He would say traduction Français
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He would say, " You're crooked.
Il disait, " T'es tordu.
If my classmate from the sixth grade that talked about Africa and South America were here, he would say, "Did they ever fit together?"
Mon camarade de 6e, celui qui parlait des côtes africaine et américaine, dirait : "Elles s'emboîtaient avant, non?"
I mean, the things he would say.
Quand je pense aux choses qu'il lui a dites.
This is family. - Yeah, but - He would say no to having dinner with his future mother-and father-in-law?
Refuserait-il de dîner avec ses futurs beaux-parents?
And when he would say this stuff, we were just like, "Yeah, whatever."
Et après qu'il ait dit ça, on lui répondait,'Ouais, c'est ça.'
And he would say, "Well, by education, school."
Et il me disait "Par l'éducation, l'école".
When the sun set, and the moon rose, he would say...'meera, one day, you and me will go on the moon riding a camel "
Quand le soleil était couché, et la lune levée, il disait... 'Meera, un jour, toi et moi, on ira sur la lune à dos de chameau " 'Ce sera juste toi et moi
You see, they had a deal. Whenever you called, he would say that she was taking inventory. Then he'd call her at the club and tip her off and she'd call you at home.
Vous voyez, ils avaient un accord... quand vous appeliez, il devait dire qu'elle faisait l'inventaire, puis, il l'appelait au club, il la prévenait et elle vous rappelait.
Now the Chief, if he had six wives and you were strange, he would say, " Here's my best wife.
Si un chef avait six femmes et que cela vous semblait étrange, il vous disait : " Voici ma meilleure femme.
I'd ask him how he was, and these are the things he would say.
Je lui demandais comment il allait et c'est de ça qu'il parlait.
Why would he say that? He's crazy!
L'appartement est pas terrible, mais le type est mignon.
If he'd have known, he would probably say it's the only thing I've ever done successfully in my life.
S'il savait, il me dirait sûrement que c'est la seule chose que j'ai jamais réussie.
He would joke about it and say this was the Carson family seal, that we were descended from kings.
Il plaisantait à ce sujet et dire Ce fut le sceau de la famille Carson, que nous étions descendus des rois.
Clare : I think he just wanted human contact that he felt would be warm and responsive, whatever he had to say.
Je pense qu'il voulait juste un contact humain qui serait chaleureux et bienveillant, quoi qu'il ait à dire.
Imagine what your Daddy would say if he met me?
Imagine ce que ton père dira quand il me rencontrera?
But he did say that he would provide handwritten contracts for legal purposes.
Par contre, il a dit qu'il fournirait les contrats à la main, pour des raisons légales.
He would never say anything bad against anybody.
Il disait jamais rien sur personne.
I would even dare to say it is not his at all, although he paid for it, a situation that extends to the things he has at home that, being his also, he feels he does not own them,
D'ailleurs il pourrait même dire que sa maison n'est pas sienne, bien qu'il l'ait intégralement payée. Situation qui s'applique à d'autres choses qui, dans sa maison et bien qu'elles soient à lui, ne lui appartiennent pas, ne sont pas perçues comme véritablement siennes.
I have to tell you that when I was a very little girl my daddy would say to me, he said, you know :
Quand j ´ étais petite, mon pêre me disait :
Forensic scientists say they have recreated George Washington as he looked at age 19, while Tom Dobbs has recreated how Thomas Jefferson would've looked if he were crazy.
Des scientifiques disent avoir recréé George Washington tel qu'il était à 19 ans, Tom Dobbs a pour sa part créé un Thomas Jefferson fou.
I thought you would say he was a stranger and kill him.
Je pensais que vous diriez que c'était un Etrange et que vous le tueriez.
Why would a ghost say he's not dead? Dennis McMartin
Pourquoi un fantôme dit qu'il n'est pas mort?
If he had just waited and heard what I had to say, he would be motivated right now and not all wet.
Si seulement il avait attendu la fin de mon exposé... Il serait motivé comme jamais et pas trempé jusqu'aux os.
Why would he say that?
I mean, why would he say that?
Mais pourquoi il lui a dit ça?
What exactly did he say would happen?
Qu'est-ce qui était prévu exactement?
And if I were to die tonight, it is the very first thing I would say to St. Peter if he were remotely interested.
Et si je devais mourir ce soir, CHAMBRE DES LORDS c'est la première chose que je dirais à St. Pierre, si ça l'intéressait.
What would he say?
Que dirait-il?
What would he say, the man whose pistol that is?
L'homme à qui appartient ce pistolet?
You think he did it before or after he killed the mother? I would say after.
Tu penses qu'il l'a fait avant ou après avoir tuer la mère?
It's that, I, you know, I was married to Karl, and I used to try to surprise him, and he would always, always, always, say,
C'est seulement que j'ai été mariée avec Karl. J'essayais de lui faire des surprises. Et il me disait toujours :
Mr. Langrishe was so generous to say he would install me today in the theater.
M. Langrishe a été assez généreux pOur me proposer de m'installer dans le théâtre aujourd'hui.
But he did say he would call me back.
Il me dit qu'il me rappellerait.
Angus, what would Dad say about all this? He wouldn't say anything.
Que dirait Papa de tout ça?
He would never say "relations," and certainly not to describe what we did.
Il ne dirait pas "relations", et surtout pas pour décrire ce que nous avons fait.
He would always say things like, "Kill me now."
Il pouvait dire des choses comme, 'Tue-moi, maintenant.'
You didn't take him serious if he said certain things, because he would almost say it in a joking manner.
On ne le prenait pas trop au sérieux quand il disait certaines choses, d'autant plus... qu'il le disait toujours sur le ton de la plaisanterie.
Why would he say Something? You're the one that
Non, pourquoi il en aurait parlé, tu viens de dire qu'il était pas impliqué...?
Every time I Mentioned the "m" word, he would Say I was getting too clingy.
Dès que j'évoquais le mot en "M", il disait que j'étais trop chiante avec ça.
And he never does that thing That daddy does where he would Say something and then, like, a
Et il fait pas ce truc que papa fait quand il dit quelque chose, et quelques secondes après, il explique qu'il ne pensait pas ce qu'il vient de dire.
What would my dad say if he saw me now?
Que dirait mon père s'il me voyait?
and he would always say, if women have to wear a veil... even men should carry a similar burden.
Et il disait toujours, si les femmes ont à porter le voile... les hommes aussi devraient porter un fardeau similaire. Puis-je dire quelque chose?
Hey, how far from here would you say those crows were?
Hé? A quelle distance d'ici diriez-vous que ces corbeaux étaient?
His old girlfriend did say that he would disappear for stretches at a time, which would explain.
Son ex-petite amie disait qu'il disparaissait de temps en temps pour se détendre, ce qui expliquerait tout.
- So for instance, if he says nobody cares about whether I live or die, - you say... - you would say... you feel like you can't depend on anyone.
- Par exemple, si il dit que personne ne se soucie de savoir si il est vivant ou mort, vous dites... qu'il a l'impression de ne pouvoir compter sur personne.
He would call me late at night, and I would come to where he'd say. And we'd... have sex.
Il m'appelait tard le soir et je me rendais là où il voulait et nous... couchions ensemble.
And he / she would say, "God."
Il va vous répondre "Dieu".
If Kevin O'Neil killed his wife the way you say he did, then the umbrella would have been more red than that one.
Si Kevin O'Neil a tué sa femme de cette manière, alors le parasol serait bien plus rouge que celui-ci.
He said he heard you say you would cut me out of your life if she would take you back.
Ce n'est vraiment pas important. Non, non, non. Il faut que je sache.
He puts it in a machine and pulls it apart. He says, "You're right." So, I would say the majority of the people of the world today are un-sane.
Puis ils le mettent dans une machine qui le teste, et leurs collègues disent : "Vous avez raison!" C'est la raison pour laquelle je dis que la majorité de la population mondiale est déraisonnable.
You know, when I first met Jacque 25 years ago and he would talk to some people about certain inventions, they'd say, "You won't see that - - not in a thousand years."
Lorsque j'ai rencontré Jacque pour la première fois, il y a 25 ans, il parlait de certaines de ses inventions à quelques personnes qui lui disaient : "Ce ne sera jamais réalisé, même dans mille ans!"
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he wouldn't do that 83
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he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
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he wouldn't listen 42
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he would have been 19
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
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he would be 16
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sayonara 114
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say hello to my little friend 37
saying 381
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
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say your prayers 56
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sayuri 58
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say hi 185
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say it like you mean it 26
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say your prayers 56
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say it ain't so 28
say it out loud 26
say something nice 28
say what 525
says who 419
say something to me 20
say your name 29
say something else 34
say it one more time 17
say it ain't so 28
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say what 525
says who 419
say something to me 20
say your name 29
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say thank you 77
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say you're sorry 71
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say hi for me 19
says me 53