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He is coming traduction Français

1,475 traduction parallèle
He is coming.
Il va venir.
- Dr. Taylor called. He is coming.
- Le docteur Taylor a téléphoné.
He is coming alone.
Il vient seul.
What's the problem? He thinks that something must be getting lost in his translation... and that his work is coming out irrationally.
Il pense que quelque chose se perd dans sa traduction... et que son travail apparaît irrationnellement.
The problem is, he thinks you're Kevin... so he's coming after you to kill you.
Le problème, c'est qu'il croit que vous êtes Kevin... Et qu'il vous cherche pour vous tuer.
- Honey, is he coming?
- Il vient?
And blood is coming out of his ears, and he's just laying there and then this hippie dyke chick comes out with crystal and she rubs it all over him.
Y avait du sang qui coulait de ses oreilles. Une gouine hippie s'est ramenée avec du cristal... et en a frotté sur lui.
- God is coming and he's pissed.
- Le Seigneur arrive et Il est furax.
- God is coming and he's pissed!
- Le Seigneur arrive et Il est furax!
He's not coming, is he?
Il ne vient pas n'est-ce pas?
Is he coming this way?
II vient par ici?
Is he scared of coming here?
Il est sorti et il n'ose pas venir?
- When is he coming?
Il devait pas venir aujourd'hui?
What time is he coming?
Tu lui as dit à quelle heure?
He is wounded, coming from hospital. They won't start looking for him.
Un blessé qui rentre de l'hôpital, personne n'ira le chercher.
Dad isn't coming, is he?
Papa ne viendra pas, hein?
Is he coming to the breakfast?
Il vient au petit-déjeuner?
- Is he coming back?
Oubliez la loi, mesdames et messieurs.
- Is he coming back? - Larry?
- Il revient?
My head. Josef is coming. He'll squeeze my face and my brains will come out my nose.
Josef va encore me faire mal aux joues avec ses gros doigts et je vais mourir.
Is he coming on to you again?
Il essaie encore de flirter avec toi?
He is really happy about his mother coming to visit.
Il a l'air ravi que sa mère lui rende visite.
that's wylie, like, as in wile e. coyote- - is he coming back?
Il va revenir? Sûrement.
How am I gonna get my mind around this? The point I'm trying to make, Chuck, is I think he saw the end coming.
Mon anniv, samedi.
When is he coming back to work?
Quand revient-il au travail?
Terry here is losing his cherry. He's coming with us.
Terry perd son pucelage ce soir.
He's not coming, is he?
Où il est passé le type avec vos cafés?
Shareef is coming here in, like, 10 days, isn't he?
Shareef va venir dans une dizaine de jours?
Is he coming here for a heart transplant?
C'est pour une transplantation?
Mr. Stein is back and he's coming this way
Devine qui vient de sortir de l'ascenseur. M. Stein est de retour et il vient par ici.
is he coming back?
Il va revenir?
If you're looking for Rick, I don't know where he is, and I don't know when he's coming back.
Si c'est pour Rick, j'ignore où il est et quand il rentre.
But his big breakthrough is coming, he's claimed for eight years.
Mais il va bientôt percer, ça fait huit ans qu'il dit ça.
Lootz is all right, so he's walking out of here... with everything he's got coming to him.
Il a tous les droits. Il sortira d'ici avec tout ce qu'il aura gagner.
Is he coming back for another visit?
Il reviendra pour une autre visite?
Is he coming back?
II va revenir?
Is he coming?
Est-ce qu'il vient?
Is he coming?
- Il vient ou pas?
Dad isn't coming back, is he?
Papa ne reviendra pas, hein?
Is he coming?
Quelqu'un vient-il?
He's coming out. Be advised : Suspect is armed.
Il sort, attention, le suspect est armé.
"Valentine's is coming. Will he remember to bring me something?"
"C'est bientôt la Saint-Valentin, est-ce qu'il va y penser?"
Is he coming back?
Il est chaud ce café?
Hey hey. Dobbs is coming in with a cover he found in the woods below the falls.
Dobbs vient avec une couverture qu'il a trouvée dans les bois derrière la cascade.
Tell me where he is, And I'll see that he gets what's coming to him.
Dites-moi où il est et je m'assurerai qu'il a ce qu'il mérite.
Ryan's not coming, is he?
Ryan ne vient pas, c'est ça?
Yo, there he is! For a second I thought you weren't coming, dude.
Yo, regardez qui voilà, pendant un moment, j'ai cru que tu ne viendrais pas, mon pote.
My dad is such an asshole. Drunken bastard doesn't even know I exist. But then he won't let me go to the Skinny Puppy concert because my heroin-addict aunt is coming over for dinner.
Mon père, c'est un con, un alcoolo qui m'ignore mais qui m'interdit un concert parce que ma tante toxico vient dîner.
Is he coming in with you?
Il va venir avec toi?
You guys an agent from immigration is coming to check on Fez and Laurie ’ s marriage and if he finds out it ’ s fake Fez could deported
Les gars! Un agent de l'immigration va venir vérifier le marriage de Fez et Laurie, et s'il découvre que c'est un faux, Fez peut être déporté!
- Is he coming back?
- Il va revenir?

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