Just a moment ago traduction Français
131 traduction parallèle
Just a moment ago, I discovered an amazing phenomenon.
Je viens de découvrir un phénomène stupéfiant.
Just a moment ago, if I didn't answer, it's because...
Tout à l'heure, si je n'ai pas répondu, c'est que...
Colonel Haki? I saw him just a moment ago.
Je viens de le voir passer.
You dialed a number for me just a moment ago- -
Vous m'avez composé un numéro il y a un instant...
Dearest Phyllis, just a moment ago I watched your sweet face as you slept Knowing I had to hurt you again.
Chère Phyllis, je viens de te regarder dormir, sachant que j'allais encore te faire souffrir.
She was sitting right there just a moment ago.
Elle était assise là juste à l'instant.
Just a moment ago Germans were here!
C'était plein d'allemands ici!
Just a moment ago, a man tried to force his way into this house. Officer :
Il y a juste un instant, un homme a tenté de pénétrer de force dans la maison.
Because just a moment ago I was thinking the same thing.
Parce que je pensais à la même chose il y a un instant.
Just a moment ago, you're over there with a boy probably necking, wouldn't you imagine?
Il y a un instant, vous étiez là-bas avec un garçon, certainement à vous peloter, non?
You left here just a moment ago and i thought you forgot something.
Vous avez oublié quelque chose? Quoi? Oublié quelque chose?
At the cigarette vending machine, just a moment ago!
Au distributeur de cigarettes!
You insist! Just a moment ago, your brother's case was discussed with the professor.
- Eh bien, justement... on vient de discuter du cas de ton frère avec le professeur...
Just a moment ago I've run into Akimoto-san, one of your father's friends.
Tout à l'heure, j'ai rencontré Akimoto, un ami de ton père.
We spoke just a moment ago on the phone.
Nous venons juste de nous parler.
But just a moment ago you said I could keep it.
Tu viens de dire que je pouvais le garder.
She was here just a moment ago.
Elle était là à l'instant.
- l saw that just a moment ago. - Good.
- Je l'ai vu il y a un moment.
Just a moment ago it came back to me.
Ça m'est revenu encore une fois.
Try to understand, I was just told about it. Just a moment ago.
Essaye de comprendre, ils m'ont averti au dernier moment, à l'instant.
- Yes. A remark a customer dropped just a moment ago.
Oui : une remarque qu'un client vient de faire.
- The Count was here just a moment ago.
- Le Comte était là.
I'm sorry but this photo represents the face of the child that came to me from the advice of the spirits just a moment ago.
Je suis consultatif mais cette photo représente le visage de l'enfant que m'est venue de les conseils des esprits il ya un instant.
They were here just a moment ago.
Ils étaient ici il ya quelques instants.
He was here just a moment ago.
Il était ici il ya un instant.
Just a moment ago.
A l'instant.
That girl next to me just a moment ago said, "Cynthia is better than her."
Cette fille a dit. "Cynthia est mieux qu'elle."
Was it you who phoned just a moment ago?
C'est toi qui viens d'appeler?
- Just a moment ago.
- ll y a un instant.
Have you seen a Chinese fellow coming by just a moment ago?
Avez-vous vu un Chinois passer il y a un instant?
The big news came just a moment ago.
La grande nouvelle vient de tomber.
She seemed so interested in your advances just a moment ago.
Elle semblait réellement intéressée par vos avances.
He was here just a moment ago.
Il était juste là.
Weren't you just saying a moment ago that you didn't need me?
N'avez vous pas dit il y a un moment que vous n'aviez pas besoin de moi?
Just now, a moment ago.
Maintenant, depuis quelques instants.
I just come by there a while ago on my way over here.
J'y suis passé il y a un moment en venant ici.
A moment ago, you were just saying —
Comment? Mais tu disais...
Why, someone just said the very same thing to me a moment ago in my room.
- Quelqu'un m'a dit la même chose - il y a un instant, dans ma loge.
Just a few moments ago I noticed her pass by.
Je l'ai vue passer il y a un moment.
But you just got here a moment ago.
- Mais tu viens d'arriver.
I just talked to her a little while ago back there.
Je lui parlais encore, il y a un petit moment.
He phoned just a moment ago.
Il vient de téléphoner.
Wasn't just a while ago it was the opposite,
Au bout d'un moment, cela pourrait te servir.
I just saw them come in a moment ago.
Je viens juste de les voir entrer.
The front doorbell went just a moment or two ago, and I thought to myself, "I expect that'll be Alan and..."
On a sonné à la porte il y a un instant et je me suis dit, "Ça doit être Alan et..."
A week ago, just as when we were zeroing in what looked like a rich vein, we began to notice that they were there, hanging around in the bushes...
Juste au moment où on était tombés sur un filon prometteur, on s'est rendu compte qu'ils nous épiaient.
Why, that's just what I was saying a moment ago, right, Mr. Morgan?
C'est ce que je disais il y a un moment, hein, M. Morgan?
Dr. Jarret just ran out a little while ago.
Jarret est parti depuis un petit moment.
All that I said about Sunil just a while ago is all wrong
Tous que j'ai dit au sujet de Sunil il y a juste un moment est entièrement faux
Lucy called just a moment ago.
Lucy a appelé.
as if they were a metaphysical element just as they appeared here a moment ago
comme s'ils étaient un élément métaphysique. Comme à l'instant.
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just a man 25
just a joke 49
just answer me 27
just a reminder 42
just answer the question 165
just a second 863
just a sec 327
just a moment 860
just a little 454
just a man 25
just a joke 49
just answer me 27
just a reminder 42
just answer the question 165
just a second 863
just a sec 327
just a moment 860
just asking 127
just a minute 1540
just ask 167
just a bit 103
just ask him 36
just after 43
just answer 21
just a few days 42
just a little bit 285
just as you are 21
just a minute 1540
just ask 167
just a bit 103
just ask him 36
just after 43
just answer 21
just a few days 42
just a little bit 285
just as you are 21