That woman traduction Espagnol
30,064 traduction parallèle
Was that woman you?
¿ Fue Ud. esa mujer?
That woman stole my child.
Esa mujer robó a mi hijo.
There's no way in hell I'm helping that woman get out of jail.
De ninguna manera ayudaré a que esa mujer salga de la cárcel.
You heard that woman's calling herself an alcoholic now, right?
¿ Te enteraste de qué va diciendo de sí misma que es una alcohólica, verdad?
That's how life rolls for that woman.
Así funciona la vida para esa mujer.
Frank, if you go anywhere near that woman or her child, I'll send the police right to your ass.
Frank, si te acercas a esa mujer o a su hija, mandaré a la policía directa a por ti.
Who is that woman?
¿ Quién es esa mujer?
No more saying that we hurt that woman.
No decir más que le hicimos daño a esa mujer.
A guy who gets really nervous when asked about that woman.
Un tipo que se pone muy nervioso cuando le pregunto sobre la mujer.
Imagine that woman, all these years, keeping hope alive, never re-marrying.
Imaginar que la mujer, de todos estos años, mantenimiento viva la esperanza, nunca se vuelva a casar.
I should really call that woman who came by earlier.
Realmente debería llamar a esa mujer que vino por el anterior.
You took that woman's hand and addressed her directly.
Tomaste de la mano a esa mujer y le hablaste directamente.
You were not actually flirting with that woman.
En serio no estabas coqueteando con esa mujer.
Hey, Castle, um, what was the name of that woman that you interviewed...
- ¿ Quién es la mujer que entrevistaste?
Stop that woman.
- Detén a esa mujer.
And I cannot in all conscience do other than blame that woman, that sinful, hateful woman... who with her more mature years and social advantages surely should have shown better responsibility.
Y no puedo, en conciencia, sino culpar a esa mujer, esa pecadora, odiosa mujer... Quien con la madurez de sus años y sus ventajas sociales ciertamente debería haber mostrado más responsabilidad.
Get that woman here.
Trae a esa mujer aquí.
That woman whose body we found last night, her name was Karen Vecchione.
La mujer cuyo cuerpo encontramos anoche, se llamaba Karen Vecchione.
If that woman posts her camera phone video that she took with a camera phone camera to the Internet, Figgis could figure out where we are.
Si esa mujer sube el vídeo de su móvil con cámara que ha grabado con la cámara del móvil con cámara a Internet, Figgis podría averiguar dónde estamos.
That... was my intention, until some infernal woman started squawking!
Esa fue mi intención, hasta que una mujer infernal comenzó a graznar.
What, you seriously... You tried to kiss a woman who was holding a big red sign that said "stop"?
¿ De veras intentaste besar a una mujer con un gran letrero rojo que decía "Alto"?
All right, so, you're telling me that you think I should commit to a woman that you think I'm immature for dating?
¿ Me estás diciendo que debería comprometerme con una mujer, por la cual me crees inmaduro?
All that money that's been coming in from you and Jack... he took it, ran off to Florida with some woman he met a month ago.
Todo el dinero que tú y Jack me habéis entregado... se lo ha llevado, ha huido a Florida con una mujer que conoció hace un mes.
Leonard, I am so happy that you have found a woman who loves and cares for you.
Leonard, estoy muy feliz de que hayas encontrado a una mujer que te ama y se preocupa por ti.
It does not reflect the person that I am either as a lawyer or woman.
No refleja la persona que soy ni como abogada ni como mujer.
Additionally, we stress that Dani is a woman in combat.
Además, hacemos hincapié en que Dani es una combatiente.
Jared, a co-worker of yours stated that your mother humiliated you in front of a woman you were dating.
Jared, un compañero de trabajo suyo dijo que su madre le humilló delante de una mujer con la que estaba saliendo.
You must have been angry with your mother for emasculating you like that, especially in front of a woman who you'd hoped to be intimate with.
Debió haber estado enfadado con su madre por humillarle de esa forma, especialmente delante de una mujer con la que esperaba intimar.
Mike, Brian, and Seamus stole that camera, set fire to the trash can, and attacked this young woman...
Mike, Brian y Seamus robaron esa cámara, prendieron fuego el tacho de basura y atacaron a esta joven mujer...
No, but standing here alone in the dark... what woman does that?
No, pero pararse aquí sola en la oscuridad... ¿ Qué mujer hacer eso?
... section 354'Outraging the modesty of a woman'Rajvir Singh did that to my client Minal Arora in Surajkund's RS Resort.
.. bajo la sección 354 "ultraje de la decencia de una mujer". Rajvir Singh le hizo eso a mi cliente Minal Arora.. .. en el Resort RS en Surajkund.
But the prosecution has proved that you're a woman of questionable character.
Pero la fiscalía demostró que.. .. usted es una mujer de reputación cuestionable.
And since you were a woman of questionable character in the eyes of the accused Rajvir Singh and his friends on that day, at that moment, what did you do to make it clear that right now I am not interested in sex?
Y ya que usted es una mujer de reputación cuestionable.. .. ante los ojos del acusador Rajvir Singh y sus amigos.. .. ese día, en ese momento, ¿ qué hizo usted para dejar en claro..
She had me trying out some new maneuves, and we did that thing where, uh, you hold the woman upside down around the waist, uh...
Ella me había de probar algunos nuevos maneuves, y lo hicimos esa cosa donde, uh, se mantiene la mujer boca abajo alrededor de la cintura, uh...
That blonde woman...
Esa mujer rubia...
It's just that, when I last left 2016, that young woman did not exist.
Es que cuando dejé 2016 por última vez, esa joven no existía.
When I last left 2016, that young woman did not exist.
- Cuando me fui de 2016, esa jovencita no existía.
It was taught to me by a woman that I met in Russia.
Me lo enseñó una mujer que conocí en Rusia.
DNA confirms that our killer's a woman but someone with resources and connections, not this flunky.
El ADN confirmó que el asesino es mujer, pero alguien con recursos, no ella.
Can't wait to moralize when that shit happens to a woman, but the second it's a powerful man, then it's okay to just drag his name through the mud.
No pueden esperar para moralizar cuando esa mierda le sucede a una mujer, pero el segundo es un hombre poderoso, entonces está bien arrastrar su nombre por el barro.
You give a girl another woman's bra, and you will not be having sex with her that night.
Dale a una chica el sostén de otra y no tendrás sexo con ella esa noche.
Closest I've come to dating two women was that time I dated one woman.
Lo más cerca que estuve de salir con dos mujeres fue cuando salía con una.
My son's a fucking junkie, and my wife is a desperate woman, but then you know that.
Mi hijo es un maldito drogadicto y mi esposa es una mujer desesperada, pero eso ya lo sabes.
But I found during my absence that wherever I went, a certain woman robed in black and calling herself Misery walked by my side and leant on my arm as affectionately as if she were my legal wife.
Pero hallé, durante mi ausencia, que donde quiera que fuese, cierta mujer, vestida de negro y haciéndose llamar Desgracia, caminaba junto a mí y se apoyaba en mi brazo tan afectuosamente como si fuera mi legítima esposa.
Why is it that a woman's lot is so very different to a man's?
¿ Por qué el destino de una mujer es tan diferente al de un hombre?
Why is it that the woman's lot is to be perpetually infantilised? Or else invisible and powerless to do anything about it?
¿ Por qué el papel de la mujer es perpetuamente infantilizado o invisibilizado y nos impiden hacer algo al respecto?
When a woman writes something, it's her that's judged.
Cuando una mujer escribe algo, es a ella a quién se juzga.
That she's the kind of woman that can change a man's life, his whole everything.
Que ella es la clase de mujer que puede cambiar la vida de un hombre, todo su todo.
I've forfeited my right to be called a member of the fairer sex according to Lady Eastlake, who speculates that Currer Bell might actually be a woman.
Yo he "perdido mi derecho a ser llamada miembro del bello sexo" según Lady Eastlake, quién especula que Currer Bell es realmente una mujer.
Let's all follow in that brave woman's footsteps and stand up for ourselves.
Sigamos los pasos de esa valiente mujer y pongámonos de pie ante el atropello.
I'm just saying that some guys have a hard time working with other guys that have dated the woman that they may or may not be interested in.
A pesar del bebé y todo lo demás, siempre he sido de esa manera. Bueno, estás manteniendo tus ojos en el premio.
woman 4151
womanizer 20
woman and child 29
woman screaming 45
woman on phone 18
woman laughing 20
woman show 21
woman on radio 16
woman's voice 21
woman to woman 19
womanizer 20
woman and child 29
woman screaming 45
woman on phone 18
woman laughing 20
woman show 21
woman on radio 16
woman's voice 21
woman to woman 19
woman over p 21
woman on p 32
woman on tv 34
woman speaking native language 25
woman on pa 27
woman screams 46
woman laughs 23
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
woman on p 32
woman on tv 34
woman speaking native language 25
woman on pa 27
woman screams 46
woman laughs 23
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150