Take it all traduction Espagnol
7,889 traduction parallèle
Yeah, it takes some time to take it all in.
Ya, lleva un tiempo entenderlo todo.
Take it all in.
- Take it all.
- Tómalo todo.
You can take it all.
Es tuyo.
I'll take it all under consideration.
Lo tendré en mente.
Take it all off!
¡ Quítatelo todo! ¡ Quítatelo todo!
If I could take all your pain away and make it mine,
Si pudiera alejar todo tu dolor... y hacerlo mío,
All right, take it easy okay.
Muy bien, tómalo con calma bien.
So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world.
Está bien, puedes hacer eso, o dejar todo eso ahí y venir a buscarlo cuando dominemos el mundo.
Way to take all the fun out of it.
Es una manera de sacarle lo divertido.
Sukumar, what you take for your fight for the country's freedom it is not that at all
Sukumar, lo que tomas para luchar por la libertad del país no es eso en absoluto.
All right, take it down a notch, Sir Laurence Olivi-gay.
Muy bien, no te lo creas tanto, Sir Laurence Olivi-gay.
I'll take care of it, okay? The last person to see Rachel was Howard Markby, a neighbour of Mrs Garrison. All right look, when this meeting is done I'll take the rest of the day off.
Cuando termine la reunión, me tomaré el día libre.
- Jesus, it'll take all day.
- Jesús, va a llevarse todo el día.
They will all seek to take advantage of it.
Ellos tratarán de sacar ventaja con ello.
She really hates it when I take all of her stuff out of our room and puts it in the lounge like she's the bloody lodger.
Ella realmente odia cuando llevo todas sus cosas fuera de nuestra habitación y las pongo en el salón como si fuera la maldita huésped ".
Yeah, it's just a bunch of take-out menus from all my favorite places in the city.
Sí, es sólo un montón de menús... de todos mis lugares favoritos en la ciudad.
We just all need to agree to take it.
Sólo tenemos que acordar aprovecharla.
- Oh, it's all right. I'll just take java.
Sólo tomaré Java.
And take all the money that falls from it.
Vamos a correr la panadería junto.
It seems we'll take him after all.
Parece que nos lo quedaremos al final.
I would like in maybe two or three years, it's gonna take time, I know, cos of all red tape and what have you and town hall, you know, Munchkins is for the world's press to come back in three years'time and say,
Lo lograremos en dos o tres años, tomará tiempo, lo sé, por todas las formalidades pero lo que tú y el ayuntamiento, sabes, deben hacer es venir aquí dentro de tres años y decir,
It'll take the best part of three days to get them all off.
Llevará casi tres días sacarlos a todos.
I don't know, I wish I could take it all back.
¿ Importaba? Creo que lo hizo, yo sé que lo hizo.
Yeah, I couldn't let all your work go to waste, so Jessie and I came here every day after school to water it, take care of it, give it some TLC.
Pero Jessie y yo vinimos todos los días después de la escuela. Sabíamos lo importante que era para ti.
Oh, good for you, sweetie. Why don't you just take it with our compliments, all right?
Qué linda, querida. ¿ Por qué no te largas con tus elogios?
- That's all it would take to make me Cinderella....
- Es todo lo que me haría Cenicienta...
Well, I couldn't take it any longer so I found a way, and, uh... we all find a way, I suppose.
- Ya no podía soportarlo más... así que encontré la forma y...
This bitterness between us I... I can't take it anymore. All right.
Esa amargura que hay entre nosotros... ya no puedo soportarla.
And to liberate this town, it's gonna take all the help we can get.
Para liberar este pueblo, se necesita toda la ayuda.
Yeah, this is gonna take all of your literary prowess to come up with something nice to say about it, honey.
Si, esto va necesitar de toda tu destreza literaria para encontrar algo bonito que decir sobre él, cariño.
It looks like we can take all the same classes.
Parece que podemos tener las mismas clases.
- They're going to try to take it away. All of it.
- Ellos tratarán de llevárselo todo.
Trixie, all I'm saying is it wasn't your place or mine to take the Bishop to task.
Trixie, solo digo que no era tu tarea o la mía el regañar al obispo.
Says if you cut one and put it in your sick room, it will take away all the germs.
Dice que si cortas una y la pones en la clínica, espantará a todos los gérmenes.
And they'd take a rather dim view of it all in the food hall at Fortnum Mason.
Y no creo que sentara bien en una recepción con comida en Fortnum and Mason.
Along with that perfect diamond, I have given them my life savings, so all it would take for me to get you into trouble would be a phone call informing them of all of the things I would've loved to have donated to the cause,
¡ Junto con ese diamante perfecto, les he dado los ahorros de mi vida, así que todo lo que necesitaría para meterte en problemas sería una llamada informándoles de todas las cosas que me hubiera encantado haber donado a la causa,
You know, you can rant and deflect blame all you want, or you can own this, take responsibility for it, and go fix it.
Sabes, puedes despotricar y desviar la culpa todo lo que quieras, o puedes adueñartela, tomar responsabilidad por esto, ir y arreglarlo.
It's so nice to be able to look at a list of food and say, "I'll take all of it."
Es lindo ver un menú y decir : "Quiero todo". No.
It's starting to feel weird letting all these firms suck up to us, even though we're not gonna take their money.
Es incómodo que estas firmas nos adulen... aunque no vayamos a aceptar su dinero.
Take it and release all of them.
Toma y libéralos a todos.
I can't stand to see that, because if I see that, it's just going to take her out so much. She came out to San Francisco and had this coffee-house career. She almost died that time, she lost all this weight and she went back to Texas and her mother said, if you ever go back out there again, you're going to die.
No puedo ver eso, si lo veo eso acabaría con ella la primera vez que vino a San Francisco tenia una pequeña carrera, casi muere, perdí peso y tuvo que regresar a Texas ya sabes, su madre le dijo, que si regresaba aquí, moriría.
Sir, all the lights in C-Dorm went out, so I sent some of the girls in electrical down to take a look at it.
Señor, el dormitorio C quedó a oscuras, así que envié a algunas chicas de electricidad.
If the Turks are victorious, it gives them a stronghold to take all of Italy.
Si los turcos salen victoriosos, eso les dará fortaleza para hacerse con toda Italia.
He's gonna take it back all the way.
Se va a tomar de nuevo todo el camino.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it all.
No se preocupe, yo me encargo de todo.
After all those years I finally - I couldn't take it anymore.
Después de todos esos años Me finally
By the way, it's all American money, so why don't you take this to the press?
Es dinero estadounidense, ¿ así que por qué no lleva esto a la prensa?
And when it all goes to shit, you'll have to take responsibility for that.
Y cuando todo se vaya a la mierda, vas a tener que asumir responsabilidades.
I think it's going to take a little time for you to remember all those surnames.
¡ Nos llevaría mucho tiempo recordar a todos!
You're all women, I take it?
Sois todas mujeres, ¿ verdad?
take it all off 18
take it easy 3777
take it away 239
take it 3226
take it slow 68
take it down 128
take it up 36
take it down a notch 45
take it or leave it 210
take it off 554
take it easy 3777
take it away 239
take it 3226
take it slow 68
take it down 128
take it up 36
take it down a notch 45
take it or leave it 210
take it off 554
take it back 224
take it home 26
take it from me 172
take it like a man 22
take it outside 56
take it out 200
take it with you 38
take it and go 23
take it easy there 31
take it in 45
take it home 26
take it from me 172
take it like a man 22
take it outside 56
take it out 200
take it with you 38
take it and go 23
take it easy there 31
take it in 45