With the money traduction Espagnol
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What did you expected with the money you gave me?
¡ Ay! ¿ Y qué quería con esa miseria que me dio?
I just figured they ran off with the money.
Pensé que habían huido con el dinero.
What did you do with the money you earned?
¿ Qué hicieron con el dinero que ganaron?
And maybe I could buy myself something pretty with the money he leaves on the nightstand.
Y puede que me compre algo bonito... con el dinero que me deje en la mesita de noche.
I'll be back with the money, guarantee it.
Volveré con el dinero, lo garantizo.
Just... help me with the money and be Billy's dad.
Simplemente... ayúdame con el dinero y sé el padre de Billy.
I was supposed to meet him here this morning with the money.
Se suponía que debía reunirme con él aquí esta mañana con el dinero.
What'd you do with the money?
¿ Qué hiciste con el dinero?
No, Gina, I bought this with the money I was going to spend on our honeymoon to cape canaveral.
No, Gina, compré esto con el dinero que iba a gastar en nuestra luna de miel al cabo Cañaveral.
- Donna, I went in there as a paralegal trying to negotiate with Louis Litt, and I left with the money to become a lawyer, and for the first time in my life, I felt like I could actually be one.
- Donna, fui allí como una asistente legal tratando de negociar con Louis Litt, y me fui con el dinero para convertirme en abogada, y por primera vez en mi vida, sentí que realmente podía serlo.
Gina has a lot of ideas about what to do with the money.
Gina tiene muchas ideas sobre qué hacer con el dinero.
Not with the kind of money these guys are making.
No con la cantidad de dinero que van cobrar.
He's got nothing to do with why I need the money.
No tiene nada que ver con que necesite el dinero.
Bring bail money and anything in the kitchen with "high fructose corn syrup" on the label.
Trae el dinero de la fianza y algo de la cocina con "sirope de maíz de alta fructosa" en la etiqueta.
You think you can control the world with your money. What?
Crees que puedes controlar el mundo con tu dinero.
With the number of bills that I originally printed and the number of goods sold so far, there's no way any one student could afford to buy the pie with Mini Society real fake money.
Con el número de billetes que originalmente imprimí... y los bienes vendidos hasta ahora, no hay forma... de que ningún estudiante pueda comprar el pastel... con el dinero falso-real de la Mini Sociedad.
You're the guy with all the money that wrecked Mini Society.
Eres el tipo con todo ese dinero que arruinó la Mini Sociedad.
The victims seen on surveillance video weren't stealing large sums of money, so we're dealing with a much smaller community.
Las víctimas de la cámara de vigilancia no robaban grandes cantidades de dinero, por lo que nos enfrentamos a una comunidad mucho más pequeña.
What are ya gonna do with your share of the money?
¿ Qué harás con tu parte del dinero?
Nikki, the girl I was with at the store, she um... stole all my money.
Nikki, la chica con la que estaba en la tienda, me ha robado todo el dinero.
An executive at a big bank wanted them dead, so he wired the money to someone with the skills, resources, and moral depravity to make that happen.
Un ejecutivo de un gran banco los quería muertos, así que transfirió el dinero a alguien con las habilidades, recursos y falta de moral que hiciera que eso pasase.
The money that Sebastian came up with?
El dinero que Sebastián reunió...
The only allegiances men like him keep are with the faces on his money.
Las únicas lealtades que hombres como él mantienen son con las caras en su dinero.
Should I bring the box of stolen money with me?
¿ Debería llevar la bolsa de dinero robado conmigo?
Which is why I recommend release with probation, so Regina can find honest employment and pay back the money she stole.
Por lo que recomiendo libertad condicional, para que Regina pueda encontrar un empleo honesto y devolver el dinero que robó.
And when you found out that he wasn't going to finish the job, that he was going to leave town and take your money with him, you had him killed.
Y cuando descubrió que él no iba a finalizar el trabajo y que iba a abandonar el país con su dinero... Le mató.
I'm bad with numbers, and... I just honestly, from the bottom of my heart, don't think women should be allowed to handle money.
Soy malo con los números, y... honestamente, desde lo profundo de mi corazón, no creo que las mujeres deban manejar dinero.
Could the money in Bodeen's safe have been to buy influence with O'Hara?
¿ Podría el dinero en la caja fuerte del Bodeen han sido la de comprar influencia con O'Hara?
We figure with the amount of money you're spending, I can bump you to the top of the list.
Con la cantidad de dinero que gastan... creo que los puedo mandar a lo alto de la lista.
Patrick will be so mad about losing out on the money, he'll tell my parents we were tricking them the whole time and I'll end up with nothing.
Patrick estará muy enfadado por perder el dinero, les dirá a mis padres que les estuvimos engañando todo el tiempo y me quedaré sin nada.
Look at that millionaire walking down the street with his bag full of money. "
Mirad a ese millonario caminando por la calle con su mochila llena de dinero. "
With all the money that we've made we could've fed a village, funded a school.
Con todo el dinero que hemos hecho que podríamos haber alimentados con una aldea, financiado una escuela.
What does Widener want with the kidnappers'money?
¿ Qué quiere Widener con el dinero de los secuestradores?
As you all know, Chief Inspector Omer Demir, together with his team, uncovered one of the biggest money laundering crime organizations in the country.
junto con su equipo descubierto una de lasmayor lavado de dinero organizaciones del crimenen el país.
- I think you killed him, murdered him for the money... and a chance to be with his wife.
- Creo que usted le mató... lo asesinó por dinero... y para tener una oportunidad para estar con su mujer.
The money he hid... the funds for which you searched but could not find, sir... their journey to this city brought death with it... 55... man, woman, and child.
El dinero que escondió... los fondos que ha estado buscando pero que no pudo encontrar, señor... en su viaje a esta ciudad, trajeron la muerte a... 55... hombres, mujeres y niños.
We're throwing a charity auction to raise money for the unity concert, and we're gonna need it too, if I'm gonna perform Islands In the Stream with a Sacagawea hologram.
Haremos una subasta para recaudar fondos para el Concierto de la Unidad. Y también vamos a necesitarlos si quiero cantar Islands in the Stream con el holograma de Sacagawea.
Stylax bought me the medicine with his pocket money.
Stylax me compró la medicina con su paga.
I'm pretty sure those texts you were sending will correspond with messages sent to my fellow undercover officer, and I'm betting that we'll find the rest of the marked money in your bag. Sorry. You would have had so much more fun if you just came home with me.
Hubieras tenido mucha más diversión simplemente yendo a casa conmigo.
Rayna doesn't have the money or the resources to help you with your career or anything else.
Rayna no tiene el dinero o los recursos para ayudarte con tu carrera o cualquier otra cosa.
Once they go on tour with four-D, we're gonna have the money, and you're gonna be able to pay for your flooring.
Una vez se vayan de gira con los Four-D, vamos a tener el dinero, y tú vas a poder pagar tus suelos.
Those Barkers may be a foul lot, but they have money enough, and it was a fine match for the likes of you, and you had to ruin it with your silly ideas.
I-I just want you to know that whatever you decide, I will be here for you with the one thing your grandfather's money can't buy.
Solo quiero que sepas que decidas lo que decidas, estaré aquí para ti con la única cosa que el dinero de tu abuelo no puede comprar.
But I don't want someone who's with me for the money.
Pero yo no quiero a alguien quien está conmigo por el dinero.
This totally tracks with your intel about the Indonesian money buyer.
Esto coincide con tu información sobre el comprador de dinero indonesio.
Jones's work on the PX servers overlapped with a CIA money laundering operation.
El trabajo de Jones buscando los servidores de IF coincidió... con una operación de blanqueo de capitales de la CIA.
They don't have the money to rebuild, so they were forcing 700 kids into crowded trailers without air-conditioning with porta-potties as bathrooms.
No tienen dinero para reconstruirla, así que metieron 700 chicos en remolques sin aire acondicionado y con baños portátiles.
I know for a fact that you're out there on the street and you're rubbing shoulders with scum, and I can only imagine how much money you've taken and not vouchered.
Se de hecho que están alli fuera en la calle y están refregando espaldas con espuma, y solo puedo imaginar cuanto dinero han tomado y no comprobado.
Hey... um, just to be clear, the way this works is that I pay you money and in return you have sex with me?
Oye... solo para que quede claro, la manera en que esto funciona es que ¿ te pago tu dinero y tienes sexo conmigo?
With all the work that we've done, all the money that's been put in, it's all for that one critic from the Times.
Con todo el trabajo que hemos hecho, todo el dinero que ha sido aportado, es todo por un crítico del Times.
Like you were about to leave a primo job to go halfway across the world, with no money, no prospects.
Estabas a punto de dejar un trabajo de primera para ir al otro lado del mundo, sin dinero, sin perspectivas.
with them 85
with these 46
with the 194
with the police 23
with the help of my friends at s 35
with the girls 16
with the others 22
with the baby 23
with the kids 25
the money's gone 37
with these 46
with the 194
with the police 23
with the help of my friends at s 35
with the girls 16
with the others 22
with the baby 23
with the kids 25
the money's gone 37
the money 459
the money's good 16
money 2165
moneypenny 26
money talks 25
moneybags 16
money first 26
money isn't everything 29
money problems 28
money laundering 67
the money's good 16
money 2165
moneypenny 26
money talks 25
moneybags 16
money first 26
money isn't everything 29
money problems 28
money laundering 67
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with us 243
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with a 297
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with a 297