It Together'y'Where's The Party'y'Vogue'... el sonido seguia apagandose en mis audifonos.
- In'Keep It Together.'
- En'Keep It Together'.
Keep it together in the family
Manténganse juntos en la familia
You've gotta keep it together.
Tienes que mantenerte cuerda.
All the schools are out for Presidents'Day.
Estamos filmando un episodio de Keep It Together.
Let's keep this together and parlay it into something worthwhile.
Vamos a juntarlo y a meterlo en algo que merezca la pena.
We've been together for 3 years, but have had to keep it a secret we've not done anything wrong, I swear to you.
Nos queremos desde hace 3 años. Nos amamos en secreto, pero no hemos hecho nada malo, se lo juro. ¡ Tenga piedad!
Keep your hands together and step into it.
Ten las manos juntas y golpea la pelota. ¿ Ves?
Now, we wasn't all thrown together for no reason. ( BELLS TOLLING ) But we gotta keep it kind of a secret.
Y eso no es por casualidad, pero... esto tiene que ser un secreto.
It takes a good man on the ground to keep them together. What I go through!
Claro que hace falta que en tierra se quede alguien competente para que todo salga bien allá arriba.
I've done everything I could to keep us together, but you don't want it like that.
He hecho todo lo que he podido para mantenernos unidos. Pero tú no quieres.
After 18 months of combat, it takes 24 hours a day to keep her together.
Tras 18 meses en acción, hay que trabajar las 24 horas para que siga.
I had intended to keep it until the morning, but now that we find ourselves gathered together, this seems as good an opportunity as any to give it to you.
Tenía intención de guardármelo para mañana, pero ahora que nos encontramos reunidos, esta parece una buena oportunidad para dárosla.
After 200 kms, it's hard to keep the conversation going, but... do you realize we'll soon be living together?
Tras 200 km., cuesta mantener la conversación, pero... ¿ te das cuenta de que pronto viviremos juntos?
But we can't have loneliness push us together, it won't keep us together.
Pero no podemos permitir que la soledad nos presione, no nos mantendrá juntos.
It costs less effort for Men keep your legs together.
Cuesta menos esfuerzo para los hombres mantener las piernas juntas.
It's because right now nobody want to hear a scream... and because the people... on top want to keep the others from hearing it, for fear that they'd all... start screaming together!
No lo hago porque este alarido nadie quiere oírlo... y sobre todo, bien sabemos... que montones de gente quieren oír este alarido... pero nadie quiere que esta gente oiga este alarido... porque aullarían así.
I'll tell you what, you keep writing in that book, Express because we've got a 60-day quarantine to face and we gonna face it together.
Continúa escribiendo en esa libreta, Expreso. Porque hay una cuarentena de 60 días a la que debemos hacer frente juntos.
You should put them together. Keep in the background death penalty'cause it's a double-edged weapon. You're right.
Por ahora hay suficientes entrevistas.
I wasn't hanging on to you, but to my pain, trying to hold it, to keep you near me, to keep us together.
No me he aferrado a ti sino a mi sufrimiento. Intenté retenerlo para conservarte, para conservar lo nuestro.
It's a miracle you were somehow able to keep putting him back together again.
Es un milagro que usted haya podido ponerme junto a el de nuevo.
It's a difficult time for all of us so could we just keep working together?
Son momentos difíciles para todos ¿ seguimos trabajando juntos?
It's crazy that I keep whining wasting the precious little time we can live together.
Es absurdo que esté aquí lloriqueando, desperdiciando el poco tiempo que tenemos para estar juntos.
Jennifer, I don't know what witchcraft brought us together, but it won't keep us that way.
No sé qué encanto nos ha juntado, pero no hará que sigamos así.
Why don't we keep each half... and put it back together when the war is over?
¿ Por qué no nos quedamos una mitad cada uno? Y las volvemos a juntar cuando acabe la guerra.
A highly individualistic approach to things and we all keep order in the same way, with the same common beliefs and the understanding that to hold it all together, you have to compromise between doing your own thing and sticking to a minimal number of rules everybody agrees on,
Un acercamiento altamente individualista a las cosas y todos nosotros actuamos igual, con las mismas creencias comunes y la comprensión de que para mantener todo eso unido, debemos hacer un compromiso entre hacer su propia cosa y apegarse a un número mínimo de reglas que todo el mundo acuerda,
I hope he can keep it together.
Dile que son 10 Kg.
things aren't working out exactly the way I planned at least we're together yeah, let's hope we can keep it that way shut up!
Esto no salen según lo planeado. Por lo menos estamos juntos. Sí, espero que siga siendo así.
Al, as much as I'd like it to be, I don't think I'm here to keep you and Beth together.
Aunque me encantaría no creo que esté aquí para mantenerlos juntos a Beth y a ti.
It's like if we could put our hearts together and keep them that way forever, we'd be safe, no matter what.
Si unimos nuestros corazones y estamos siempre juntos estaremos a salvo de todo.
It was important for them to cluster together when they were first born and naked in order that they should keep warm.
Cuando eran recién nacidos y estaban desnudos, era importante para ellos mantenerse en grupos, ya que debían mantenerse abrigados.
It's gonna keep us together for the rest of our lives.
Nos mantendrá juntos por el resto de nuestras vidas.
Sometimes when it was bad the only way to keep my mind together was to concentrate on ways of killing you.
Cuando lo veía todo negro... La única forma de no enloquecer... Era concentrándome en la manera de matarle.
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keep it clean 38
keep it a secret 17
keep it real 39
keep it up 404
keep it cool 16
keep it in your pants 49
keep it light 16
keep it going 151
keep it that way 54
keep it safe 28
keep it coming 99
keep it moving 169
keep it steady 42
keep it straight 27
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keep it tight 44
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keep it 585
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keep it coming 99
keep it moving 169
keep it steady 42
keep it straight 27
keep it down 315
keep it tight 44
keep it to yourself 61
keep it 585
keep it quiet 41
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keep it short 16
keep it there 25
keep it movin 16
together 2280
together forever 35
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