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And he's good traduction Français

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He's a piece of Coon and Friends, who'll continue to fight for good and justice.
C'est un membre du Coon et ses amis, qui combattent pour le bien et la justice.
Well, he's got a career, he's a published author, he makes good money, he's clever, witty, handsome, and he's very, very charming.
Il a une carrière, c'est un auteur publié, il gagne bien sa vie, il est intelligent, spirituel, et vraiment, vraiment charmant.
And when the TV disappears, or the good silver, he's only got two stories.
Quand la télé disparaît, ou l'argenterie, il raconte deux trucs.
He's young, wealthy, tall, and good-looking.
Il est jeune, riche, grand et beau.
I don't think he's your oppa... If he's good looking, tall, and rich, he's an oppa!
Je ne pense pas que c'est votre Oppa... il est un Oppa!
Since he's good-looking, well-mannered and wealthy, women tend to follow him around.
les femmes ont tendance à lui tourner autour.
And he said it's looking good.
Ca se présente bien.
Whether he's a good-for-nothing or not, we'll just have to wait and see.
nous allons juste attendre et observer.
He's not in good health and this will just cause him stress.
Il n'est pas en bonne santé et cela lui causera juste du stress.
First of all, ew, and second, he's a really good person.
Ensuite, il est très gentil.
- He's really good and he needs work.
Il a besoin de travailler.
I've been briefing him in the car and I think he's good.
- Je l'ai briefé en venant et ça va, je pense.
Well, tell him to come up and see me after he's kissed them good night, would you, Carol, darling?
Eh bien, dis-lui de monter un moment, s'il te plaît, après qu'il leur ait souhaité bonne nuit. Veux-tu, Carol, chérie?
And then George got up and jumped on his back. And, poor George, he said, "You know, God, " just when he got off of me, I was thinking'Oh, good,'
Je l'avais frappé plusieurs fois, le sang coulait sur ses cheveux quand il s'est mis debout, m'a couru après et m'a attrapée par le cou.
And he's looking mighty good out there.
Il assure.
And then we just pray to God that he's in a good mood.
Maintenant, prions le ciel qu'il soit de bonne humeur.
And would be content to give him good report for it, but that he pays himself with being proud.
On lui en serait reconnaissants s'il n'était pas si arrogant.
And I felt like he's good, and then once I met him and saw how personable he was and, like, excited and not fucked-up and you know, just like a guy that we sent him music,
Je le trouvais bon, puis je l'ai rencontré et j'ai vu qu'il était sociable, motivé et pas complètement cinglé.
And that's when he's in tune with the good stuff, you know.
C'est dans ces moments-là qu'il excelle.
And he's got something in there, like, he's infected, and that's gonna come out again somewhere. Good luck, guys.
Mais il a quelque chose, il est infecté, et ça va se manifester un jour ou l'autre.
And he's as good a man as any Santa there's ever been.
Et il vaut bien tous les pères Noël qu'on a connus!
And Uncle Stevie, he's a good friend.
Puis gros Stevie, c'est un bon chum.
He's good at it for five minutes, and it's gone.
Il le fait pendant cinq minutes, et c'est fini.
And he's dead good at singing and that ".
Bono a de super cheveux. "Il chante rudement bien."
- And he's good at rugby.
- Et il est bon au rugby. - Oui.
He feels too good, and he likes... even if he started to go off a little bit, he feels too good, his energy's too good, he looks younger.
Il se sent trop bien, il a beaucoup d'énergie et il a l'air plus jeune.
Good feet and teeth. He's as sound as a bell, sir.
Bons pieds, belles dents.
- And he's a good boy.
- Et lui c'est un bon garçon.
Well, he's very kind and a good storyteller.
Il est très gentil, et il raconte bien les histoires.
In the ransom note and Mr. Hauptmann's writings... he wrote the word "anyding" for "anything", uh, "gut" for "good"...
Dans les demandes de rançon, Hauptmann écrit "n'impote" pour "n'importe" "bau" pour "beau",
He's kind of weird-looking, and he's not in very good shape.
Il a un air bizarre et il est pas super sportif.
I mean, there's good, and there's evil. Life is all about taking sides, and Broadsky- - well, he joined the wrong team.
Dans la vie, on doit choisir son camp... et Broadsky a rejoint la mauvaise équipe.
I think it's possible that he still hopes that maybe you will stand down and let him do what he calls his "good work" unimpeded.
Je pense qu'il est possible qu'il espère toujours que peut-être vous vous désisterez et le laisser faire ce qu'il appelle du "bon travail", librement.
According to Damian's credit card receipts, he spent her money on good scotch, box seats, and Cuban cigars.
Seigneur, c'est affreux. - Vous avez décidé de déménager? - Pas sans combattre.
And you knew if he reported you, you could kiss your olympic dreams good-bye, and so you killed him.
S'il vous dénonçait, adieu vos rêves olympiques. Donc, vous l'avez tué.
Listen, one day, you, me and every one of us are gonna have to stand before God and he's gonna do what good judges do.
Un jour, toi, moi, tout le monde, on va se retrouver devant Dieu et il sera notre juge.
He's a good American, and he's changed.
C'est un bon Américain et il a changé.
The bottom line is, he's got a family that loves him and misses him, and we'll be a good support system for when he gets out.
L'important, c'est que sa famille l'aime et il nous manque. On le soutiendra quand il sera libéré.
He's out of my life for good, and you can rest assured that my family and friends are nothing like him... most of the time.
Il est en dehors de ma vie pour toujours et vous pouvez être sûre que ma famille et mes amis ne sont pas comme lui, la plupart du temps.
And in other good news, he gave us a scare, but he's back now.
Autre bonne nouvelle! Il nous a fait peur, mais il est revenu.
After he spends the day with me away from Andy, he'll remember how good we are together and he'll invite me to move back in!
Après avoir passé une journée avec moi sans Andy, il se souviendra comme on s'amuse et m'invitera à revenir!
He's holding a fundraiser tomorrow afternoon in our courtyard and it would be a good thing if you showed up.
Il organise une collecte de fonds demain dans notre cour. Il serait bien que vous soyez présent.
- Uh-huh. - And he's got good days and bad days.
Il alterne les bons et les mauvais jours.
But he's a very good musician and so are you.
Mais c'est un bon musicien et toi aussi.
But he's fine now and he's in AA and he's so good. He's in AA?
- Il est aux A.A. et il est génial.
Now it's like, " hey, we got good news and bad news.
Et là : "Hé, on a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle."
You know, if he didn't chafe and buck up against you, you wouldn't know you were turning him into a good cop.
Tu sais, s'il se rebellait pas contre toi, tu saurais pas que t'en fais un bon flic.
And he wanted to get a good night's sleep before his first day of law school.
Et il voulait une bonne nuit de sommeil avant son 1er jour en Droit.
Because I know what he's capable of, and... you know, if he joined the Navy right now, that wouldn't be good for you or him.
Je sais ce dont il est capable... S'il entrait dans la Marine maintenant, ce ne serait pas bon pour lui ni pour vous.
And some violent outbursts while intoxicated, but he's basically a good kid.
Et des accès de violence quand il était drogué, mais il est fondamentalement bon.
Then you got bigger, and they were like, " Terry, he's so good-looking.
Puis tu as grandi : " Terry, il est tellement séduisant.

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